7 research outputs found

    Cycles, wheels, and gears in finite planes

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    The existence of a primitive element of GF(q)GF(q) with certain properties is used to prove that all cycles that could theoretically be embedded in AG(2,q)AG(2,q) and PG(2,q)PG(2,q) can, in fact, be embedded there (i.e. these planes are `pancyclic'). We also study embeddings of wheel and gear graphs in arbitrary projective planes

    On graphs with unique geoodesics and antipodes

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    In 1962, Oystein Ore asked in which graphs there is exactly one geodesic between any two vertices. He called such graphs geodetic. In this paper, we systematically study properties of geodetic graphs, and also consider antipodal graphs, in which each vertex has exactly one antipode (a farthest vertex). We find necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph to be geodetic or antipodal, obtain results related to algorithmic construction, and find interesting families of Hamiltonian geodetic graphs. By introducing and describing the maximal hereditary subclasses and the minimal hereditary superclasses of the geodetic and antipodal graphs, we get close to the goal of our research -- a constructive classification of these graphs


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    Abstract. We define and study embeddings of cycles in finite affine and projective planes. We show that for all k, 3 ≤ k ≤ q 2, a k-cycle can be embedded in any affine plane of order q. We also prove a similar result for finite projective planes: for all k, 3 ≤ k ≤ q 2 + q + 1, a k-cycle can be embedded in any projective plane of order q. 1