7 research outputs found

    Efficient joint maximum-likelihood channel estimation and signal detection

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    In wireless communication systems, channel state information is often assumed to be available at the receiver. Traditionally, a training sequence is used to obtain the estimate of the channel. Alternatively, the channel can be identified using known properties of the transmitted signal. However, the computational effort required to find the joint ML solution to the symbol detection and channel estimation problem increases exponentially with the dimension of the problem. To significantly reduce this computational effort, we formulate the joint ML estimation and detection as an integer least-squares problem, and show that for a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and problem dimensions it can be solved via sphere decoding with expected complexity comparable to the complexity of heuristic techniques

    Low-complexity blind maximum-likelihood detection for SIMO systems with general constellations

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    The demand for high data rate reliable communications poses great challenges to the next generation wireless systems in highly dynamic mobile environments. In this paper, we investigate the joint maximum-likelihood (ML) channel estimation and signal detection problem for single-input multiple-output (SIMO) wireless systems with general modulation constellations and propose an efficient sequential decoder for finding the exact joint ML solution. Unlike other known methods, the new decoder can even efficiently find the joint ML solution under high spectral efficiency non-constant- modulus modulation constellations. In particular, the new algorithm does not need such preprocessing steps as Cholesky or QR decomposition in the traditional sphere decoders for joint ML channel estimation and data detection. The elimination of such preprocessing not only reduces the number of floating point computations, but also will potentially lead to smaller size and power consumption in VLSI implementations while providing better numerical stability

    Efficient Optimal Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Massive MIMO Systems

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient optimal joint channel estimation and data detection algorithm for massive MIMO wireless systems. Our algorithm is optimal in terms of the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). For massive MIMO systems, we show that the expected complexity of our algorithm grows polynomially in the channel coherence time. Simulation results demonstrate significant performance gains of our algorithm compared with suboptimal non-coherent detection algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm which efficiently achieves GLRT-optimal non-coherent detections for massive MIMO systems with general constellations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Conferenc