2 research outputs found

    Stochastic Modeling of Hybrid Cache Systems

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    In recent years, there is an increasing demand of big memory systems so to perform large scale data analytics. Since DRAM memories are expensive, some researchers are suggesting to use other memory systems such as non-volatile memory (NVM) technology to build large-memory computing systems. However, whether the NVM technology can be a viable alternative (either economically and technically) to DRAM remains an open question. To answer this question, it is important to consider how to design a memory system from a "system perspective", that is, incorporating different performance characteristics and price ratios from hybrid memory devices. This paper presents an analytical model of a "hybrid page cache system" so to understand the diverse design space and performance impact of a hybrid cache system. We consider (1) various architectural choices, (2) design strategies, and (3) configuration of different memory devices. Using this model, we provide guidelines on how to design hybrid page cache to reach a good trade-off between high system throughput (in I/O per sec or IOPS) and fast cache reactivity which is defined by the time to fill the cache. We also show how one can configure the DRAM capacity and NVM capacity under a fixed budget. We pick PCM as an example for NVM and conduct numerical analysis. Our analysis indicates that incorporating PCM in a page cache system significantly improves the system performance, and it also shows larger benefit to allocate more PCM in page cache in some cases. Besides, for the common setting of performance-price ratio of PCM, "flat architecture" offers as a better choice, but "layered architecture" outperforms if PCM write performance can be significantly improved in the future.Comment: 14 pages; mascots 201

    Towards Closing the Programmability-Efficiency Gap using Software-Defined Hardware

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    The past decade has seen the breakdown of two important trends in the computing industry: Moore’s law, an observation that the number of transistors in a chip roughly doubles every eighteen months, and Dennard scaling, that enabled the use of these transistors within a constant power budget. This has caused a surge in domain-specific accelerators, i.e. specialized hardware that deliver significantly better energy efficiency than general-purpose processors, such as CPUs. While the performance and efficiency of such accelerators are highly desirable, the fast pace of algorithmic innovation and non-recurring engineering costs have deterred their widespread use, since they are only programmable across a narrow set of applications. This has engendered a programmability-efficiency gap across contemporary platforms. A practical solution that can close this gap is thus lucrative and is likely to engender broad impact in both academic research and the industry. This dissertation proposes such a solution with a reconfigurable Software-Defined Hardware (SDH) system that morphs parts of the hardware on-the-fly to tailor to the requirements of each application phase. This system is designed to deliver near-accelerator-level efficiency across a broad set of applications, while retaining CPU-like programmability. The dissertation first presents a fixed-function solution to accelerate sparse matrix multiplication, which forms the basis of many applications in graph analytics and scientific computing. The solution consists of a tiled hardware architecture, co-designed with the outer product algorithm for Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication (SpMM), that uses on-chip memory reconfiguration to accelerate each phase of the algorithm. A proof-of-concept is then presented in the form of a prototyped 40 nm Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) chip that demonstrates energy efficiency and performance per die area improvements of 12.6x and 17.1x over a high-end CPU, and serves as a stepping stone towards a full SDH system. The next piece of the dissertation enhances the proposed hardware with reconfigurability of the dataflow and resource sharing modes, in order to extend acceleration support to a set of common parallelizable workloads. This reconfigurability lends the system the ability to cater to discrete data access and compute patterns, such as workloads with extensive data sharing and reuse, workloads with limited reuse and streaming access patterns, among others. Moreover, this system incorporates commercial cores and a prototyped software stack for CPU-level programmability. The proposed system is evaluated on a diverse set of compute-bound and memory-bound kernels that compose applications in the domains of graph analytics, machine learning, image and language processing. The evaluation shows average performance and energy-efficiency gains of 5.0x and 18.4x over the CPU. The final part of the dissertation proposes a runtime control framework that uses low-cost monitoring of hardware performance counters to predict the next best configuration and reconfigure the hardware, upon detecting a change in phase or nature of data within the application. In comparison to prior work, this contribution targets multicore CGRAs, uses low-overhead decision tree based predictive models, and incorporates reconfiguration cost-awareness into its policies. Compared to the best-average static (non-reconfiguring) configuration, the dynamically reconfigurable system achieves a 1.6x improvement in performance-per-Watt in the Energy-Efficient mode of operation, or the same performance with 23% lower energy in the Power-Performance mode, for SpMM across a suite of real-world inputs. The proposed reconfiguration mechanism itself outperforms the state-of-the-art approach for dynamic runtime control by up to 2.9x in terms of energy-efficiency.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169859/1/subh_1.pd