1 research outputs found

    Efficient and Scalable Multi-Geography Route Planning

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    This paper considersthe problem of Multi-GeographyRoute Planning (MGRP) where the geographical information may be spread over multiple heterogeneous interconnected maps. Wefirstdesignaflexibleandscalablerepresentationtomodel individual geographies and their interconnections. Given such a representation, we develop an algorithm that exploits precomputation and caching of geographical data for path planning. A utility-based approach is adopted to decide which paths to precompute and store. To validate the proposed approach we test the algorithm over the workload of a campus level evacuation simulation that plans evacuation routes over multiple geographies: indoor CAD maps, outdoor maps, pedestrian and transportation networks, etc. The empirical results indicate that the MGRP algorithm withtheproposedutilitybasedcachingstrategysignificantly outperforms the state of the art solutions when applied to a large university campus data under varying conditions. 1