2 research outputs found

    Maximizing Throughput of Overprovisioned HPC Data Centers Under a Strict Power Budget

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    Abstract—Building future generation supercomputers while constraining their power consumption is one of the biggest challenges faced by the HPC community. For example, US Department of Energy has set a goal of 20 MW for an exascale (1018 flops) supercomputer. To realize this goal, a lot of research is being done to revolutionize hardware design to build power efficient computers and network interconnects. In this work, we propose a software-based online resource management system that leverages hardware facilitated capability to constrain the power consumption of each node in order to optimally allocate power and nodes to a job. Our scheme uses this hardware capability in conjunction with an adaptive runtime system that can dynamically change the resource configuration of a running job allowing our resource manager to re-optimize allocation decisions to running jobs as new jobs arrive, or a running job terminates. We also propose a performance modeling scheme that esti-mates the essential power characteristics of a job at any scale. The proposed online resource manager uses these performance characteristics for making scheduling and resource allocation decisions that maximize the job throughput of the supercomputer under a given power budget. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach by using a mix of jobs with different power-response characteristics. We show that with a power budget of 4.75 MW, we can obtain up to 5.2X improvement in job throughput when compared with the SLURM scheduling policy that is power-unaware. We corroborate our results with real experiments on a relatively small scale cluster, in which we obtain a 1.7X improvement. I

    Efficient Microarchitecture Policies for Accurately Adapting to Power Constraints

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    In the past years Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) has been an effective technique that allowed microprocessors to match a predefined power budget. However, as process technology shrinks, DVFS becomes less effective (because of the increasing leakage power) and it is getting closer to a point where DVFS won’t be useful at all (when static power exceeds dynamic power). In this paper we propose the use of microarchitectural techniques to accurately match a power constraint while maximizing the energy efficiency of the processor. We will predict the processor power consumption at a basic block level, using the consumed power translated into tokens to select between different power-saving microarchitectural techniques. These techniques are orthogonal to DVFS so they can be simultaneously applied. We propose a two-level approach where DVFS acts as a coarse-grained technique to lower the average power while microarchitectural techniques remove all the power spikes efficiently. Experimental results show that the use of power-saving microarchitectural techniques in conjunction with DVFS is up to six times more precise, in terms of total energy consumed (area) over the power budget, than using DVFS alone for matching a predefined power budget. Furthermore, in a near future DVFS will become DFS because lowering the supply voltage will be too expensive in terms of leakage power. At that point, the use of power-saving microarchitectural techniques will become even more energy efficient. 1