14 research outputs found

    Efficient Transparent Redactable Signatures with a Single Signature Invocation

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    A redactable signature scheme is one that allows the original signature to be used, usually along with some additional data, to verify certain carefully` specified changes to the original document that was signed, namely the removal or redaction of subdocuments. For redactable signatures, the term transparency has been used to describe a scheme that hides the number and locations of redacted subdocuments. We present here two efficient transparent redactable signature schemes, which are the first such schemes in the literature that are based solely on tools of symmetric cryptography, along with a single application of an ordinary digital signature. As with several previous schemes for redactable signatures, we sign a sequence of randomized commitments that depend on the contents of the subdocuments of the document to be signed. In order to hide their number and location, we randomize their order, and mix them with a sequence of dummy nodes that are indistinguishable from commitment values. Our first scheme uses a data structure of size quadratic in the number of subdocuments, encoding all the precedence relations between pairs of subdocuments. By embedding these precedence relations in a smaller family of graphs, our second scheme is more efficient, with expected cost linear in the number of subdocuments in the document to be signed. We introduce a quantified version of the transparency property, precisely describing the uncertainty about the number of redacted subdocuments that is guaranteed by the two schemes. We prove that our schemes are secure, i.e. unforgeable, private, and transparent, based on the security of collision-free hash functions, pseudorandom generators, and digital signature schemes. While providing such strong security, our scheme is also efficient, in terms of both computation and communication

    A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions

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    A redactable signature scheme (RSS) allows removing parts of a signed message by any party without invalidating the respective signature. State-of-the-art constructions thereby focus on messages represented by one specific data structure, e.g., lists, sets or trees, and adjust the security model accordingly. To overcome the necessity for this myriad of models, we present a general framework covering arbitrary data-structures and even more sophisticated possibilities. For example, we cover fixed elements which must not be redactable and dependencies between elements. Moreover, we introduce the notion of designated redactors, i.e., the signer can give some extra information to selected entities which become redactors. In practice, this often allows to obtain more efficient schemes. We then present two RSSs; one for sets and one for lists, both constructed from any EUF-CMA secure signature scheme and indistinguishable cryptographic accumulators in a black-box way and show how the concept of designated redactors can be used to increase the efficiency of these schemes. Finally, we present a black-box construction of a designated redactor RSS by combining an RSS for sets with non-interactive zero knowledge proof systems. All the three constructions presented in this paper provide transparency, which is an important property, but quite hard to achieve, as we also conceal the length of the original message and the positions of the redactions

    Computing on Authenticated Data for Adjustable Predicates

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    The notion of P-homomorphic signatures, introduced by Ahn et al. (TCC 2012), generalizes various approaches for public computations on authenticated data. For a given predicate P anyone can derive a signature for a message m\u27 from the signatures of a set of messages M, as long as P(M,m\u27)=1. This definition hence comprises notions and constructions for concrete predicates P such as homomorphic signatures and redactable signatures. In our work we address the question of how to combine Pi-homomorphic schemes for different predicates P1,P2,... to create a richer and more flexible class of supported predicates. One approach is to statically combine schemes for predicates into new schemes for logical formulas over the predicates, such as a scheme for AND (P1 AND P2). The other approach for more flexibility is to derive schemes which allow the signer to dynamically decide which predicate to use when signing a message, instead of supporting only a single, fixed predicate. We present two main results. One is to show that one can indeed devise solutions for the static combination for AND, and for dynamically adjustable solutions for choosing the predicate on the fly. Moreover, our constructions are practical and add only a negligible overhead. The other main result is an impossibility result for static combinations. Namely, we prove that, in contrast to the case of AND, many other formulas like the logical OR (P1 OR P2) and the NOT (NOT P) do not admit generic combinations through so-called canonical constructions. This implies that one cannot rely on general constructions in these cases, but must use other methods instead, like finding new predicate-specific solutions from scratch

    Policy-Based Redactable Signatures

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    In this work we make progress towards solving an open problem posed by Bilzhause et. al, to give constructions of redactable signature schemes that allow the signer to limit the possible redactions performed by a third party. A separate, but related notion, called controlled disclosure allows a redactor to limit future redactions. We look at two types of data, sets and linear data (data organized as a sequence). In the case of sets, we limit redactions using a policy modeled by a monotone circuit or any circuit depending on the size of the universe the set is drawn from. In the case of linear data, we give a linear construction from vector commitments that limits redactions using a policy modeled as a monotone circuit. Our constructions have the attractive feature that they are built using only blackbox techniques

    Protean Signature Schemes

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    We introduce the notion of Protean Signature schemes. This novel type of signature scheme allows to remove and edit signer-chosen parts of signed messages by a semi-trusted third party simultaneously. In existing work, one is either allowed to remove or edit parts of signed messages, but not both at the same time. Which and how parts of the signed messages can be modified is chosen by the signer. Thus, our new primitive generalizes both redactable (Steinfeld et al., ICISC \u2701, Johnson et al., CT-RSA \u2702 & Brzuska et al., ACNS\u2710) and sanitizable signatures schemes (Ateniese et al., ESORICS \u2705 & Brzuska et al., PKC\u2709). We showcase a scenario where either primitive alone is not sufficient. Our provably secure construction (offering both strong notions of transparency and invisibility) makes only black-box access to sanitizable and redactable signature schemes, which can be considered standard tools nowadays. Finally, we have implemented our scheme; Our evaluation shows that the performance is reasonable

    Efficient Redactable Signature and Application to Anonymous Credentials

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    Let us assume that Alice has received a constant-size signature on a set of messages {mi}i=1n\{m_i\}_{i=1}^n from some organization. Depending on the situation, Alice might need to disclose, prove relations about or hide some of these messages. Ideally, the complexity of the corresponding protocols should not depend on the hidden messages. In particular, if Alice wants to disclose only kk messages, then the authenticity of the latter should be verifiable in at most O(k)O(k) operations. Many solutions were proposed over the past decades, but they only provide a partial answer to this problem. In particular, we note that they suffer either from the need to prove knowledge of the hidden elements or from the inability to prove that the latter satisfy some relations. In this paper, we propose a very efficient constant-size redactable signature scheme that addresses all the problems above. Signatures can indeed be redacted to remain valid only on a subset of kk messages included in {mi}i=1n\{m_i\}_{i=1}^n. The resulting redacted signature consists of 4 elements and can be verified with essentially kk exponentiations. Different shows of the same signature can moreover be made unlinkable leading to a very efficient anonymous credentials system

    Fully Invisible Protean Signatures Schemes

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    Protean Signatures (PS), recently introduced by Krenn et al. (CANS \u2718), allow a semi-trusted third party, named the sanitizer, to modify a signed message in a controlled way. The sanitizer can edit signer-chosen parts to arbitrary bitstrings, while the sanitizer can also redact admissible parts, which are also chosen by the signer. Thus, PSs generalize both redactable signature (RSS) and sanitizable signature (SSS) into a single notion. However, the current definition of invisibility does not prohibit that an outsider can decide which parts of a message are redactable - only which parts can be edited are hidden. This negatively impacts on the privacy guarantees provided by the state-of-the-art definition. We extend PSs to be fully invisible. This strengthened notion guarantees that an outsider can neither decide which parts of a message can be edited nor which parts can be redacted. To achieve our goal, we introduce the new notions of Invisible RSSs and Invisible Non-Accountable SSSs (SSS\u27), along with a consolidated framework for aggregate signatures. Using those building blocks, our resulting construction is significantly more efficient than the original scheme by Krenn et al., which we demonstrate in a prototypical implementation

    SoK: Signatures With Randomizable Keys

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    Digital signature schemes with specific properties have recently seen various real-world applications with a strong emphasis on privacy-enhancing technologies. They have been extensively used to develop anonymous credentials schemes and to achieve an even more comprehensive range of functionalities in the decentralized web. Substantial work has been done to formalize different types of signatures where an allowable set of transformations can be applied to message-signature pairs to obtain new related pairs. Most of the previous work focused on transformations with respect to the message being signed, but little has been done to study what happens when transformations apply to the signing keys. A first attempt to thoroughly formalize such aspects was carried by Derler and Slamanig (ePrint \u2716, Designs, Codes and Cryptography \u2719), followed by the more recent efforts by Backes et. al (ASIACRYPT \u2718) and Eaton et. al (ePrint \u2723). However, the literature on the topic is vast and different terminology is used across contributions, which makes it difficult to compare related works and understand the range of applications covered by a given construction. In this work, we present a unified view of signatures with randomizable keys and revisit their security properties. We focus on state-of-the-art constructions and related applications, identifying existing challenges. Our systematization allows us to highlight gaps, open questions and directions for future research on signatures with randomizable keys

    Efficient signature schemes supporting redaction, pseudonymization, and data deidentification

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