1,562 research outputs found

    Studies on Core-Based Testing of System-on-Chips Using Functional Bus and Network-on-Chip Interconnects

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    The tests of a complex system such as a microprocessor-based system-onchip (SoC) or a network-on-chip (NoC) are difficult and expensive. In this thesis, we propose three core-based test methods that reuse the existing functional interconnects-a flat bus, hierarchical buses of multiprocessor SoC's (MPSoC), and a N oC-in order to avoid the silicon area cost of a dedicated test access mechanism (TAM). However, the use of functional interconnects as functional TAM's introduces several new problems. During tests, the interconnects-including the bus arbitrator, the bus bridges, and the NoC routers-operate in the functional mode to transport the test stimuli and responses, while the core under tests (CUT) operate in the test mode. Second, the test data is transported to the CUT through the functional bus, and not directly to the test port. Therefore, special core test wrappers that can provide the necessary control signals required by the different functional interconnect are proposed. We developed two types of wrappers, one buffer-based wrapper for the bus-based systems and another pair of complementary wrappers for the NoCbased systems. Using the core test wrappers, we propose test scheduling schemes for the three functionally different types of interconnects. The test scheduling scheme for a flat bus is developed based on an efficient packet scheduling scheme that minimizes both the buffer sizes and the test time under a power constraint. The schedulingscheme is then extended to take advantage of the hierarchical bus architecture of the MPSoC systems. The third test scheduling scheme based on the bandwidth sharing is developed specifically for the NoC-based systems. The test scheduling is performed under the objective of co-optimizing the wrapper area cost and the resulting test application time using the two complementary NoC wrappers. For each of the proposed methodology for the three types of SoC architec .. ture, we conducted a thorough experimental evaluation in order to verify their effectiveness compared to other methods

    Développement d'architectures HW/SW tolérantes aux fautes et auto-calibrantes pour les technologies Intégrées 3D

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    Malgré les avantages de l'intégration 3D, le test, le rendement et la fiabilité des Through-Silicon-Vias (TSVs) restent parmi les plus grands défis pour les systèmes 3D à base de Réseaux-sur-Puce (Network-on-Chip - NoC). Dans cette thèse, une stratégie de test hors-ligne a été proposé pour les interconnections TSV des liens inter-die des NoCs 3D. Pour le TSV Interconnect Built-In Self-Test (TSV-IBIST) on propose une nouvelle stratégie pour générer des vecteurs de test qui permet la détection des fautes structuraux (open et short) et paramétriques (fautes de délaye). Des stratégies de correction des fautes transitoires et permanents sur les TSV sont aussi proposées aux plusieurs niveaux d'abstraction: data link et network. Au niveau data link, des techniques qui utilisent des codes de correction (ECC) et retransmission sont utilisées pour protégé les liens verticales. Des codes de correction sont aussi utilisés pour la protection au niveau network. Les défauts de fabrication ou vieillissement des TSVs sont réparé au niveau data link avec des stratégies à base de redondance et sérialisation. Dans le réseau, les liens inter-die défaillante ne sont pas utilisables et un algorithme de routage tolérant aux fautes est proposé. On peut implémenter des techniques de tolérance aux fautes sur plusieurs niveaux. Les résultats ont montré qu'une stratégie multi-level atteint des très hauts niveaux de fiabilité avec un cout plus bas. Malheureusement, il n'y as pas une solution unique et chaque stratégie a ses avantages et limitations. C'est très difficile d'évaluer tôt dans le design flow les couts et l'impact sur la performance. Donc, une méthodologie d'exploration de la résilience aux fautes est proposée pour les NoC 3D mesh.3D technology promises energy-efficient heterogeneous integrated systems, which may open the way to thousands cores chips. Silicon dies containing processing elements are stacked and connected by vertical wires called Through-Silicon-Vias. In 3D chips, interconnecting an increasing number of processing elements requires a scalable high-performance interconnect solution: the 3D Network-on-Chip. Despite the advantages of 3D integration, testing, reliability and yield remain the major challenges for 3D NoC-based systems. In this thesis, the TSV interconnect test issue is addressed by an off-line Interconnect Built-In Self-Test (IBIST) strategy that detects both structural (i.e. opens, shorts) and parametric faults (i.e. delays and delay due to crosstalk). The IBIST circuitry implements a novel algorithm based on the aggressor-victim scenario and alleviates limitations of existing strategies. The proposed Kth-aggressor fault (KAF) model assumes that the aggressors of a victim TSV are neighboring wires within a distance given by the aggressor order K. Using this model, TSV interconnect tests of inter-die 3D NoC links may be performed for different aggressor order, reducing test times and circuitry complexity. In 3D NoCs, TSV permanent and transient faults can be mitigated at different abstraction levels. In this thesis, several error resilience schemes are proposed at data link and network levels. For transient faults, 3D NoC links can be protected using error correction codes (ECC) and retransmission schemes using error detection (Automatic Retransmission Query) and correction codes (i.e. Hybrid error correction and retransmission).For transients along a source-destination path, ECC codes can be implemented at network level (i.e. Network-level Forward Error Correction). Data link solutions also include TSV repair schemes for faults due to fabrication processes (i.e. TSV-Spare-and-Replace and Configurable Serial Links) and aging (i.e. Interconnect Built-In Self-Repair and Adaptive Serialization) defects. At network-level, the faulty inter-die links of 3D mesh NoCs are repaired by implementing a TSV fault-tolerant routing algorithm. Although single-level solutions can achieve the desired yield / reliability targets, error mitigation can be realized by a combination of approaches at several abstraction levels. To this end, multi-level error resilience strategies have been proposed. Experimental results show that there are cases where this multi-layer strategy pays-off both in terms of cost and performance. Unfortunately, one-fits-all solution does not exist, as each strategy has its advantages and limitations. For system designers, it is very difficult to assess early in the design stages the costs and the impact on performance of error resilience. Therefore, an error resilience exploration (ERX) methodology is proposed for 3D NoCs.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    The high-radiation environment in space can lead to anomalies in normal satellite operation. A major cause of concern to spacecraft-designers is the single event upset (SEU). SEUs can result in deviations from expected component behavior and are capable of causing irreversible damage to hardware. In particular, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are known to be highly susceptible to SEUs. Radiation-hardened versions of such devices are associated with an increase in power consumption and cost in addition to being technologically inferior when compared to contemporary commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts. This thesis consequently aims at exploring the option of using COTS FPGAs in satellite payloads. A framework is developed, allowing the SEU susceptibility of such a device to be studied. SEU testing is carried out in a software-simulated fault environment using a set of Java classes called JBits. A radiation detector module, to measure the radiation backdrop of the device, is also envisioned as part of the final design implementation

    Designing Efficient Network Interfaces For System Area Networks

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    The network is the key component of a Cluster of Workstations/PCs. Its performance, measured in terms of bandwidth and latency, has a great impact on the overall system performance. It quickly became clear that traditional WAN/LAN technology is not too well suited for interconnecting powerful nodes into a cluster. Their poor performance too often slows down communication-intensive applications. This observation led to the birth of a new class of networks called System Area Networks (SAN). The ATOLL network introduces a new optimized architecture for SANs. On a single chip, not one but four network interfaces (NI) have been implemented, together with an on-chip 4x4 full-duplex switch and four link interfaces. This unique "Network on a Chip" architecture is best suited for interconnecting SMP nodes, where multiple CPUs are given an exclusive NI and do not have to share a single interface. It also removes the need for any additional switching hardware, since the four byte-wide full-duplex links can be connected by cables with neighbor nodes in an arbitrary network topology

    Design for pre-bond testability in 3D integrated circuits

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    In this dissertation we propose several DFT techniques specific to 3D stacked IC systems. The goal has explicitly been to create techniques that integrate easily with existing IC test systems. Specifically, this means utilizing scan- and wrapper-based techniques, two foundations of the digital IC test industry. First, we describe a general test architecture for 3D ICs. In this architecture, each tier of a 3D design is wrapped in test control logic that both manages tier test pre-bond and integrates the tier into the large test architecture post-bond. We describe a new kind of boundary scan to provide the necessary test control and observation of the partial circuits, and we propose a new design methodology for test hardcore that ensures both pre-bond functionality and post-bond optimality. We present the application of these techniques to the 3D-MAPS test vehicle, which has proven their effectiveness. Second, we extend these DFT techniques to circuit-partitioned designs. We find that boundary scan design is generally sufficient, but that some 3D designs require special DFT treatment. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the functional partitioning inherent in 3D design can potentially decrease the total test cost of verifying a circuit. Third, we present a new CAD algorithm for designing 3D test wrappers. This algorithm co-designs the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers to simultaneously minimize test time and routing cost. On average, our algorithm utilizes over 90% of the wires in both the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers. Finally, we look at the 3D vias themselves to develop a low-cost, high-volume pre-bond test methodology appropriate for production-level test. We describe the shorting probes methodology, wherein large test probes are used to contact multiple small 3D vias. This technique is an all-digital test method that integrates seamlessly into existing test flows. Our experimental results demonstrate two key facts: neither the large capacitance of the probe tips nor the process variation in the 3D vias and the probe tips significantly hinders the testability of the circuits. Taken together, this body of work defines a complete test methodology for testing 3D ICs pre-bond, eliminating one of the key hurdles to the commercialization of 3D technology.PhDCommittee Chair: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: Yalamanchili, Sudhaka


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    Power during manufacturing test can be several times higher than power consumption in functional mode. Excessive power during test can cause IR drop, over-heating, and early aging of the chips. In this dissertation, three different architectures have been introduced to reduce test power in general cases as well as in certain scenarios, including field test. In the first architecture, scan chains are divided into several segments. Every segment needs a control bit to enable capture in a segment when new faults are detectable on that segment for that pattern. Otherwise, the segment should be disabled to reduce capture power. We group the control bits together into one or more control chains. To address the extra pin(s) required to shift data into the control chain(s) and significant post processing in the first architecture, we explored a second architecture. The second architecture stitches the control bits into the chains they control as EECBs (embedded enable capture bits) in between the segments. This allows an ATPG software tool to automatically generate the appropriate EECB values for each pattern to maintain the fault coverage. This also works in the presence of an on-chip decompressor. The last architecture focuses primarily on the self-test of a device in a 3D stacked IC when an existing FPGA in the stack can be programmed as a tester. We show that the energy expended during test is significantly less than would be required using low power patterns fed by an on-chip decompressor for the same very short scan chains
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