1 research outputs found

    Impact of Strain on the Performance of Si Nanowires Transistors at the Scaling Limit: A 3D Monte Carlo/2D Poisson Schrodinger Simulation Study

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    In this work we investigate the correlation between channel strain and device performance in various n-type Si-NWTs. We establish a correlation between strain, gate length and cross-section dimension of the transistors. For the purpose of this paper we simulate Si NWTs with a <110> channel orientation, four different ellipsoidal channel cross-sections and five gate lengths: 4nm, 6nm, 8nm, 10nm and 12nm. We have also analyzed the impact of strain on drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) and the subthreshold slope (SS). All simulations are based on a quantum mechanical description of the mobile charge distribution in the channel obtained from a 2D solution of the Schrödinger equation in multiple cross sections along the current path, which is mandatory for nanowires with such ultra-scale dimensions. The current transport along the channel is simulated using 3D Monte Carlo (MC) and drift-diffusion (DD) approaches