5,232 research outputs found

    Memory lower bounds for deterministic self-stabilization

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    In the context of self-stabilization, a \emph{silent} algorithm guarantees that the register of every node does not change once the algorithm has stabilized. At the end of the 90's, Dolev et al. [Acta Inf. '99] showed that, for finding the centers of a graph, for electing a leader, or for constructing a spanning tree, every silent algorithm must use a memory of Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) bits per register in nn-node networks. Similarly, Korman et al. [Dist. Comp. '07] proved, using the notion of proof-labeling-scheme, that, for constructing a minimum-weight spanning trees (MST), every silent algorithm must use a memory of Ω(log2n)\Omega(\log^2n) bits per register. It follows that requiring the algorithm to be silent has a cost in terms of memory space, while, in the context of self-stabilization, where every node constantly checks the states of its neighbors, the silence property can be of limited practical interest. In fact, it is known that relaxing this requirement results in algorithms with smaller space-complexity. In this paper, we are aiming at measuring how much gain in terms of memory can be expected by using arbitrary self-stabilizing algorithms, not necessarily silent. To our knowledge, the only known lower bound on the memory requirement for general algorithms, also established at the end of the 90's, is due to Beauquier et al.~[PODC '99] who proved that registers of constant size are not sufficient for leader election algorithms. We improve this result by establishing a tight lower bound of Θ(logΔ+loglogn)\Theta(\log \Delta+\log \log n) bits per register for self-stabilizing algorithms solving (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring or constructing a spanning tree in networks of maximum degree~Δ\Delta. The lower bound Ω(loglogn)\Omega(\log \log n) bits per register also holds for leader election

    Leader Election in Anonymous Rings: Franklin Goes Probabilistic

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    We present a probabilistic leader election algorithm for anonymous, bidirectional, asynchronous rings. It is based on an algorithm from Franklin, augmented with random identity selection, hop counters to detect identity clashes, and round numbers modulo 2. As a result, the algorithm is finite-state, so that various model checking techniques can be employed to verify its correctness, that is, eventually a unique leader is elected with probability one. We also sketch a formal correctness proof of the algorithm for rings with arbitrary size

    Parallel Tempering Simulation of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Model with Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding on GPU

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    Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model play an important role in the field of computational statistical physics, and they have revealed many properties of the model over the past few decades. However, the effect of frustration due to random disorder, in particular the possible spin glass phase, remains a crucial but poorly understood problem. One of the obstacles in the Monte Carlo simulation of random frustrated systems is their long relaxation time making an efficient parallel implementation on state-of-the-art computation platforms highly desirable. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is such a platform that provides an opportunity to significantly enhance the computational performance and thus gain new insight into this problem. In this paper, we present optimization and tuning approaches for the CUDA implementation of the spin glass simulation on GPUs. We discuss the integration of various design alternatives, such as GPU kernel construction with minimal communication, memory tiling, and look-up tables. We present a binary data format, Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding (CAMSC), which provides an additional 28.4%28.4\% speedup compared with the traditionally used Asynchronous Multispin Coding (AMSC). Our overall design sustains a performance of 33.5 picoseconds per spin flip attempt for simulating the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model with parallel tempering, which significantly improves the performance over existing GPU implementations.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Comparing the expressive power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous pi-calculus

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    The Asynchronous pi-calculus, as recently proposed by Boudol and, independently, by Honda and Tokoro, is a subset of the pi-calculus which contains no explicit operators for choice and output-prefixing. The communication mechanism of this calculus, however, is powerful enough to simulate output-prefixing, as shown by Boudol, and input-guarded choice, as shown recently by Nestmann and Pierce. A natural question arises, then, whether or not it is possible to embed in it the full pi-calculus. We show that this is not possible, i.e. there does not exist any uniform, parallel-preserving, translation from the pi-calculus into the asynchronous pi-calculus, up to any ``reasonable'' notion of equivalence. This result is based on the incapablity of the asynchronous pi-calculus of breaking certain symmetries possibly present in the initial communication graph. By similar arguments, we prove a separation result between the pi-calculus and CCS.Comment: 10 pages. Proc. of the POPL'97 symposiu

    Exploration of Finite 2D Square Grid by a Metamorphic Robotic System

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    We consider exploration of finite 2D square grid by a metamorphic robotic system consisting of anonymous oblivious modules. The number of possible shapes of a metamorphic robotic system grows as the number of modules increases. The shape of the system serves as its memory and shows its functionality. We consider the effect of global compass on the minimum number of modules necessary to explore a finite 2D square grid. We show that if the modules agree on the directions (north, south, east, and west), three modules are necessary and sufficient for exploration from an arbitrary initial configuration, otherwise five modules are necessary and sufficient for restricted initial configurations

    Time vs. Information Tradeoffs for Leader Election in Anonymous Trees

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    The leader election task calls for all nodes of a network to agree on a single node. If the nodes of the network are anonymous, the task of leader election is formulated as follows: every node vv of the network must output a simple path, coded as a sequence of port numbers, such that all these paths end at a common node, the leader. In this paper, we study deterministic leader election in anonymous trees. Our aim is to establish tradeoffs between the allocated time τ\tau and the amount of information that has to be given a priori\textit{a priori} to the nodes to enable leader election in time τ\tau in all trees for which leader election in this time is at all possible. Following the framework of algorithms with advice\textit{algorithms with advice}, this information (a single binary string) is provided to all nodes at the start by an oracle knowing the entire tree. The length of this string is called the size of advice\textit{size of advice}. For an allocated time τ\tau, we give upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of advice sufficient to perform leader election in time τ\tau. We consider nn-node trees of diameter diamDdiam \leq D. While leader election in time diamdiam can be performed without any advice, for time diam1diam-1 we give tight upper and lower bounds of Θ(logD)\Theta (\log D). For time diam2diam-2 we give tight upper and lower bounds of Θ(logD)\Theta (\log D) for even values of diamdiam, and tight upper and lower bounds of Θ(logn)\Theta (\log n) for odd values of diamdiam. For the time interval [βdiam,diam3][\beta \cdot diam, diam-3] for constant β>1/2\beta >1/2, we prove an upper bound of O(nlognD)O(\frac{n\log n}{D}) and a lower bound of Ω(nD)\Omega(\frac{n}{D}), the latter being valid whenever diamdiam is odd or when the time is at most diam4diam-4. Finally, for time αdiam\alpha \cdot diam for any constant α<1/2\alpha <1/2 (except for the case of very small diameters), we give tight upper and lower bounds of Θ(n)\Theta (n)

    Deterministic Symmetry Breaking in Ring Networks

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    We study a distributed coordination mechanism for uniform agents located on a circle. The agents perform their actions in synchronised rounds. At the beginning of each round an agent chooses the direction of its movement from clockwise, anticlockwise, or idle, and moves at unit speed during this round. Agents are not allowed to overpass, i.e., when an agent collides with another it instantly starts moving with the same speed in the opposite direction (without exchanging any information with the other agent). However, at the end of each round each agent has access to limited information regarding its trajectory of movement during this round. We assume that nn mobile agents are initially located on a circle unit circumference at arbitrary but distinct positions unknown to other agents. The agents are equipped with unique identifiers from a fixed range. The {\em location discovery} task to be performed by each agent is to determine the initial position of every other agent. Our main result states that, if the only available information about movement in a round is limited to %information about distance between the initial and the final position, then there is a superlinear lower bound on time needed to solve the location discovery problem. Interestingly, this result corresponds to a combinatorial symmetry breaking problem, which might be of independent interest. If, on the other hand, an agent has access to the distance to its first collision with another agent in a round, we design an asymptotically efficient and close to optimal solution for the location discovery problem.Comment: Conference version accepted to ICDCS 201