112 research outputs found

    Model-based Reinforcement Learning and the Eluder Dimension

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    We consider the problem of learning to optimize an unknown Markov decision process (MDP). We show that, if the MDP can be parameterized within some known function class, we can obtain regret bounds that scale with the dimensionality, rather than cardinality, of the system. We characterize this dependence explicitly as O~(dKdET)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{d_K d_E T}) where TT is time elapsed, dKd_K is the Kolmogorov dimension and dEd_E is the \emph{eluder dimension}. These represent the first unified regret bounds for model-based reinforcement learning and provide state of the art guarantees in several important settings. Moreover, we present a simple and computationally efficient algorithm \emph{posterior sampling for reinforcement learning} (PSRL) that satisfies these bounds

    Unified Algorithms for RL with Decision-Estimation Coefficients: No-Regret, PAC, and Reward-Free Learning

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    Finding unified complexity measures and algorithms for sample-efficient learning is a central topic of research in reinforcement learning (RL). The Decision-Estimation Coefficient (DEC) is recently proposed by Foster et al. (2021) as a necessary and sufficient complexity measure for sample-efficient no-regret RL. This paper makes progress towards a unified theory for RL with the DEC framework. First, we propose two new DEC-type complexity measures: Explorative DEC (EDEC), and Reward-Free DEC (RFDEC). We show that they are necessary and sufficient for sample-efficient PAC learning and reward-free learning, thereby extending the original DEC which only captures no-regret learning. Next, we design new unified sample-efficient algorithms for all three learning goals. Our algorithms instantiate variants of the Estimation-To-Decisions (E2D) meta-algorithm with a strong and general model estimation subroutine. Even in the no-regret setting, our algorithm E2D-TA improves upon the algorithms of Foster et al. (2021) which require either bounding a variant of the DEC which may be prohibitively large, or designing problem-specific estimation subroutines. As applications, we recover existing and obtain new sample-efficient learning results for a wide range of tractable RL problems using essentially a single algorithm. We also generalize the DEC to give sample-efficient algorithms for all-policy model estimation, with applications for learning equilibria in Markov Games. Finally, as a connection, we re-analyze two existing optimistic model-based algorithms based on Posterior Sampling or Maximum Likelihood Estimation, showing that they enjoy similar regret bounds as E2D-TA under similar structural conditions as the DEC

    The Role of Coverage in Online Reinforcement Learning

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    Coverage conditions -- which assert that the data logging distribution adequately covers the state space -- play a fundamental role in determining the sample complexity of offline reinforcement learning. While such conditions might seem irrelevant to online reinforcement learning at first glance, we establish a new connection by showing -- somewhat surprisingly -- that the mere existence of a data distribution with good coverage can enable sample-efficient online RL. Concretely, we show that coverability -- that is, existence of a data distribution that satisfies a ubiquitous coverage condition called concentrability -- can be viewed as a structural property of the underlying MDP, and can be exploited by standard algorithms for sample-efficient exploration, even when the agent does not know said distribution. We complement this result by proving that several weaker notions of coverage, despite being sufficient for offline RL, are insufficient for online RL. We also show that existing complexity measures for online RL, including Bellman rank and Bellman-Eluder dimension, fail to optimally capture coverability, and propose a new complexity measure, the sequential extrapolation coefficient, to provide a unification

    Conservative Dual Policy Optimization for Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Provably efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (MBRL) based on optimism or posterior sampling (PSRL) is ensured to attain the global optimality asymptotically by introducing the complexity measure of the model. However, the complexity might grow exponentially for the simplest nonlinear models, where global convergence is impossible within finite iterations. When the model suffers a large generalization error, which is quantitatively measured by the model complexity, the uncertainty can be large. The sampled model that current policy is greedily optimized upon will thus be unsettled, resulting in aggressive policy updates and over-exploration. In this work, we propose Conservative Dual Policy Optimization (CDPO) that involves a Referential Update and a Conservative Update. The policy is first optimized under a reference model, which imitates the mechanism of PSRL while offering more stability. A conservative range of randomness is guaranteed by maximizing the expectation of model value. Without harmful sampling procedures, CDPO can still achieve the same regret as PSRL. More importantly, CDPO enjoys monotonic policy improvement and global optimality simultaneously. Empirical results also validate the exploration efficiency of CDPO.Comment: Published at NeurIPS 202

    A Nearly Optimal and Low-Switching Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximation

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    The exploration-exploitation dilemma has been a central challenge in reinforcement learning (RL) with complex model classes. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, Monotonic Q-Learning with Upper Confidence Bound (MQL-UCB) for RL with general function approximation. Our key algorithmic design includes (1) a general deterministic policy-switching strategy that achieves low switching cost, (2) a monotonic value function structure with carefully controlled function class complexity, and (3) a variance-weighted regression scheme that exploits historical trajectories with high data efficiency. MQL-UCB achieves minimax optimal regret of O~(dHK)\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{HK}) when KK is sufficiently large and near-optimal policy switching cost of O~(dH)\tilde{O}(dH), with dd being the eluder dimension of the function class, HH being the planning horizon, and KK being the number of episodes. Our work sheds light on designing provably sample-efficient and deployment-efficient Q-learning with nonlinear function approximation.Comment: 52 pages, 1 tabl

    VOQQL: Towards Optimal Regret in Model-free RL with Nonlinear Function Approximation

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    We study time-inhomogeneous episodic reinforcement learning (RL) under general function approximation and sparse rewards. We design a new algorithm, Variance-weighted Optimistic QQ-Learning (VOQQL), based on QQ-learning and bound its regret assuming completeness and bounded Eluder dimension for the regression function class. As a special case, VOQQL achieves O~(dHT+d6H5)\tilde{O}(d\sqrt{HT}+d^6H^{5}) regret over TT episodes for a horizon HH MDP under (dd-dimensional) linear function approximation, which is asymptotically optimal. Our algorithm incorporates weighted regression-based upper and lower bounds on the optimal value function to obtain this improved regret. The algorithm is computationally efficient given a regression oracle over the function class, making this the first computationally tractable and statistically optimal approach for linear MDPs
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