6 research outputs found

    Efficient Subgraph Similarity Search on Large Probabilistic Graph Databases

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    Many studies have been conducted on seeking the efficient solution for subgraph similarity search over certain (deterministic) graphs due to its wide application in many fields, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and Resource Description Framework (RDF) data management. All these works assume that the underlying data are certain. However, in reality, graphs are often noisy and uncertain due to various factors, such as errors in data extraction, inconsistencies in data integration, and privacy preserving purposes. Therefore, in this paper, we study subgraph similarity search on large probabilistic graph databases. Different from previous works assuming that edges in an uncertain graph are independent of each other, we study the uncertain graphs where edges' occurrences are correlated. We formally prove that subgraph similarity search over probabilistic graphs is #P-complete, thus, we employ a filter-and-verify framework to speed up the search. In the filtering phase,we develop tight lower and upper bounds of subgraph similarity probability based on a probabilistic matrix index, PMI. PMI is composed of discriminative subgraph features associated with tight lower and upper bounds of subgraph isomorphism probability. Based on PMI, we can sort out a large number of probabilistic graphs and maximize the pruning capability. During the verification phase, we develop an efficient sampling algorithm to validate the remaining candidates. The efficiency of our proposed solutions has been verified through extensive experiments.Comment: VLDB201

    Efficient Subgraph Matching on Billion Node Graphs

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    The ability to handle large scale graph data is crucial to an increasing number of applications. Much work has been dedicated to supporting basic graph operations such as subgraph matching, reachability, regular expression matching, etc. In many cases, graph indices are employed to speed up query processing. Typically, most indices require either super-linear indexing time or super-linear indexing space. Unfortunately, for very large graphs, super-linear approaches are almost always infeasible. In this paper, we study the problem of subgraph matching on billion-node graphs. We present a novel algorithm that supports efficient subgraph matching for graphs deployed on a distributed memory store. Instead of relying on super-linear indices, we use efficient graph exploration and massive parallel computing for query processing. Our experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of performing subgraph matching on web-scale graph data.Comment: VLDB201

    Subgraph Pattern Matching over Uncertain Graphs with Identity Linkage Uncertainty

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    There is a growing need for methods which can capture uncertainties and answer queries over graph-structured data. Two common types of uncertainty are uncertainty over the attribute values of nodes and uncertainty over the existence of edges. In this paper, we combine those with identity uncertainty. Identity uncertainty represents uncertainty over the mapping from objects mentioned in the data, or references, to the underlying real-world entities. We propose the notion of a probabilistic entity graph (PEG), a probabilistic graph model that defines a distribution over possible graphs at the entity level. The model takes into account node attribute uncertainty, edge existence uncertainty, and identity uncertainty, and thus enables us to systematically reason about all three types of uncertainties in a uniform manner. We introduce a general framework for constructing a PEG given uncertain data at the reference level and develop highly efficient algorithms to answer subgraph pattern matching queries in this setting. Our algorithms are based on two novel ideas: context-aware path indexing and reduction by join-candidates, which drastically reduce the query search space. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows that our approach outperforms baseline implementations by orders of magnitude