14 research outputs found

    Efficient Tabular LR Parsing

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    We give a new treatment of tabular LR parsing, which is an alternative to Tomita's generalized LR algorithm. The advantage is twofold. Firstly, our treatment is conceptually more attractive because it uses simpler concepts, such as grammar transformations and standard tabulation techniques also know as chart parsing. Secondly, the static and dynamic complexity of parsing, both in space and time, is significantly reduced.Comment: 8 pages, uses aclap.st

    A Variant of Earley Parsing

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    The Earley algorithm is a widely used parsing method in natural language processing applications. We introduce a variant of Earley parsing that is based on a ``delayed'' recognition of constituents. This allows us to start the recognition of a constituent only in cases in which all of its subconstituents have been found within the input string. This is particularly advantageous in several cases in which partial analysis of a constituent cannot be completed and in general in all cases of productions sharing some suffix of their right-hand sides (even for different left-hand side nonterminals). Although the two algorithms result in the same asymptotic time and space complexity, from a practical perspective our algorithm improves the time and space requirements of the original method, as shown by reported experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 1 Postscript figure, uses psfig.tex and llncs.st

    Tabular Parsing

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    This is a tutorial on tabular parsing, on the basis of tabulation of nondeterministic push-down automata. Discussed are Earley's algorithm, the Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm, tabular LR parsing, the construction of parse trees, and further issues.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Practical experiments with regular approximation of context-free languages

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    Several methods are discussed that construct a finite automaton given a context-free grammar, including both methods that lead to subsets and those that lead to supersets of the original context-free language. Some of these methods of regular approximation are new, and some others are presented here in a more refined form with respect to existing literature. Practical experiments with the different methods of regular approximation are performed for spoken-language input: hypotheses from a speech recognizer are filtered through a finite automaton.Comment: 28 pages. To appear in Computational Linguistics 26(1), March 200

    An Efficient Implementation of the Head-Corner Parser

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    This paper describes an efficient and robust implementation of a bi-directional, head-driven parser for constraint-based grammars. This parser is developed for the OVIS system: a Dutch spoken dialogue system in which information about public transport can be obtained by telephone. After a review of the motivation for head-driven parsing strategies, and head-corner parsing in particular, a non-deterministic version of the head-corner parser is presented. A memoization technique is applied to obtain a fast parser. A goal-weakening technique is introduced which greatly improves average case efficiency, both in terms of speed and space requirements. I argue in favor of such a memoization strategy with goal-weakening in comparison with ordinary chart-parsers because such a strategy can be applied selectively and therefore enormously reduces the space requirements of the parser, while no practical loss in time-efficiency is observed. On the contrary, experiments are described in which head-corner and left-corner parsers implemented with selective memoization and goal weakening outperform `standard' chart parsers. The experiments include the grammar of the OVIS system and the Alvey NL Tools grammar. Head-corner parsing is a mix of bottom-up and top-down processing. Certain approaches towards robust parsing require purely bottom-up processing. Therefore, it seems that head-corner parsing is unsuitable for such robust parsing techniques. However, it is shown how underspecification (which arises very naturally in a logic programming environment) can be used in the head-corner parser to allow such robust parsing techniques. A particular robust parsing model is described which is implemented in OVIS.Comment: 31 pages, uses cl.st

    Efficient Tabular LR Parsing

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    Abstract: We give a new treatment of tabular LR parsing, which is an alternative to Tomita's generalized LR algorithm. The advantage is twofold. Firstly, our treatment is conceptually more attractive because it uses simpler concepts, such as grammar transformations and standard tabulation techniques also know as chart parsing. Secondly, the static and dynamic complexity of parsing, both in space and time, is significantly reduced.

    Efficient Tabular LR Parsing

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