238 research outputs found

    Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols based on White-Box Cryptography

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    Oblivious transfer protocol is an important cryptographic primitive having numerous applications and particularly playing an essential role in secure multiparty computation protocols. On the other hand existing oblivious transfer protocols are based on computationally expensive public-key operations which remains the main obstacle for employing such protocols in practical applications. In this paper a novel approach for designing oblivious transfer protocols is introduced based on the idea of replacing public-key operations by white-box cryptography techniques. As a result oblivious transfer protocols based on white-box cryptography run several times faster and require less communication bandwidth compared with the existing protocols

    New Communication-Efficient Oblivious Transfer Protocols Based on Pairings

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    We construct two simple families of two-message (n,1)(n,1)-oblivious transfer protocols based on degree-tt homomorphic cryptosystems with the communication of respectively 1+⌈n/tβŒ‰1+\lceil n/t \rceil and 3+⌈n/(t+1)βŒ‰3+\lceil n/(t+1) \rceil ciphertexts. The construction of both families relies on efficient cryptocomputable conditional disclosure of secret protocols; the way this is done may be of independent interest. The currently most interesting case t=2t=2 can be based on the Boneh-Goh-Nissim cryptosystem. As an important application, we show how to reduce the communication of virtually any existing oblivious transfer protocols by proposing a new related communication-efficient generic transformation from computationally-private information retrieval protocols to oblivious transfer protocols

    Oblivious Transfer based on Key Exchange

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    Key-exchange protocols have been overlooked as a possible means for implementing oblivious transfer (OT). In this paper we present a protocol for mutual exchange of secrets, 1-out-of-2 OT and coin flipping similar to Diffie-Hellman protocol using the idea of obliviously exchanging encryption keys. Since, Diffie-Hellman scheme is widely used, our protocol may provide a useful alternative to the conventional methods for implementation of oblivious transfer and a useful primitive in building larger cryptographic schemes.Comment: 10 page
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