9 research outputs found

    Efficiently Decodable Non-Adaptive Threshold Group Testing

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    We consider non-adaptive threshold group testing for identification of up to dd defective items in a set of nn items, where a test is positive if it contains at least 2≀u≀d2 \leq u \leq d defective items, and negative otherwise. The defective items can be identified using t=O((du)u(ddβˆ’u)dβˆ’u(ulog⁑du+log⁑1Ο΅)β‹…d2log⁑n)t = O \left( \left( \frac{d}{u} \right)^u \left( \frac{d}{d - u} \right)^{d-u} \left(u \log{\frac{d}{u}} + \log{\frac{1}{\epsilon}} \right) \cdot d^2 \log{n} \right) tests with probability at least 1βˆ’Ο΅1 - \epsilon for any Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0 or t=O((du)u(ddβˆ’u)dβˆ’ud3log⁑nβ‹…log⁑nd)t = O \left( \left( \frac{d}{u} \right)^u \left( \frac{d}{d -u} \right)^{d - u} d^3 \log{n} \cdot \log{\frac{n}{d}} \right) tests with probability 1. The decoding time is tΓ—poly(d2log⁑n)t \times \mathrm{poly}(d^2 \log{n}). This result significantly improves the best known results for decoding non-adaptive threshold group testing: O(nlog⁑n+nlog⁑1Ο΅)O(n\log{n} + n \log{\frac{1}{\epsilon}}) for probabilistic decoding, where Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0, and O(nulog⁑n)O(n^u \log{n}) for deterministic decoding

    A framework for generalized group testing with inhibitors and its potential application in neuroscience

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    The main goal of group testing with inhibitors (GTI) is to efficiently identify a small number of defective items and inhibitor items in a large set of items. A test on a subset of items is positive if the subset satisfies some specific properties. Inhibitor items cancel the effects of defective items, which often make the outcome of a test containing defective items negative. Different GTI models can be formulated by considering how specific properties have different cancellation effects. This work introduces generalized GTI (GGTI) in which a new type of items is added, i.e., hybrid items. A hybrid item plays the roles of both defectives items and inhibitor items. Since the number of instances of GGTI is large (more than 7 million), we introduce a framework for classifying all types of items non-adaptively, i.e., all tests are designed in advance. We then explain how GGTI can be used to classify neurons in neuroscience. Finally, we show how to realize our proposed scheme in practice

    Efficient (nonrandom) construction and decoding for non-adaptive group testing

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    The task of non-adaptive group testing is to identify up to dd defective items from NN items, where a test is positive if it contains at least one defective item, and negative otherwise. If there are tt tests, they can be represented as a tΓ—Nt \times N measurement matrix. We have answered the question of whether there exists a scheme such that a larger measurement matrix, built from a given tΓ—Nt\times N measurement matrix, can be used to identify up to dd defective items in time O(tlog⁑2N)O(t \log_2{N}). In the meantime, a tΓ—Nt \times N nonrandom measurement matrix with t=O(d2log⁑22N(log⁑2(dlog⁑2N)βˆ’log⁑2log⁑2(dlog⁑2N))2)t = O \left(\frac{d^2 \log_2^2{N}}{(\log_2(d\log_2{N}) - \log_2{\log_2(d\log_2{N})})^2} \right) can be obtained to identify up to dd defective items in time poly(t)\mathrm{poly}(t). This is much better than the best well-known bound, t=O(d2log⁑22N)t = O \left( d^2 \log_2^2{N} \right). For the special case d=2d = 2, there exists an efficient nonrandom construction in which at most two defective items can be identified in time 4log⁑22N4\log_2^2{N} using t=4log⁑22Nt = 4\log_2^2{N} tests. Numerical results show that our proposed scheme is more practical than existing ones, and experimental results confirm our theoretical analysis. In particular, up to 27=1282^{7} = 128 defective items can be identified in less than 1616s even for N=2100N = 2^{100}

    Generalized Group Testing

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    In the problem of classical group testing one aims to identify a small subset (of size dd) diseased individuals/defective items in a large population (of size nn). This process is based on a minimal number of suitably-designed group tests on subsets of items, where the test outcome is positive iff the given test contains at least one defective item. Motivated by physical considerations, we consider a generalized setting that includes as special cases multiple other group-testing-like models in the literature. In our setting, which subsumes as special cases a variety of noiseless and noisy group-testing models in the literature, the test outcome is positive with probability f(x)f(x), where xx is the number of defectives tested in a pool, and f(β‹…)f(\cdot) is an arbitrary monotonically increasing (stochastic) test function. Our main contributions are as follows. 1. We present a non-adaptive scheme that with probability 1βˆ’Ξ΅1-\varepsilon identifies all defective items. Our scheme requires at most O(H(f)dlog⁑(nΞ΅)){\cal O}( H(f) d\log\left(\frac{n}{\varepsilon}\right)) tests, where H(f)H(f) is a suitably defined "sensitivity parameter" of f(β‹…)f(\cdot), and is never larger than O(d1+o(1)){\cal O}\left(d^{1+o(1)}\right), but may be substantially smaller for many f(β‹…)f(\cdot). 2. We argue that any testing scheme (including adaptive schemes) needs at least Ξ©((1βˆ’Ξ΅)h(f)dlog⁑(nd))\Omega \left((1-\varepsilon)h(f) d\log\left(\frac n d\right)\right) tests to ensure reliable recovery. Here h(f)β‰₯1h(f) \geq 1 is a suitably defined "concentration parameter" of f(β‹…)f(\cdot). 3. We prove that H(f)h(f)∈Θ(1)\frac{H(f)}{h(f)}\in\Theta(1) for a variety of sparse-recovery group-testing models in the literature, and H(f)h(f)∈O(d1+o(1))\frac {H(f)} {h(f)} \in {\cal O}\left(d^{1+o(1)}\right) for any other test function

    Efficiently decodable non-adaptive threshold group testing

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    We consider non-adaptive threshold group testing for identification of up to d defective items in a set of n items, where a test is positive if it contains at least 2leq uleq d defective items, and negative otherwise. The defective items can be identified using t=O(( frac d u) u(frac d d-u) d-u(ulogfrac d u+logfrac 1 Ο΅)d 2log n) tests with probability at least 1-Ο΅ for any Ο΅ > 0 or t= Oleft(left(frac b uright) uleft(frac d d-uright) d-ucdot d 3log n cdot log frac n dright) tests with probability 1. The decoding time is ttimes poly (d 2log n). This result significantly improves the best known results for decoding non-adaptive threshold group testing: O(n log n+nlogfrac 1 Ο΅) for probabilistic decoding, where Ο΅ > 0, and O(n ulog n) for deterministic decoding

    Efficiently Decodable Non-Adaptive Threshold Group Testing

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