135,413 research outputs found

    Accurate object reconstruction by statistical moments

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    Statistical moments can offer a powerful means for object description in object sequences. Moments used in this way provide a description of the changing shape of the object with time. Using these descriptions to predict temporal views of the object requires efficient and accurate reconstruction of the object from a limited set of moments, but accurate reconstruction from moments has as yet received only limited attention. We show how we can improve accuracy not only by consideration of formulation, but also by a new adaptive thresholding technique that removes one parameter needed in reconstruction. Both approaches are equally applicable for Legendre and other orthogonal moments to improve accuracy in reconstruction

    Dependent Nonparametric Bayesian Group Dictionary Learning for online reconstruction of Dynamic MR images

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    In this paper, we introduce a dictionary learning based approach applied to the problem of real-time reconstruction of MR image sequences that are highly undersampled in k-space. Unlike traditional dictionary learning, our method integrates both global and patch-wise (local) sparsity information and incorporates some priori information into the reconstruction process. Moreover, we use a Dependent Hierarchical Beta-process as the prior for the group-based dictionary learning, which adaptively infers the dictionary size and the sparsity of each patch; and also ensures that similar patches are manifested in terms of similar dictionary atoms. An efficient numerical algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is also presented. Through extensive experimental results we show that our proposed method achieves superior reconstruction quality, compared to the other state-of-the- art DL-based methods

    Circular Networks from Distorted Metrics

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    Trees have long been used as a graphical representation of species relationships. However complex evolutionary events, such as genetic reassortments or hybrid speciations which occur commonly in viruses, bacteria and plants, do not fit into this elementary framework. Alternatively, various network representations have been developed. Circular networks are a natural generalization of leaf-labeled trees interpreted as split systems, that is, collections of bipartitions over leaf labels corresponding to current species. Although such networks do not explicitly model specific evolutionary events of interest, their straightforward visualization and fast reconstruction have made them a popular exploratory tool to detect network-like evolution in genetic datasets. Standard reconstruction methods for circular networks, such as Neighbor-Net, rely on an associated metric on the species set. Such a metric is first estimated from DNA sequences, which leads to a key difficulty: distantly related sequences produce statistically unreliable estimates. This is problematic for Neighbor-Net as it is based on the popular tree reconstruction method Neighbor-Joining, whose sensitivity to distance estimation errors is well established theoretically. In the tree case, more robust reconstruction methods have been developed using the notion of a distorted metric, which captures the dependence of the error in the distance through a radius of accuracy. Here we design the first circular network reconstruction method based on distorted metrics. Our method is computationally efficient. Moreover, the analysis of its radius of accuracy highlights the important role played by the maximum incompatibility, a measure of the extent to which the network differs from a tree.Comment: Submitte

    Efficient reconstruction of band-limited sequences from nonuniformly decimated versions by use of polyphase filter banks

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    An efficient polyphase structure for the reconstruction of a band-limited sequence from a nonuniformly decimated version is developed. Theoretically, the reconstruction involves the implementation of a bank of multilevel filters, and it is shown that how all these reconstruction filters can be obtained at the cost of one Mth band low-pass filter and a constant matrix multiplier. The resulting structure is therefore more general than previous schemes. In addition, the method offers a direct means of controlling the overall reconstruction distortion T(z) by appropriate design of a low-pass prototype filter P(z). Extension of these results to multiband band-limited signals and to the case of nonconsecutive nonuniform subsampling are also summarized, along with generalizations to the multidimensional case. Design examples are included to demonstrate the theory, and the complexity of the new method is seen to be much lower than earlier ones

    An efficiently computed lower bound on the number of recombinations in phylogenetic networks: Theory and empirical study

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    AbstractPhylogenetic networks are models of sequence evolution that go beyond trees, allowing biological operations that are not tree-like. One of the most important biological operations is recombination between two sequences. An established problem [J. Hein, Reconstructing evolution of sequences subject to recombination using parsimony, Math. Biosci. 98 (1990) 185–200; J. Hein, A heuristic method to reconstruct the history of sequences subject to recombination, J. Molecular Evoluation 36 (1993) 396–405; Y. Song, J. Hein, Parsimonious reconstruction of sequence evolution and haplotype blocks: finding the minimum number of recombination events, in: Proceedings of 2003 Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Berlin, Germany, 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin; Y. Song, J. Hein, On the minimum number of recombination events in the evolutionary history of DNA sequences, J. Math. Biol. 48 (2003) 160–186; L. Wang, K. Zhang, L. Zhang, Perfect phylogenetic networks with recombination, J. Comput. Biol. 8 (2001) 69–78; S.R. Myers, R.C. Griffiths, Bounds on the minimum number of recombination events in a sample history, Genetics 163 (2003) 375–394; V. Bafna, V. Bansal, Improved recombination lower bounds for haplotype data, in: Proceedings of RECOMB, 2005; Y. Song, Y. Wu, D. Gusfield, Efficient computation of close lower and upper bounds on the minimum number of needed recombinations in the evolution of biological sequences, Bioinformatics 21 (2005) i413–i422. Bioinformatics (Suppl. 1), Proceedings of ISMB, 2005, D. Gusfield, S. Eddhu, C. Langley, Optimal, efficient reconstruction of phylogenetic networks with constrained recombination, J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2(1) (2004) 173–213; D. Gusfield, Optimal, efficient reconstruction of root-unknown phylogenetic networks with constrained and structured recombination, J. Comput. Systems Sci. 70 (2005) 381–398] is to find a phylogenetic network that derives an input set of sequences, minimizing the number of recombinations used. No efficient, general algorithm is known for this problem. Several papers consider the problem of computing a lower bound on the number of recombinations needed. In this paper we establish a new, efficiently computed lower bound. This result is useful in methods to estimate the number of needed recombinations, and also to prove the optimality of algorithms for constructing phylogenetic networks under certain conditions [D. Gusfield, S. Eddhu, C. Langley, Optimal, efficient reconstruction of phylogenetic networks with constrained recombination, J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 2(1) (2004) 173–213; D. Gusfield, Optimal, efficient reconstruction of root-unknown phylogenetic networks with constrained and structured recombination, J. Comput. Systems Sci. 70 (2005) 381–398; D. Gusfield, Optimal, efficient reconstruction of root-unknown phylogenetic networks with constrained recombination, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, CA, 2004]. The lower bound is based on a structural, combinatorial insight, using only the site conflicts and incompatibilities, and hence it is fundamental and applicable to many biological phenomena other than recombination, for example, when gene conversions or recurrent or back mutations or cross-species hybridizations cause the phylogenetic history to deviate from a tree structure. In addition to establishing the bound, we examine its use in more complex lower bound methods, and compare the bounds obtained to those obtained by other established lower bound methods

    Efficient moving point handling for incremental 3D manifold reconstruction

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    As incremental Structure from Motion algorithms become effective, a good sparse point cloud representing the map of the scene becomes available frame-by-frame. From the 3D Delaunay triangulation of these points, state-of-the-art algorithms build a manifold rough model of the scene. These algorithms integrate incrementally new points to the 3D reconstruction only if their position estimate does not change. Indeed, whenever a point moves in a 3D Delaunay triangulation, for instance because its estimation gets refined, a set of tetrahedra have to be removed and replaced with new ones to maintain the Delaunay property; the management of the manifold reconstruction becomes thus complex and it entails a potentially big overhead. In this paper we investigate different approaches and we propose an efficient policy to deal with moving points in the manifold estimation process. We tested our approach with four sequences of the KITTI dataset and we show the effectiveness of our proposal in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted in International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2015
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