2 research outputs found

    Dynamic pricing under customer choice behavior for revenue management in passenger railway networks

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    Revenue management (RM) for passenger railway is a small but active research field with an increasing attention during the past years. However, a detailed look into existing research shows that most of the current models in theory rely on traditional RM techniques and that advanced models are rare. This thesis aims to close the gap by proposing a state-of-the-art passenger railway pricing model that covers the most important properties from practice, with a special focus on the German railway network and long-distance rail company Deutsche Bahn Fernverkehr (DB). The new model has multiple advantages over DB’s current RM system. Particularly, it uses a choice-based demand function rather than a traditional independent demand model, is formulated as a network model instead of the current leg-based approach and finally optimizes prices on a continuous level instead of controlling booking classes. Since each itinerary in the network is considered by multiple heterogeneous customer segments (e.g., differentiated by travel purpose, desired departure time) a discrete mixed multinomial logit model (MMNL) is applied to represent demand. Compared to alternative choice models such as the multinomial logit model (MNL) or the nested logit model (NL), the MMNL is significantly less considered in pricing research. Furthermore, since the resulting deterministic multi-product multi-resource dynamic pricing model under the MMNL turns out to be non- linear non-convex, an open question is still how to obtain a globally optimal solution. To narrow this gap, this thesis provides multiple approaches that make it able to derive a solution close to the global optimum. For medium-sized networks, a mixed-integer programming approach is proposed that determines an upper bound close to the global optimum of the original model (gap < 1.5%). For large-scale networks, a heuristic approach is presented that significantly decreases the solution time (by factor up to 56) and derives a good solution for an application in practice. Based on these findings, the model and heuristic are extended to fit further price constraints from railway practice and are tested in an extensive simulation study. The results show that the new pricing approach outperforms both benchmark RM policies (i.e., DB’s existing model and EMSR-b) with a revenue improvement of approx. +13-15% over DB’s existing approach under a realistic demand scenario. Finally, to prepare data for large-scale railway networks, an algorithm is presented that automatically derives a large proportion of necessary data to solve choice-based network RM models. This includes, e.g., the set of all meaningful itineraries (incl. transfers) and resources in a network, the corresponding resource consumption and product attribute values such as travel time or number of transfers. All taken together, the goal of this thesis is to give a broad picture about choice-based dynamic pricing for passenger railway networks

    Efficient formulations for pricing under attraction demand models

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    We propose a modeling and optimization framework to cast a broad range of fundamental multi-product pricing problems as tractable convex optimization problems. We consider a retailer offering an assortment of differentiated substitutable products to a population of customers that are price-sensitive. The retailer selects prices to maximize profits, subject to constraints on sales arising from inventory and capacity availability, market share goals, bounds on allowable prices and other considerations. Consumers’ response to price changes is represented by attraction demand models, which subsume the well known multinomial logit (MNL) and multiplicative competitive interaction demand models. Our approach transforms seemingly non-convex pricing problems (both in the objective function and constraints) into convex optimization problems that can be solved efficiently with commercial software. We establish a condition which ensures that the resulting problem is convex, prove that it can be solved in polynomial time under MNL demand, and show computationally that our new formulations reduce the solution time from days to seconds. We also propose an approximation of demand models with multiple overlapping customer segments, and show that it falls within the class of demand models we are able to solve. Such mixed demand models are highly desirable in practice, but yield a pricing problem which appears computationally challenging to solve exactly.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grants CMMI-0846554 (CAREER Award) and DMS-0732175)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (awards FA9550-08-1-0369 and FA9550- 08-1-0369)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Awards CMMI-0758061, EFRI-0735905, and CMMI-0824674)Solomon Buchsbaum AT&T Research FundSingapore-MIT Allianc