786 research outputs found

    Communication Complexity and Secure Function Evaluation

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    We suggest two new methodologies for the design of efficient secure protocols, that differ with respect to their underlying computational models. In one methodology we utilize the communication complexity tree (or branching for f and transform it into a secure protocol. In other words, "any function f that can be computed using communication complexity c can be can be computed securely using communication complexity that is polynomial in c and a security parameter". The second methodology uses the circuit computing f, enhanced with look-up tables as its underlying computational model. It is possible to simulate any RAM machine in this model with polylogarithmic blowup. Hence it is possible to start with a computation of f on a RAM machine and transform it into a secure protocol. We show many applications of these new methodologies resulting in protocols efficient either in communication or in computation. In particular, we exemplify a protocol for the "millionaires problem", where two participants want to compare their values but reveal no other information. Our protocol is more efficient than previously known ones in either communication or computation

    A Framework for Efficient Adaptively Secure Composable Oblivious Transfer in the ROM

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    Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol that finds a number of applications, in particular, as an essential building block for two-party and multi-party computation. We construct a round-optimal (2 rounds) universally composable (UC) protocol for oblivious transfer secure against active adaptive adversaries from any OW-CPA secure public-key encryption scheme with certain properties in the random oracle model (ROM). In terms of computation, our protocol only requires the generation of a public/secret-key pair, two encryption operations and one decryption operation, apart from a few calls to the random oracle. In~terms of communication, our protocol only requires the transfer of one public-key, two ciphertexts, and three binary strings of roughly the same size as the message. Next, we show how to instantiate our construction under the low noise LPN, McEliece, QC-MDPC, LWE, and CDH assumptions. Our instantiations based on the low noise LPN, McEliece, and QC-MDPC assumptions are the first UC-secure OT protocols based on coding assumptions to achieve: 1) adaptive security, 2) optimal round complexity, 3) low communication and computational complexities. Previous results in this setting only achieved static security and used costly cut-and-choose techniques.Our instantiation based on CDH achieves adaptive security at the small cost of communicating only two more group elements as compared to the gap-DH based Simplest OT protocol of Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt 15), which only achieves static security in the ROM

    When private set intersection meets big data : an efficient and scalable protocol

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    Large scale data processing brings new challenges to the design of privacy-preserving protocols: how to meet the increasing requirements of speed and throughput of modern applications, and how to scale up smoothly when data being protected is big. Efficiency and scalability become critical criteria for privacy preserving protocols in the age of Big Data. In this paper, we present a new Private Set Intersection (PSI) protocol that is extremely efficient and highly scalable compared with existing protocols. The protocol is based on a novel approach that we call oblivious Bloom intersection. It has linear complexity and relies mostly on efficient symmetric key operations. It has high scalability due to the fact that most operations can be parallelized easily. The protocol has two versions: a basic protocol and an enhanced protocol, the security of the two variants is analyzed and proved in the semi-honest model and the malicious model respectively. A prototype of the basic protocol has been built. We report the result of performance evaluation and compare it against the two previously fastest PSI protocols. Our protocol is orders of magnitude faster than these two protocols. To compute the intersection of two million-element sets, our protocol needs only 41 seconds (80-bit security) and 339 seconds (256-bit security) on moderate hardware in parallel mode

    Conclave: secure multi-party computation on big data (extended TR)

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    Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) allows mutually distrusting parties to run joint computations without revealing private data. Current MPC algorithms scale poorly with data size, which makes MPC on "big data" prohibitively slow and inhibits its practical use. Many relational analytics queries can maintain MPC's end-to-end security guarantee without using cryptographic MPC techniques for all operations. Conclave is a query compiler that accelerates such queries by transforming them into a combination of data-parallel, local cleartext processing and small MPC steps. When parties trust others with specific subsets of the data, Conclave applies new hybrid MPC-cleartext protocols to run additional steps outside of MPC and improve scalability further. Our Conclave prototype generates code for cleartext processing in Python and Spark, and for secure MPC using the Sharemind and Obliv-C frameworks. Conclave scales to data sets between three and six orders of magnitude larger than state-of-the-art MPC frameworks support on their own. Thanks to its hybrid protocols, Conclave also substantially outperforms SMCQL, the most similar existing system.Comment: Extended technical report for EuroSys 2019 pape

    A Comprehensive Protocol Suite for Secure Two-Party Computation

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    Turvaline ühisarvutus võimaldab üksteist mitte usaldavatel osapooltel teha arvutusi tundlikel andmetel nii, et kellegi privaatsed andmed ei leki teistele osapooltele. Sharemind on kaua arenduses olnud turvalise ühisarvutuse platvorm, mis jagab tundlikke andmeid ühissalastuse abil kolme serveri vahel. Sharemindi kolme osapoolega protokolle on kasutatud suuremahuliste rakenduste loomisel. Igapäevaelus leidub rakendusi, mille puhul kahe osapoolega juurustusmudel on kolme osapoolega variandist sobivam majanduslikel või organisatoorsetel põhjustel. Selles töös kirjeldame ja teostame täieliku protokollistiku kahe osapoolega turvaliste arvutuste jaoks. Loodud protokollistiku eesmärk on pakkuda kolme osapoolega juurutusmudelile võrdväärne alternatiiv, mis on ka jõudluses võrreldaval tasemel. Kahe osapoole vahelised turvalise aritmeetika protokollid tuginevad peamiselt Beaveri kolmikute ette arvutamisele. Selleks, et saavutada vajalikku jõudlust, oleme välja töötanud tõhusad ette arvutamise meetodid, mis kasutavad uudsel viisil N-sõnumi pimeedastuse pikendamise protokolle. Meie meetodite eeliseks on alternatiividest väiksem võrgusuhtluse maht. Töös käsitleme ka insenertehnilisi väljakutseid, mis selliste meetodite teostamisel ette tulid. Töös esitame kirjeldatud konstruktsioonide turvalisuse ja korrektsuse tõestused. Selleks kasutame vähem eelduseid, kui tüüpilised teaduskirjanduses leiduvad tõestused. Üheks peamiseks saavutuseks on juhusliku oraakli mudeli vätimine. Meie kirjeldatud ja teostatud täisarvuaritmeetika ja andmetüüpide vaheliste teisendusprotokollide jõudlustulemused on võrreldavad kolme osapoole protokollide jõudlusega. Meie töö tulemusena saab Sharemindi platvormil teostada kahe osapoolega turvalisi ühisarvutusi.Secure multi-party computation allows a number of distrusting parties to collaborate in extracting new knowledge from their joint private data, without any party learning the other participants' secrets in the process. The efficient and mature Sharemind secure computation platform has relied on a three-party suite of protocols based on secret sharing for supporting large real-world applications. However, in some scenarios, a two-party model is a better fit when no natural third party is involved in the application. In this work, we design and implement a full protocol suite for two-party computations on Sharemind, providing an alternative and viable solution in such cases. We aim foremost for efficiency that is on par with the existing three-party protocols. To this end, we introduce more efficient techniques for the precomputation of Beaver triples using oblivious transfer extension, as the two-party protocols for arithmetic fundamentally rely on efficient triple generation. We reduce communication costs compared to existing methods by using 1-out-of-N oblivious transfer extension in a novel way, and provide insights into engineering challenges for efficiently implementing these methods. Furthermore, we show security of our constructions using strictly weaker assumptions than have been previously required by avoiding the random oracle model. We describe and implement a large amount of integer operations and data conversion protocols that are competitive with the existing three-party protocols, providing an overall solid foundation for two-party computations on Sharemind

    Quantum Cryptography Beyond Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum cryptography is the art and science of exploiting quantum mechanical effects in order to perform cryptographic tasks. While the most well-known example of this discipline is quantum key distribution (QKD), there exist many other applications such as quantum money, randomness generation, secure two- and multi-party computation and delegated quantum computation. Quantum cryptography also studies the limitations and challenges resulting from quantum adversaries---including the impossibility of quantum bit commitment, the difficulty of quantum rewinding and the definition of quantum security models for classical primitives. In this review article, aimed primarily at cryptographers unfamiliar with the quantum world, we survey the area of theoretical quantum cryptography, with an emphasis on the constructions and limitations beyond the realm of QKD.Comment: 45 pages, over 245 reference

    An Efficient 2-Party Private Function Evaluation Protocol Based on Half Gates

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Private function evaluation (PFE) is a special case of secure multi-party computation (MPC), where the function to be computed is known by only one party. PFE is useful in several real-life applications where an algorithm or a function itself needs to remain secret for reasons such as protecting intellectual property or security classification level. In this paper, we focus on improving 2-party PFE based on symmetric cryptographic primitives. In this respect, we look back at the seminal PFE framework presented by Mohassel and Sadeghian at Eurocrypt’13. We show how to adapt and utilize the well-known half gates garbling technique (Zahur et al., Eurocrypt’15) to their constant-round 2-party PFE scheme. Compared to their scheme, our resulting optimization significantly improves the efficiency of both the underlying Oblivious Evaluation of Extended Permutation (OEP) and secure 2-party computation (2PC) protocols, and yields a more than 40% reduction in overall communication cost (the computation time is also slightly decreased and the number of rounds remains unchanged)