1 research outputs found

    Efficient Support of Parallel Sparse Computation for Array Intrinsic Functions of Fortran 90

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    Fortran 90 provides a rich set of array intrinsic functions. They form a rich source of parallelism and play an increasingly important role in automatic support of data parallel programming. However, there is no such support if these intrinsic functions are applied to sparse data sets. We address this open gap by presenting an efficient library for parallel sparse computations with Fortran 90 array intrinsic operations. Our method provides both compression schemes and distribution schemes on distributed memory environments applicable to higherdimensional sparse arrays. Sparse programs can be expressed concisely using array expressions, and parallelized with the help of our library. Preliminary experimental results on an IBM SP2 workstation cluster show that our approach is promising in supporting efficient sparse matrix computations on both sequential and distributed memory environments. 1 Introduction An increasing number of programming languages, such as APL, Fortran 90, High Perfor..