109,857 research outputs found

    The Domain Transform Solver

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    We present a framework for edge-aware optimization that is an order of magnitude faster than the state of the art while having comparable performance. Our key insight is that the optimization can be formulated by leveraging properties of the domain transform, a method for edge-aware filtering that defines a distance-preserving 1D mapping of the input space. This enables our method to improve performance for a variety of problems including stereo, depth super-resolution, and render from defocus, while keeping the computational complexity linear in the number of pixels. Our method is highly parallelizable and adaptable, and it has demonstrable scalability with respect to image resolution

    Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder with GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing

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    The compact descriptors for visual search (CDVS) standard from ISO/IEC moving pictures experts group (MPEG) has succeeded in enabling the interoperability for efficient and effective image retrieval by standardizing the bitstream syntax of compact feature descriptors. However, the intensive computation of CDVS encoder unfortunately hinders its widely deployment in industry for large-scale visual search. In this paper, we revisit the merits of low complexity design of CDVS core techniques and present a very fast CDVS encoder by leveraging the massive parallel execution resources of GPU. We elegantly shift the computation-intensive and parallel-friendly modules to the state-of-the-arts GPU platforms, in which the thread block allocation and the memory access are jointly optimized to eliminate performance loss. In addition, those operations with heavy data dependence are allocated to CPU to resolve the extra but non-necessary computation burden for GPU. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the proposed fast CDVS encoder can work well with those convolution neural network approaches which has harmoniously leveraged the advantages of GPU platforms, and yielded significant performance improvements. Comprehensive experimental results over benchmarks are evaluated, which has shown that the fast CDVS encoder using GPU-CPU hybrid computing is promising for scalable visual search

    DPW-SDNet: Dual Pixel-Wavelet Domain Deep CNNs for Soft Decoding of JPEG-Compressed Images

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    JPEG is one of the widely used lossy compression methods. JPEG-compressed images usually suffer from compression artifacts including blocking and blurring, especially at low bit-rates. Soft decoding is an effective solution to improve the quality of compressed images without changing codec or introducing extra coding bits. Inspired by the excellent performance of the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on both low-level and high-level computer vision problems, we develop a dual pixel-wavelet domain deep CNNs-based soft decoding network for JPEG-compressed images, namely DPW-SDNet. The pixel domain deep network takes the four downsampled versions of the compressed image to form a 4-channel input and outputs a pixel domain prediction, while the wavelet domain deep network uses the 1-level discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) coefficients to form a 4-channel input to produce a DWT domain prediction. The pixel domain and wavelet domain estimates are combined to generate the final soft decoded result. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed DPW-SDNet over several state-of-the-art compression artifacts reduction algorithms.Comment: CVPRW 201

    Image Acquisition System Using On Sensor Compressed Sampling Technique

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    Advances in CMOS technology have made high resolution image sensors possible. These image sensor pose significant challenges in terms of the amount of raw data generated, energy efficiency and frame rate. This paper presents a new design methodology for an imaging system and a simplified novel image sensor pixel design to be used in such system so that Compressed Sensing (CS) technique can be implemented easily at the sensor level. This results in significant energy savings as it not only cuts the raw data rate but also reduces transistor count per pixel, decreases pixel size, increases fill factor, simplifies ADC, JPEG encoder and JPEG decoder design and decreases wiring as well as address decoder size by half. Thus CS has the potential to increase the resolution of image sensors for a given technology and die size while significantly decreasing the power consumption and design complexity. We show that it has potential to reduce power consumption by about 23%-65%

    The STONE Transform: Multi-Resolution Image Enhancement and Real-Time Compressive Video

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    Compressed sensing enables the reconstruction of high-resolution signals from under-sampled data. While compressive methods simplify data acquisition, they require the solution of difficult recovery problems to make use of the resulting measurements. This article presents a new sensing framework that combines the advantages of both conventional and compressive sensing. Using the proposed \stone transform, measurements can be reconstructed instantly at Nyquist rates at any power-of-two resolution. The same data can then be "enhanced" to higher resolutions using compressive methods that leverage sparsity to "beat" the Nyquist limit. The availability of a fast direct reconstruction enables compressive measurements to be processed on small embedded devices. We demonstrate this by constructing a real-time compressive video camera

    Least-Squares FIR Models of Low-Resolution MR data for Efficient Phase-Error Compensation with Simultaneous Artefact Removal

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    Signal space models in both phase-encode, and frequency-encode directions are presented for extrapolation of 2D partial kspace. Using the boxcar representation of low-resolution spatial data, and a geometrical representation of signal space vectors in both positive and negative phase-encode directions, a robust predictor is constructed using a series of signal space projections. Compared to some of the existing phase-correction methods that require acquisition of a pre-determined set of fractional kspace lines, the proposed predictor is found to be more efficient, due to its capability of exhibiting an equivalent degree of performance using only half the number of fractional lines. Robust filtering of noisy data is achieved using a second signal space model in the frequency-encode direction, bypassing the requirement of a prior highpass filtering operation. The signal space is constructed from Fourier Transformed samples of each row in the low-resolution image. A set of FIR filters are estimated by fitting a least squares model to this signal space. Partial kspace extrapolation using the FIR filters is shown to result in artifact-free reconstruction, particularly in respect of Gibbs ringing and streaking type artifacts

    Spectral Representations for Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Discrete Fourier transforms provide a significant speedup in the computation of convolutions in deep learning. In this work, we demonstrate that, beyond its advantages for efficient computation, the spectral domain also provides a powerful representation in which to model and train convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We employ spectral representations to introduce a number of innovations to CNN design. First, we propose spectral pooling, which performs dimensionality reduction by truncating the representation in the frequency domain. This approach preserves considerably more information per parameter than other pooling strategies and enables flexibility in the choice of pooling output dimensionality. This representation also enables a new form of stochastic regularization by randomized modification of resolution. We show that these methods achieve competitive results on classification and approximation tasks, without using any dropout or max-pooling. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of complex-coefficient spectral parameterization of convolutional filters. While this leaves the underlying model unchanged, it results in a representation that greatly facilitates optimization. We observe on a variety of popular CNN configurations that this leads to significantly faster convergence during training

    Sequential Principal Curves Analysis

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    This work includes all the technical details of the Sequential Principal Curves Analysis (SPCA) in a single document. SPCA is an unsupervised nonlinear and invertible feature extraction technique. The identified curvilinear features can be interpreted as a set of nonlinear sensors: the response of each sensor is the projection onto the corresponding feature. Moreover, it can be easily tuned for different optimization criteria; e.g. infomax, error minimization, decorrelation; by choosing the right way to measure distances along each curvilinear feature. Even though proposed in [Laparra et al. Neural Comp. 12] and shown to work in multiple modalities in [Laparra and Malo Frontiers Hum. Neuro. 15], the SPCA framework has its original roots in the nonlinear ICA algorithm in [Malo and Gutierrez Network 06]. Later on, the SPCA philosophy for nonlinear generalization of PCA originated substantially faster alternatives at the cost of introducing different constraints in the model. Namely, the Principal Polynomial Analysis (PPA) [Laparra et al. IJNS 14], and the Dimensionality Reduction via Regression (DRR) [Laparra et al. IEEE TGRS 15]. This report illustrates the reasons why we developed such family and is the appropriate technical companion for the missing details in [Laparra et al., NeCo 12, Laparra and Malo, Front.Hum.Neuro. 15]. See also the data, code and examples in the dedicated sites http://isp.uv.es/spca.html and http://isp.uv.es/after effects.htmlComment: 17 pages, 14 figs., 72 ref

    PWLS-ULTRA: An Efficient Clustering and Learning-Based Approach for Low-Dose 3D CT Image Reconstruction

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    The development of computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction methods that significantly reduce patient radiation exposure while maintaining high image quality is an important area of research in low-dose CT (LDCT) imaging. We propose a new penalized weighted least squares (PWLS) reconstruction method that exploits regularization based on an efficient Union of Learned TRAnsforms (PWLS-ULTRA). The union of square transforms is pre-learned from numerous image patches extracted from a dataset of CT images or volumes. The proposed PWLS-based cost function is optimized by alternating between a CT image reconstruction step, and a sparse coding and clustering step. The CT image reconstruction step is accelerated by a relaxed linearized augmented Lagrangian method with ordered-subsets that reduces the number of forward and back projections. Simulations with 2-D and 3-D axial CT scans of the extended cardiac-torso phantom and 3D helical chest and abdomen scans show that for both normal-dose and low-dose levels, the proposed method significantly improves the quality of reconstructed images compared to PWLS reconstruction with a nonadaptive edge-preserving regularizer (PWLS-EP). PWLS with regularization based on a union of learned transforms leads to better image reconstructions than using a single learned square transform. We also incorporate patch-based weights in PWLS-ULTRA that enhance image quality and help improve image resolution uniformity. The proposed approach achieves comparable or better image quality compared to learned overcomplete synthesis dictionaries, but importantly, is much faster (computationally more efficient).Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transaction on Medical Imagin

    Haar Wavelet Based Approach for Image Compression and Quality Assessment of Compressed Image

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    With the increasing growth of technology and the entrance into the digital age, we have to handle a vast amount of information every time which often presents difficulties. So, the digital information must be stored and retrieved in an efficient and effective manner, in order for it to be put to practical use. Wavelets provide a mathematical way of encoding information in such a way that it is layered according to level of detail. This layering facilitates approximations at various intermediate stages. These approximations can be stored using a lot less space than the original data. Here a low complex 2D image compression method using wavelets as the basis functions and the approach to measure the quality of the compressed image are presented. The particular wavelet chosen and used here is the simplest wavelet form namely the Haar Wavelet. The 2D discret wavelet transform (DWT) has been applied and the detail matrices from the information matrix of the image have been estimated. The reconstructed image is synthesized using the estimated detail matrices and information matrix provided by the Wavelet transform. The quality of the compressed images has been evaluated using some factors like Compression Ratio (CR), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Picture Quality Scale (PQS) etc.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with standard references on JPEG without attributio
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