3 research outputs found

    Enhanced image reconstruction of electrical impedance tomography using simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique and K-means clustering

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT), as a non-ionizing tomography method, has been widely used in various fields of application, such as engineering and medical fields. This study applies an iterative process to reconstruct EIT images using the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) algorithm combined with K-means clustering. The reconstruction started with defining the finite element method (FEM) model and filtering the measurement data with a Butterworth low-pass filter. The next step is solving the inverse problem in the EIT case with the SART algorithm. The results of the SART algorithm approach were classified using the K-means clustering and thresholding. The reconstruction results were evaluated with the peak signal noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity indices (SSIM), and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE). They were compared with the one-step gauss-newton (GN) and total variation regularization based on iteratively reweighted least-squares (TV-IRLS) methods. The evaluation shows that the average PSNR and SSIM of the proposed reconstruction method are the highest of the other methods, each being 24.24 and 0.94; meanwhile, the average NRMSE value is the lowest, which is 0.04. The performance evaluation also shows that the proposed method is faster than the other methods

    Exploratory Study on the Methodology of Fast Imaging of Unilateral Stroke Lesions by Electrical Impedance Asymmetry in Human Heads

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    Stroke has a high mortality and disability rate and should be rapidly diagnosed to improve prognosis. Diagnosing stroke is not a problem for hospitals with CT, MRI, and other imaging devices but is difficult for community hospitals without these devices. Based on the mechanism that the electrical impedance of the two hemispheres of a normal human head is basically symmetrical and a stroke can alter this symmetry, a fast electrical impedance imaging method called symmetrical electrical impedance tomography (SEIT) is proposed. In this technique, electrical impedance tomography (EIT) data measured from the undamaged craniocerebral hemisphere (CCH) is regarded as reference data for the remaining EIT data measured from the other CCH for difference imaging to identify the differences in resistivity distribution between the two CCHs. The results of SEIT imaging based on simulation data from the 2D human head finite element model and that from the physical phantom of human head verified this method in detection of unilateral stroke

    Development of an optrode for characterization of tissue optical properties at the neural tissue-electrode interface

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)The use of implantable neural probes has become common, both for stimulation and recording, and their applications range from chronic pain treatment to implementation of brain machine interfaces (BMI). Studies have shown that signal quality of implanted electrodes decays over time mainly due to the immune response. Characterization of the tissue-electrode interface is critical for better understanding of the physiological dynamics and potential performance improvement of the electrode itself and its task. This work describes the fabrication of an implantable electrode with optical measurement capabilities for providing means to characterize the tissue-electrode interface using optical spectroscopy. The electrode has a set of waveguides embedded in its shanks, which are used to inject white light into tissue and then collect the light reflected from the tissue surrounding the shanks. The collected light was analyzed with a spectrometer and the spectra processed to detect changes in optical properties, information that allows to track physiological changes. It is believed that the immune response can be correlated to changes in scattering as more cells are recruited to the injury site. The increased cell density in local injury/implantation sites increases the amount of scattering due to the increased number of cell nuclei and membranes that light encounters in its path. Investigation of scattering and absorption coefficients in such interface and their change over time can provide useful data for modeling and determining physiological parameters like blood oxygenation while the actual shape of the acquired spectra might highlight particular phenomena that can be indicative of scaring process or hemorrhaging. Validation of this system was done using optical phantoms based on polystyrene spheres and solutions with various concentrations of fat emulsion, which yielded scattering coefficients similar to those of brain tissue. Results suggest that the developed optrodes are able to detect differences between samples with different scattering coefficients. Improvements of fabrication process are discussed based on experimental results and future work includes attempting to perform fluorescence measurements of voltage reporters for optogenetic applications. The ultimate goal of this project was to create a novel device that is capable of satisfying the unmet need of tissue characterization at the implanted electrode interface as well as a tool for the optogenetics field suitable for greater depths than those a microscope can achieve