19 research outputs found

    Black-box Integration of Heterogeneous Modeling Languages for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Robots belong to a class of Cyber-Physical Systems where complex software as a mobile device has to full tasks in a complex environment. Modeling robotics applications for analysis and code generation requires modeling languages for the logical software architecture and the system behavior. The MontiArcAutomaton modeling framework integrates six independently developed modeling languages to model robotics applications: a component & connector architecture description language, automata, I/O tables, class diagrams, OCL, and a Java DSL. We describe how we integrated these languages into MontiArcAutomaton a-posteriori in a black-box integration fashion.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. GEMOC Workshop 2013 - International Workshop on The Globalization of Modeling Languages, Miami, Florida (USA), Volume 1102 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, 201

    Using Lightweight Activity Diagrams for Modeling and Generation of Web Information Systems

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    The development process of web information systems nowadays improved a lot regarding effectiveness and tool support, but still contains many redundant steps for similar tasks. In order to overcome this, we use a model-driven approach to specify a web information system in an agile way and generate a full- edged and runnable application from a set of models. The covered aspects of the system comprise data structure, page structure including view on data, page- and workflow within the system as well as overall application structure and user rights management. Appropriate tooling allows transforming these models to complete systems and thus gives us opportunity for a lightweight development process based on models. In this paper, we describe how we approach the page- and workflow aspect by using activity diagrams as part of the agile modeling approach MontiWIS. We give an overview of the defined syntax, describe the supported forms of action contents and finally explain how the behavior is realized in the generated application.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Engineering a ROVER language in GEMOC STUDIO & MONTICORE: A comparison of language reuse support

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    Domain-specific languages (DSLs) improve engineering productivity through powerful abstractions and automation. To support the development of DSLs, the software language engineering (SLE) community has produced various solutions for the systematic engineering of DSLs that manifest in language workbenches. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of the language workbenches GEMOC STUDIO and MONTICORE to the MDETools’17 ROVER challenge. To this effect, we refine the challenge’s requirements and show how GEMOC STUDIO and MONTICORE can be leveraged to engineer a Rover-specific DSL by reusing existing DSLs and tooling of GEMOC STUDIO and MONTICORE. Through this, we reflect on the SLE state of the art, detail capabilities of the two workbenches focusing particularly on language reuse support, and sketch how modelers can approach ROVER programming with modern modeling tools

    User-driven Privacy Enforcement for Cloud-based Services in the Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things devices are envisioned to penetrate essentially all aspects of life, including homes and urbanspaces, in use cases such as health care, assisted living, and smart cities. One often proposed solution for dealing with the massive amount of data collected by these devices and offering services on top of them is the federation of the Internet of Things and cloud computing. However, user acceptance of such systems is a critical factor that hinders the adoption of this promising approach due to severe privacy concerns. We present UPECSI, an approach for user-driven privacy enforcement for cloud-based services in the Internet of Things to address this critical factor. UPECSI enables enforcement of all privacy requirements of the user once her sensitive data leaves the border of her network, provides a novel approach for the integration of privacy functionality into the development process of cloud-based services, and offers the user an adaptable and transparent configuration of her privacy requirements. Hence, UPECSI demonstrates an approach for realizing user-accepted cloud services in the Internet of Things.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 listing. The 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014

    Simulations on Consumer Tests: Systematic Evaluation of Tolerance Ranges by Model-Based Generation of Simulation Scenarios

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    Context: Since 2014 several modern cars were rated regarding the performances of their active safety systems at the European New Car Assessment Programme (EuroNCAP). Nowadays, consumer tests play a significant role for the OEM's series development with worldwide perspective, because a top rating is needed to underline the worthiness of active safety features from the customers' point of view. Furthermore, EuroNCAP already published their roadmap 2020 in which they outline further extensions in today's testing and rating procedures that will aggravate the current requirements addressed to those systems. Especially Autonomous Emergency Braking/Forward Collision Warning systems (AEB/FCW) are going to face a broader field of application as pedestrian detection or two-way traffic scenarios. Objective: This work focuses on the systematic generation of test scenarios concentrating on specific parameters that can vary within certain tolerance ranges like the lateral position of the vehicle-under-test (VUT) and its test velocity for example. It is of high interest to examine the effect of the tolerance ranges on the braking points in different test cases representing different trajectories and velocities because they will influence significantly a later scoring during the assessments and thus the safety abilities of the regarding car. Method: We present a formal model using a graph to represent the allowed variances based on the relevant points in time. Now, varying velocities of the VUT will be added to the model while the vehicle is approaching a target vehicle. The derived trajectories were used as test cases for a simulation environment. Selecting interesting test cases and processing them with the simulation environment, the influence on the system's performance of different test parameters will be investigated.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, Fahrerassistenzsysteme und Integrierte Sicherheit, VDI Berichte 2014, pp. 403-41