14,938 research outputs found

    Improving Facial Analysis and Performance Driven Animation through Disentangling Identity and Expression

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    We present techniques for improving performance driven facial animation, emotion recognition, and facial key-point or landmark prediction using learned identity invariant representations. Established approaches to these problems can work well if sufficient examples and labels for a particular identity are available and factors of variation are highly controlled. However, labeled examples of facial expressions, emotions and key-points for new individuals are difficult and costly to obtain. In this paper we improve the ability of techniques to generalize to new and unseen individuals by explicitly modeling previously seen variations related to identity and expression. We use a weakly-supervised approach in which identity labels are used to learn the different factors of variation linked to identity separately from factors related to expression. We show how probabilistic modeling of these sources of variation allows one to learn identity-invariant representations for expressions which can then be used to identity-normalize various procedures for facial expression analysis and animation control. We also show how to extend the widely used techniques of active appearance models and constrained local models through replacing the underlying point distribution models which are typically constructed using principal component analysis with identity-expression factorized representations. We present a wide variety of experiments in which we consistently improve performance on emotion recognition, markerless performance-driven facial animation and facial key-point tracking.Comment: to appear in Image and Vision Computing Journal (IMAVIS

    An asynchronous leapfrog method II

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    A second order explicit one-step numerical method for the initial value problem of the general ordinary differential equation is proposed. It is obtained by natural modifications of the well-known leapfrog method, which is a second order, two-step, explicit method. According to the latter method, the input data for an integration step are two system states, which refer to different times. The usage of two states instead of a single one can be seen as the reason for the robustness of the method. Since the time step size thus is part of the step input data, it is complicated to change this size during the computation of a discrete trajectory. This is a serious drawback when one needs to implement automatic time step control. The proposed modification transforms one of the two input states into a velocity and thus gets rid of the time step dependency in the step input data. For these new step input data, the leapfrog method gives a unique prescription how to evolve them stepwise. The stability properties of this modified method are the same as for the original one: the set of absolute stability is the interval [-i,+i] on the imaginary axis. This implies exponential growth of trajectories in situations where the exact trajectory has an asymptote. By considering new evolution steps that are composed of two consecutive old evolution steps we can average over the velocities of the sub-steps and get an integrator with a much larger set of absolute stability, which is immune to the asymptote problem. The method is exemplified with the equation of motion of a one-dimensional non-linear oscillator describing the radial motion in the Kepler problem.Comment: 41 pages, 25 figure

    Four Lessons in Versatility or How Query Languages Adapt to the Web

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    Exposing not only human-centered information, but machine-processable data on the Web is one of the commonalities of recent Web trends. It has enabled a new kind of applications and businesses where the data is used in ways not foreseen by the data providers. Yet this exposition has fractured the Web into islands of data, each in different Web formats: Some providers choose XML, others RDF, again others JSON or OWL, for their data, even in similar domains. This fracturing stifles innovation as application builders have to cope not only with one Web stack (e.g., XML technology) but with several ones, each of considerable complexity. With Xcerpt we have developed a rule- and pattern based query language that aims to give shield application builders from much of this complexity: In a single query language XML and RDF data can be accessed, processed, combined, and re-published. Though the need for combined access to XML and RDF data has been recognized in previous work (including the W3Cā€™s GRDDL), our approach differs in four main aspects: (1) We provide a single language (rather than two separate or embedded languages), thus minimizing the conceptual overhead of dealing with disparate data formats. (2) Both the declarative (logic-based) and the operational semantics are unified in that they apply for querying XML and RDF in the same way. (3) We show that the resulting query language can be implemented reusing traditional database technology, if desirable. Nevertheless, we also give a unified evaluation approach based on interval labelings of graphs that is at least as fast as existing approaches for tree-shaped XML data, yet provides linear time and space querying also for many RDF graphs. We believe that Web query languages are the right tool for declarative data access in Web applications and that Xcerpt is a significant step towards a more convenient, yet highly efficient data access in a ā€œWeb of Dataā€

    Bayesian robot Programming

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    We propose a new method to program robots based on Bayesian inference and learning. The capacities of this programming method are demonstrated through a succession of increasingly complex experiments. Starting from the learning of simple reactive behaviors, we present instances of behavior combinations, sensor fusion, hierarchical behavior composition, situation recognition and temporal sequencing. This series of experiments comprises the steps in the incremental development of a complex robot program. The advantages and drawbacks of this approach are discussed along with these different experiments and summed up as a conclusion. These different robotics programs may be seen as an illustration of probabilistic programming applicable whenever one must deal with problems based on uncertain or incomplete knowledge. The scope of possible applications is obviously much broader than robotics
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