24 research outputs found

    Noncoherent Capacity of Underspread Fading Channels

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    We derive bounds on the noncoherent capacity of wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channels that are selective both in time and frequency, and are underspread, i.e., the product of the channel's delay spread and Doppler spread is small. For input signals that are peak constrained in time and frequency, we obtain upper and lower bounds on capacity that are explicit in the channel's scattering function, are accurate for a large range of bandwidth and allow to coarsely identify the capacity-optimal bandwidth as a function of the peak power and the channel's scattering function. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the first-order Taylor series expansion of capacity in the limit of large bandwidth, and show that our bounds are tight in the wideband regime. For input signals that are peak constrained in time only (and, hence, allowed to be peaky in frequency), we provide upper and lower bounds on the infinite-bandwidth capacity and find cases when the bounds coincide and the infinite-bandwidth capacity is characterized exactly. Our lower bound is closely related to a result by Viterbi (1967). The analysis in this paper is based on a discrete-time discrete-frequency approximation of WSSUS time- and frequency-selective channels. This discretization explicitly takes into account the underspread property, which is satisfied by virtually all wireless communication channels.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Pulse Shaping, Localization and the Approximate Eigenstructure of LTV Channels

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    In this article we show the relation between the theory of pulse shaping for WSSUS channels and the notion of approximate eigenstructure for time-varying channels. We consider pulse shaping for a general signaling scheme, called Weyl-Heisenberg signaling, which includes OFDM with cyclic prefix and OFDM/OQAM. The pulse design problem in the view of optimal WSSUS--averaged SINR is an interplay between localization and "orthogonality". The localization problem itself can be expressed in terms of eigenvalues of localization operators and is intimately connected to the concept of approximate eigenstructure of LTV channel operators. In fact, on the L_2-level both are equivalent as we will show. The concept of "orthogonality" in turn can be related to notion of tight frames. The right balance between these two sides is still an open problem. However, several statements on achievable values of certain localization measures and fundamental limits on SINR can already be made as will be shown in the paper.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, invited pape

    Information Theory of underspread WSSUS channels

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    The chapter focuses on the ultimate limit on the rate of reliable communication through Rayleigh-fading channels that satisfy the wide-sense stationary (WSS) and uncorrelated scattering (US) assumptions and are underspread. Therefore, the natural setting is an information-theoretic one, and the performance metric is channel capacity. The family of Rayleigh-fading underspread WSSUS channels constitutes a good model for real-world wireless channels: their stochastic properties, like amplitude and phase distributions match channel measurement results. The Rayleigh-fading and the WSSUS assumptions imply that the stochastic properties of the channel are fully described by a two-dimensional power spectral density (PSD) function, often referred to as scattering function. The underspread assumption implies that the scattering function is highly concentrated in the delay-Doppler plane. Two important aspects need to be accounted for by a model that aims at being realistic: neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the realization of the channel; and the peak power of the transmit signal is limited. Based on these two aspects the chapter provides an information-theoretic analysis of Rayleigh-fading underspread WSSUS channels in the noncoherent setting, under the additional assumption that the transmit signal is peak-constrained

    Waterfilling Theorems for Linear Time-Varying Channels and Related Nonstationary Sources

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    The capacity of the linear time-varying (LTV) channel, a continuous-time LTV filter with additive white Gaussian noise, is characterized by waterfilling in the time-frequency plane. Similarly, the rate distortion function for a related nonstationary source is characterized by reverse waterfilling in the time-frequency plane. Constraints on the average energy or on the squared-error distortion, respectively, are used. The source is formed by the white Gaussian noise response of the same LTV filter as before. The proofs of both waterfilling theorems rely on a Szego theorem for a class of operators associated with the filter. A self-contained proof of the Szego theorem is given. The waterfilling theorems compare well with the classical results of Gallager and Berger. In the case of a nonstationary source, it is observed that the part of the classical power spectral density is taken by the Wigner-Ville spectrum. The present approach is based on the spread Weyl symbol of the LTV filter, and is asymptotic in nature. For the spreading factor, a lower bound is suggested by means of an uncertainty inequality.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; channel model in Section III now restricted to LTV filters with real-valued kerne

    A Group-Theoretic Approach to the WSSUS Pulse Design Problem

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    We consider the pulse design problem in multicarrier transmission where the pulse shapes are adapted to the second order statistics of the WSSUS channel. Even though the problem has been addressed by many authors analytical insights are rather limited. First we show that the problem is equivalent to the pure state channel fidelity in quantum information theory. Next we present a new approach where the original optimization functional is related to an eigenvalue problem for a pseudo differential operator by utilizing unitary representations of the Weyl--Heisenberg group.A local approximation of the operator for underspread channels is derived which implicitly covers the concepts of pulse scaling and optimal phase space displacement. The problem is reformulated as a differential equation and the optimal pulses occur as eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. Furthermore this operator--algebraic approach is extended to provide exact solutions for different classes of scattering environments.Comment: 5 pages, final version for 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory; added references for section 2; corrected some typos; added more detailed discussion on the relations to quantum information theory; added some more references; added additional calculations as an appendix; corrected typo in III.

    Eigenvalue Estimates and Mutual Information for the Linear Time-Varying Channel

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    We consider linear time-varying channels with additive white Gaussian noise. For a large class of such channels we derive rigorous estimates of the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the effective channel in terms of the sampled time-varying transfer function and, thus, provide a theoretical justification for a relationship that has been frequently observed in the literature. We then use this eigenvalue estimate to derive an estimate of the mutual information of the channel. Our approach is constructive and is based on a careful balance of the trade-off between approximate operator diagonalization, signal dimension loss, and accuracy of eigenvalue estimates.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory This version is a substantial revision of the earlier versio