63,803 research outputs found

    On the Use of Second Order Neighbors to Escape from Local Optima

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    Designing efficient local search based algorithms requires to consider the specific properties of the problems. We introduce a simple and effi- cient strategy, the Extended Reach, that escapes from local optima ob- tained from a best improvement local search and apply it to the linear ordering problem (LOP), the traveling salesperson problem (TSP) and the quadratic assignment problem (QAP). This strategy is based on two landscape properties observed in the literature. First, it considers that a local optimum is usually located in the frontier of its own attraction basin, and thus, it is enough to inspect the second order neighbors to reach a (better) solution inside an attraction basin of a better local optimum. Second, taking into account that for the LOP and specific neighborhoods it is possible to discard solutions without the need of being evaluated, we extend this result to the TSP with the 2-opt neighborhood to avoid the unnecessary evaluation of solutions. Efficient ways of evaluating the second order neighbors are also presented, based on the cost differences, reducing significantly the computation cost. Experimental results on ran- dom and benchmark instances show that our strategy, indeed, escapes from local optima despite its simplicity.PID2019-104966GB-I00 AXA Research Fun

    Time Minimization and Online Synchronization for Multi-agent Systems under Collaborative Temporal Tasks

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    Multi-agent systems can be extremely efficient when solving a team-wide task in a concurrent manner. However, without proper synchronization, the correctness of the combined behavior is hard to guarantee, such as to follow a specific ordering of sub-tasks or to perform a simultaneous collaboration. This work addresses the minimum-time task planning problem for multi-agent systems under complex global tasks stated as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. These tasks include the temporal and spatial requirements on both independent local actions and direct sub-team collaborations. The proposed solution is an anytime algorithm that combines the partial-ordering analysis of the underlying task automaton for task decomposition, and the branch and bound (BnB) search method for task assignment. Analyses of its soundness, completeness and optimality as the minimal completion time are provided. It is also shown that a feasible and near-optimal solution is quickly reached while the search continues within the time budget. Furthermore, to handle fluctuations in task duration and agent failures during online execution, an adaptation algorithm is proposed to synchronize execution status and re-assign unfinished subtasks dynamically to maintain correctness and optimality. Both algorithms are validated rigorously over large-scale systems via numerical simulations and hardware experiments, against several strong baselines.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Partially ordered distributed computations on asynchronous point-to-point networks

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    Asynchronous executions of a distributed algorithm differ from each other due to the nondeterminism in the order in which the messages exchanged are handled. In many situations of interest, the asynchronous executions induced by restricting nondeterminism are more efficient, in an application-specific sense, than the others. In this work, we define partially ordered executions of a distributed algorithm as the executions satisfying some restricted orders of their actions in two different frameworks, those of the so-called event- and pulse-driven computations. The aim of these restrictions is to characterize asynchronous executions that are likely to be more efficient for some important classes of applications. Also, an asynchronous algorithm that ensures the occurrence of partially ordered executions is given for each case. Two of the applications that we believe may benefit from the restricted nondeterminism are backtrack search, in the event-driven case, and iterative algorithms for systems of linear equations, in the pulse-driven case

    Incremental Cycle Detection, Topological Ordering, and Strong Component Maintenance

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    We present two on-line algorithms for maintaining a topological order of a directed nn-vertex acyclic graph as arcs are added, and detecting a cycle when one is created. Our first algorithm handles mm arc additions in O(m3/2)O(m^{3/2}) time. For sparse graphs (m/n=O(1)m/n = O(1)), this bound improves the best previous bound by a logarithmic factor, and is tight to within a constant factor among algorithms satisfying a natural {\em locality} property. Our second algorithm handles an arbitrary sequence of arc additions in O(n5/2)O(n^{5/2}) time. For sufficiently dense graphs, this bound improves the best previous bound by a polynomial factor. Our bound may be far from tight: we show that the algorithm can take Ω(n222lg⁥n)\Omega(n^2 2^{\sqrt{2\lg n}}) time by relating its performance to a generalization of the kk-levels problem of combinatorial geometry. A completely different algorithm running in Θ(n2log⁥n)\Theta(n^2 \log n) time was given recently by Bender, Fineman, and Gilbert. We extend both of our algorithms to the maintenance of strong components, without affecting the asymptotic time bounds.Comment: 31 page

    Parallel Maximum Clique Algorithms with Applications to Network Analysis and Storage

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    We propose a fast, parallel maximum clique algorithm for large sparse graphs that is designed to exploit characteristics of social and information networks. The method exhibits a roughly linear runtime scaling over real-world networks ranging from 1000 to 100 million nodes. In a test on a social network with 1.8 billion edges, the algorithm finds the largest clique in about 20 minutes. Our method employs a branch and bound strategy with novel and aggressive pruning techniques. For instance, we use the core number of a vertex in combination with a good heuristic clique finder to efficiently remove the vast majority of the search space. In addition, we parallelize the exploration of the search tree. During the search, processes immediately communicate changes to upper and lower bounds on the size of maximum clique, which occasionally results in a super-linear speedup because vertices with large search spaces can be pruned by other processes. We apply the algorithm to two problems: to compute temporal strong components and to compress graphs.Comment: 11 page

    Breaking Instance-Independent Symmetries In Exact Graph Coloring

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    Code optimization and high level synthesis can be posed as constraint satisfaction and optimization problems, such as graph coloring used in register allocation. Graph coloring is also used to model more traditional CSPs relevant to AI, such as planning, time-tabling and scheduling. Provably optimal solutions may be desirable for commercial and defense applications. Additionally, for applications such as register allocation and code optimization, naturally-occurring instances of graph coloring are often small and can be solved optimally. A recent wave of improvements in algorithms for Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) suggests generic problem-reduction methods, rather than problem-specific heuristics, because (1) heuristics may be upset by new constraints, (2) heuristics tend to ignore structure, and (3) many relevant problems are provably inapproximable. Problem reductions often lead to highly symmetric SAT instances, and symmetries are known to slow down SAT solvers. In this work, we compare several avenues for symmetry breaking, in particular when certain kinds of symmetry are present in all generated instances. Our focus on reducing CSPs to SAT allows us to leverage recent dramatic improvement in SAT solvers and automatically benefit from future progress. We can use a variety of black-box SAT solvers without modifying their source code because our symmetry-breaking techniques are static, i.e., we detect symmetries and add symmetry breaking predicates (SBPs) during pre-processing. An important result of our work is that among the types of instance-independent SBPs we studied and their combinations, the simplest and least complete constructions are the most effective. Our experiments also clearly indicate that instance-independent symmetries should mostly be processed together with instance-specific symmetries rather than at the specification level, contrary to what has been suggested in the literature
