1 research outputs found

    Efficient Orthonormality Testing for Synthesis with Pass-Transistor Selectors

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    This paper presents the mapping problem for pass transistor selector mapping, which has not been addressed before. Pass transistor synthesis is potentially important for semi- or full-custom design techniques, which are increasingly attracting attention. Pass transistors have the advantage that fewer transistors are needed, and that circuits with high fanin and small delay can be constructed. Technology mapping approaches in the existing literature cannot handle these selectors, due to the restriction of 1-hot encoding of the control signals. We present a new algorithm to address this problem, which is based on the novel idea of a general Boolean Oracle. Our oracle is based on ATPG techniques, and compared to BDDs, the oracle has the advantage that failure to complete only affects optimization locally, and does not hinder optimization elsewhere in the logic. A limitation of BDDs is that it is difficult to complete the algorithm if a BDD grows too large. The experimental results show up to 82%..