39 research outputs found

    Electroactive micro and nanowells for optofluidic storage

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    This paper reports an optofluidic architecture which enables reversible trapping, detection and long term storage of spectrally multiplexed semiconductor quantum dot cocktails in electrokinetically active wells ranging in size from 200nm to 5μm. Here we describe the microfluidic delivery of these cocktails, fabrication method and principal of operation for the wells, and characterize the readout capabilities, storage and erasure speeds, internal spatial signal uniformity and potential storage density of the devices. We report storage and erase speeds of less than 153ms and 30ms respectively and the ability to provide 6-bit storage in a single 200nm well through spectral and intensity multiplexing. Furthermore, we present a novel method for enabling passive long term storage of the quantum dots in the wells by transporting them through an agarose gel matrix. We envision that this technique could find eventual application in fluidic memory or display devices

    Optofluidic lens with tunable focal length and asphericity

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    Adaptive micro-lenses enable the design of very compact optical systems with tunable imaging properties. Conventional adaptive micro-lenses suffer from substantial spherical aberration that compromises the optical performance of the system. Here, we introduce a novel concept of liquid micro-lenses with superior imaging performance that allows for simultaneous and independent tuning of both focal length and asphericity. This is achieved by varying both hydrostatic pressures and electric fields to control the shape of the refracting interface between an electrically conductive lens fluid and a non-conductive ambient fluid. Continuous variation from spherical interfaces at zero electric field to hyperbolic ones with variable ellipticity for finite fields gives access to lenses with positive, zero, and negative spherical aberration (while the focal length can be tuned via the hydrostatic pressure)

    Bright color optical switching device by polymer network liquid crystal with a specular reflector

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    The color optical switching device by polymer network liquid crystal (PNLC) with color filter on a specular reflector shows excellent performance; white reflectance of 22%, color gamut of 32%, and contrast ratio up to 50:1 in reflective mode measurement. The view-angle dependence of the reflectance can be adjusted by changing the PNLC thickness. The color chromaticity shown by the device is close to the limit value of color filters, and its value nearly remains with respect to the operating voltage. These optical properties of the device can be explained from the prediction based on multiple interactions between the light and the droplets of liquid crystal. The high reflectance, vivid color image, and moderate responds time allow the PNLC device to drive good color moving image. It can widely extend the applications of the reflective device. © 2011 Optical Society of America.1

    Control of distributed parameter systems modelled by parabolic variational inequalities of the obstacle type

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    We will investigate the numerical solution of the control problem modelled by parabolic variational inequalities. The general point of view adopted in this work has its roots in the work by R. Glowinski. The optimal control of parabolic variational inequalities is a hot topic in the control of distributed parameter system, since the classical optimality conditions such as KKT conditions do not apply and tools from non-smooth analysis have to be used. We demonstrate the simple approach to address optimal control of parabolic variational inequalities. First, we will introduce the model and describe the solution method. In Section 4 and 5, we will discuss the discretization of the model problem and then a conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the problem numerically. Finally we will present numerical results of optimal control problem related to variational inequality

    Stretchable and reflective displays: materials, technologies and strategies

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    Displays play a significant role in delivering information and providing visual data across all media platforms. Among displays, the prominence of reflective displays is increasing, in the form of E-paper, which has features distinct from emissive displays. These unique features include high visibility under daylight conditions, reduced eye strain and low power consumption, which make them highly effective for outdoor use. Furthermore, such characteristics enable reflective displays to achieve high synergy in combination with wearable devices, which are frequently used for outdoor activities. However, as wearable devices must stretch to conform to the dynamic surfaces of the human body, the issue of how to fabricate stretchable reflective displays should be tackled prior to merging them with wearable devices. In this paper, we discuss stretchable and reflective displays. In particular, we focus on reflective displays that can be divided into two types, passive and active, according to their responses to stretching. Passive displays, which consist of dyes or pigments, exhibit consistent colors under stretching, while active displays, which are based on mechanochromic materials, change their color under the same conditions. We will provide a comprehensive overview of the materials and technologies for each display type, and present strategies for stretchable and reflective displays.This research was supported by Nano Material Technology Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF2018M3A7B4089670). D.Y.K. is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2016-Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program)

    Tunable-Focus Liquid Lens through Charge Injection

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    Liquid lenses are the simplest and cheapest optical lenses, and various studies have been conducted to develop tunable-focus liquid lenses. In this study, a simple and easily implemented method for achieving tunable-focus liquid lenses was proposed and experimentally validated. In this method, charges induced by a corona discharge in the air were injected into dielectric liquid, resulting in “electropressure” at the interface between the air and the liquid. Through a 3D-printed U-tube structure, a tunable-focus liquid lens was fabricated and tested. Depending on the voltage, the focus of the liquid lens can be adjusted in large ranges (−∞ to −9 mm and 13.11 mm to ∞). The results will inspire various new liquid-lens applications

    Deformation of confined liquid interfaces by inhomogeneous electric fields and localized particle forces

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    Hypothesis: Oil-water interfaces that are created by confining a certain amount of oil in a square shaped pixel (∼200 x 200 μm2 with a height of ∼10 μm) topped by a layer of water, have a curvature that depends on the amount of oil that happens to be present in the confining area. Under the application of an electric field normal to the interface, the interface will deform due to inhomogeneities in the electric field. These inhomogeneities are expected to arise from the initial curvature of the meniscus, from fringe fields that emerge at the confining pixel walls and, if applicable, from interfacially adsorbed particles. Modeling and Experiments: We model the shape of the confined oil-water interface invoking capillarity and electrostatics. Furthermore, we measure the initial curvature by tracking the position of interfacially adsorbed particles depending on sample tilt. Findings: We found that the pixels exhibited meniscus curvature radii ranging from 0.6-7 mm. The corresponding model based minimum oil film thicknesses range between 0.7 and 9 μm. Furthermore, the model shows that the initial meniscus curvature can increase up to 76 percent relative to the initial curvature by the electric field before the oil film becomes unstable. The pixel wall and particles are shown to have minimal impact on the interface deformation