1 research outputs found

    Eiffel-like assertions and private methods in Smalltalk

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    In this paper, we describe the current state of a project whose aim is the extension of the Smalltalk environment by incorporating mechanisms and tools promoting the development of quality software. We have included in the Smalltalk context a number of possibilities, which were not available in the original definition of the language. In this sense, assertions can be specified in our extension, in an Eiffellike style, so gaining all benefits that the use of assertions bring with them. We also propose an approach to declare private methods, so that the information hiding capability of Smalltalk is im- The work of Jes'us Garc'ia was partially supported by a grant PCT91/04 from "Consejer'ia de Cultura, Educaci 'on y Turismo de la Comunidad Auton'oma de la Regi'on de Murcia" proved. These mechanisms are integrated with a new browser and documentation tools increasing the understanding of the class behaviour. The extension has been made by maintaining the Smalltalk philosophy; that is, ..