4 research outputs found

    Elementary transformation analysis for Array-OL

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    Array-OL is a high-level specification language dedicated to the definition of intensive signal processing applications. Several tools exist for implementing an Array-OL specification as a data parallel program. While Array-OL can be used directly, it is often convenient to be able to deduce part of the specification from a sequential version of the application. This paper proposes such an analysis and examines its feasibility and its limits

    Elementary transformation analysis for Array-OL

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    Array-OL is a high-level specification language dedicated to the definition of intensive signal processing applications. Several tools exist for implementing an Array-OL specification as a data parallel program. While Array-OL can be used directly, it is often convenient to be able to deduce part of the specification from a sequential version of the application. This paper proposes such an analysis and examines its feasibility and its limits. Keywords: Array-OL, multidimensional signal processing, program analysis Résumé Array-OL est un système de spécification de haut niveau spécialisé dans la définition d’application de traitement du signal intensif. Il existe plusieurs ateliers qui transforment une spécification Array-OL en un programme à parallélisme de données. Bien que Array-OL puisse être utlisé tel quel, il est souvent intéressant de pouvoir déduire ses paramètres d’une version séquentielle de l’application. Ce rapport propose une telle analyse et en examine la faisabilité et les limites. Mots-clés: Array-OL, traitement du signal multidimensionnel, analyse de programme Analysis for Array-OL 1