6,609 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Dynamics in a Simple Model of Self-Assembly

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    We investigate the evolutionary dynamics of an idealised model for the robust self-assembly of two-dimensional structures called polyominoes. The model includes rules that encode interactions between sets of square tiles that drive the self-assembly process. The relationship between the model's rule set and its resulting self-assembled structure can be viewed as a genotype-phenotype map and incorporated into a genetic algorithm. The rule sets evolve under selection for specified target structures. The corresponding, complex fitness landscape generates rich evolutionary dynamics as a function of parameters such as the population size, search space size, mutation rate, and method of recombination. Furthermore, these systems are simple enough that in some cases the associated model genome space can be completely characterised, shedding light on how the evolutionary dynamics depends on the detailed structure of the fitness landscape. Finally, we apply the model to study the emergence of the preference for dihedral over cyclic symmetry observed for homomeric protein tetramers

    Computational models for inferring biochemical networks

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    Biochemical networks are of great practical importance. The interaction of biological compounds in cells has been enforced to a proper understanding by the numerous bioinformatics projects, which contributed to a vast amount of biological information. The construction of biochemical systems (systems of chemical reactions), which include both topology and kinetic constants of the chemical reactions, is NP-hard and is a well-studied system biology problem. In this paper, we propose a hybrid architecture, which combines genetic programming and simulated annealing in order to generate and optimize both the topology (the network) and the reaction rates of a biochemical system. Simulations and analysis of an artificial model and three real models (two models and the noisy version of one of them) show promising results for the proposed method.The Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI–UEFISCDI, Project No. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0917

    Development of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Strain-Enhanced Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    An automated design approach using an evolutionary algorithm for the development of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) is presented. Our algorithmic approach merges computational intelligence techniques with the physics of device structures, representing a design methodology that reduces experimental effort and costs. The algorithm was developed to produce QCLs with a three-well, diagonal-transition active region and a five-well injector region. Specifically, we applied this technique to AlxGa1xAs/InyGa1yAs strained active region designs. The algorithmic approach is a non-dominated sorting method using four aggregate objectives: target wavelength, population inversion via longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon extraction, injector level coupling, and an optical gain metric. Analysis indicates that the most plausible device candidates are a result of the optical gain metric and a total aggregate of all objectives. However, design limitations exist in many of the resulting candidates, indicating need for additional objective criteria and parameter limits to improve the application of this and other evolutionary algorithm methods

    Towards 'smart lasers': self-optimisation of an ultrafast pulse source using a genetic algorithm

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    Short-pulse fibre lasers are a complex dynamical system possessing a broad space of operating states that can be accessed through control of cavity parameters. Determination of target regimes is a multi-parameter global optimisation problem. Here, we report the implementation of a genetic algorithm to intelligently locate optimum parameters for stable single-pulse mode-locking in a Figure-8 fibre laser, and fully automate the system turn-on procedure. Stable ultrashort pulses are repeatably achieved by employing a compound fitness function that monitors both temporal and spectral output properties of the laser. Our method of encoding photonics expertise into an algorithm and applying machine-learning principles paves the way to self-optimising `smart' optical technologies

    A Framework for Genetic Algorithms Based on Hadoop

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are powerful metaheuristic techniques mostly used in many real-world applications. The sequential execution of GAs requires considerable computational power both in time and resources. Nevertheless, GAs are naturally parallel and accessing a parallel platform such as Cloud is easy and cheap. Apache Hadoop is one of the common services that can be used for parallel applications. However, using Hadoop to develop a parallel version of GAs is not simple without facing its inner workings. Even though some sequential frameworks for GAs already exist, there is no framework supporting the development of GA applications that can be executed in parallel. In this paper is described a framework for parallel GAs on the Hadoop platform, following the paradigm of MapReduce. The main purpose of this framework is to allow the user to focus on the aspects of GA that are specific to the problem to be addressed, being sure that this task is going to be correctly executed on the Cloud with a good performance. The framework has been also exploited to develop an application for Feature Subset Selection problem. A preliminary analysis of the performance of the developed GA application has been performed using three datasets and shown very promising performance

    Genetic Algorithm Modeling with GPU Parallel Computing Technology

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    We present a multi-purpose genetic algorithm, designed and implemented with GPGPU / CUDA parallel computing technology. The model was derived from a multi-core CPU serial implementation, named GAME, already scientifically successfully tested and validated on astrophysical massive data classification problems, through a web application resource (DAMEWARE), specialized in data mining based on Machine Learning paradigms. Since genetic algorithms are inherently parallel, the GPGPU computing paradigm has provided an exploit of the internal training features of the model, permitting a strong optimization in terms of processing performances and scalability.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, refereed proceedings; Neural Nets and Surroundings, Proceedings of 22nd Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2012; Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 19, Springe

    High-speed detection of emergent market clustering via an unsupervised parallel genetic algorithm

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    We implement a master-slave parallel genetic algorithm (PGA) with a bespoke log-likelihood fitness function to identify emergent clusters within price evolutions. We use graphics processing units (GPUs) to implement a PGA and visualise the results using disjoint minimal spanning trees (MSTs). We demonstrate that our GPU PGA, implemented on a commercially available general purpose GPU, is able to recover stock clusters in sub-second speed, based on a subset of stocks in the South African market. This represents a pragmatic choice for low-cost, scalable parallel computing and is significantly faster than a prototype serial implementation in an optimised C-based fourth-generation programming language, although the results are not directly comparable due to compiler differences. Combined with fast online intraday correlation matrix estimation from high frequency data for cluster identification, the proposed implementation offers cost-effective, near-real-time risk assessment for financial practitioners.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, More thorough discussion of implementatio
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