20,073 research outputs found

    Subset Queries in Relational Databases

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    In this paper, we motivated the need for relational database systems to support subset query processing. We defined new operators in relational algebra, and new constructs in SQL for expressing subset queries. We also illustrated the applicability of subset queries through different examples expressed using extended SQL statements and relational algebra expressions. Our aim is to show the utility of subset queries for next generation applications.Comment: 15 page

    Data Mining-based Materialized View and Index Selection in Data Warehouses

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    Materialized views and indexes are physical structures for accelerating data access that are casually used in data warehouses. However, these data structures generate some maintenance overhead. They also share the same storage space. Most existing studies about materialized view and index selection consider these structures separately. In this paper, we adopt the opposite stance and couple materialized view and index selection to take view-index interactions into account and achieve efficient storage space sharing. Candidate materialized views and indexes are selected through a data mining process. We also exploit cost models that evaluate the respective benefit of indexing and view materialization, and help select a relevant configuration of indexes and materialized views among the candidates. Experimental results show that our strategy performs better than an independent selection of materialized views and indexes

    Stale View Cleaning: Getting Fresh Answers from Stale Materialized Views

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    Materialized views (MVs), stored pre-computed results, are widely used to facilitate fast queries on large datasets. When new records arrive at a high rate, it is infeasible to continuously update (maintain) MVs and a common solution is to defer maintenance by batching updates together. Between batches the MVs become increasingly stale with incorrect, missing, and superfluous rows leading to increasingly inaccurate query results. We propose Stale View Cleaning (SVC) which addresses this problem from a data cleaning perspective. In SVC, we efficiently clean a sample of rows from a stale MV, and use the clean sample to estimate aggregate query results. While approximate, the estimated query results reflect the most recent data. As sampling can be sensitive to long-tailed distributions, we further explore an outlier indexing technique to give increased accuracy when the data distributions are skewed. SVC complements existing deferred maintenance approaches by giving accurate and bounded query answers between maintenance. We evaluate our method on a generated dataset from the TPC-D benchmark and a real video distribution application. Experiments confirm our theoretical results: (1) cleaning an MV sample is more efficient than full view maintenance, (2) the estimated results are more accurate than using the stale MV, and (3) SVC is applicable for a wide variety of MVs

    LevelHeaded: Making Worst-Case Optimal Joins Work in the Common Case

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    Pipelines combining SQL-style business intelligence (BI) queries and linear algebra (LA) are becoming increasingly common in industry. As a result, there is a growing need to unify these workloads in a single framework. Unfortunately, existing solutions either sacrifice the inherent benefits of exclusively using a relational database (e.g. logical and physical independence) or incur orders of magnitude performance gaps compared to specialized engines (or both). In this work we study applying a new type of query processing architecture to standard BI and LA benchmarks. To do this we present a new in-memory query processing engine called LevelHeaded. LevelHeaded uses worst-case optimal joins as its core execution mechanism for both BI and LA queries. With LevelHeaded, we show how crucial optimizations for BI and LA queries can be captured in a worst-case optimal query architecture. Using these optimizations, LevelHeaded outperforms other relational database engines (LogicBlox, MonetDB, and HyPer) by orders of magnitude on standard LA benchmarks, while performing on average within 31% of the best-of-breed BI (HyPer) and LA (Intel MKL) solutions on their own benchmarks. Our results show that such a single query processing architecture is capable of delivering competitive performance on both BI and LA queries

    Scaling-Up Reasoning and Advanced Analytics on BigData

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    BigDatalog is an extension of Datalog that achieves performance and scalability on both Apache Spark and multicore systems to the point that its graph analytics outperform those written in GraphX. Looking back, we see how this realizes the ambitious goal pursued by deductive database researchers beginning forty years ago: this is the goal of combining the rigor and power of logic in expressing queries and reasoning with the performance and scalability by which relational databases managed Big Data. This goal led to Datalog which is based on Horn Clauses like Prolog but employs implementation techniques, such as Semi-naive Fixpoint and Magic Sets, that extend the bottom-up computation model of relational systems, and thus obtain the performance and scalability that relational systems had achieved, as far back as the 80s, using data-parallelization on shared-nothing architectures. But this goal proved difficult to achieve because of major issues at (i) the language level and (ii) at the system level. The paper describes how (i) was addressed by simple rules under which the fixpoint semantics extends to programs using count, sum and extrema in recursion, and (ii) was tamed by parallel compilation techniques that achieve scalability on multicore systems and Apache Spark. This paper is under consideration for acceptance in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Optimization of Imperative Programs in a Relational Database

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    For decades, RDBMSs have supported declarative SQL as well as imperative functions and procedures as ways for users to express data processing tasks. While the evaluation of declarative SQL has received a lot of attention resulting in highly sophisticated techniques, the evaluation of imperative programs has remained naive and highly inefficient. Imperative programs offer several benefits over SQL and hence are often preferred and widely used. But unfortunately, their abysmal performance discourages, and even prohibits their use in many situations. We address this important problem that has hitherto received little attention. We present Froid, an extensible framework for optimizing imperative programs in relational databases. Froid's novel approach automatically transforms entire User Defined Functions (UDFs) into relational algebraic expressions, and embeds them into the calling SQL query. This form is now amenable to cost-based optimization and results in efficient, set-oriented, parallel plans as opposed to inefficient, iterative, serial execution of UDFs. Froid's approach additionally brings the benefits of many compiler optimizations to UDFs with no additional implementation effort. We describe the design of Froid and present our experimental evaluation that demonstrates performance improvements of up to multiple orders of magnitude on real workloads.Comment: Extended version of the paper titled "FROID: Optimization of Imperative Programs in a Relational Database" in PVLDB 11(4), 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3164135.316414

    Cache-based Multi-query Optimization for Data-intensive Scalable Computing Frameworks

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    In modern large-scale distributed systems, analytics jobs submitted by various users often share similar work, for example scanning and processing the same subset of data. Instead of optimizing jobs independently, which may result in redundant and wasteful processing, multi-query optimization techniques can be employed to save a considerable amount of cluster resources. In this work, we introduce a novel method combining in-memory cache primitives and multi-query optimization, to improve the efficiency of data-intensive, scalable computing frameworks. By careful selection and exploitation of common (sub)expressions, while satisfying memory constraints, our method transforms a batch of queries into a new, more efficient one which avoids unnecessary recomputations. To find feasible and efficient execution plans, our method uses a cost-based optimization formulation akin to the multiple-choice knapsack problem. Extensive experiments on a prototype implementation of our system show significant benefits of worksharing for both TPC-DS workloads and detailed micro-benchmarks.Comment: 12 pages + references, extended versio

    Sequences, yet Functions: The Dual Nature of Data-Stream Processing

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    Data-stream processing has continuously risen in importance as the amount of available data has been steadily increas- ing over the last decade. Besides traditional domains such as data-center monitoring and click analytics, there is an increasing number of network-enabled production machines that generate continuous streams of data. Due to their continuous nature, queries on data-streams can be more complex, and distinctly harder to understand then database queries. As users have to consider operational details, maintenance and debugging become challenging. Current approaches model data-streams as sequences, be- cause this is the way they are physically received. These models result in an implementation-focused perspective. We explore an alternate way of modeling data-streams by focusing on time-slicing semantics. This focus results in a model based on functions, which is better suited for reasoning about query semantics. By adapting the definitions of relevant concepts in stream processing to our model, we illustrate the practical useful- ness of our approach. Thereby, we link data-streams and query primitives to concepts in functional programming and mathematics. Most noteworthy, we prove that data-streams are monads, and show how to derive monad definitions for current data-stream models. We provide an abstract, yet practical perspective on data- stream related subjects based on a sound, consistent query model. Our work can serve as solid foundation for future data-stream query-languages

    Explaining Wrong Queries Using Small Examples

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    For testing the correctness of SQL queries, e.g., evaluating student submissions in a database course, a standard practice is to execute the query in question on some test database instance and compare its result with that of the correct query. Given two queries Q1Q_1 and Q2Q_2, we say that a database instance DD is a counterexample (for Q1Q_1 and Q2Q_2) if Q1(D)Q_1(D) differs from Q2(D)Q_2(D); such a counterexample can serve as an explanation of why Q1Q_1 and Q2Q_2 are not equivalent. While the test database instance may serve as a counterexample, it may be too large or complex to read and understand where the inequivalence comes from. Therefore, in this paper, given a known counterexample DD for Q1Q_1 and Q2Q_2, we aim to find the smallest counterexample D′⊆DD' \subseteq D where Q1(D′)≠Q2(D′)Q_1(D') \neq Q_2(D'). The problem in general is NP-hard. We give a suite of algorithms for finding the smallest counterexample for different classes of queries, some more tractable than others. We also present an efficient provenance-based algorithm for SPJUD queries that uses a constraint solver, and extend it to more complex queries with aggregation, group-by, and nested queries. We perform extensive experiments indicating the effectiveness and scalability of our solution on student queries from an undergraduate database course and on queries from the TPC-H benchmark. We also report a user study from the course where we deployed our tool to help students with an assignment on relational algebra

    DBToaster: Higher-order Delta Processing for Dynamic, Frequently Fresh Views

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    Applications ranging from algorithmic trading to scientific data analysis require realtime analytics based on views over databases that change at very high rates. Such views have to be kept fresh at low maintenance cost and latencies. At the same time, these views have to support classical SQL, rather than window semantics, to enable applications that combine current with aged or historical data. In this paper, we present viewlet transforms, a recursive finite differencing technique applied to queries. The viewlet transform materializes a query and a set of its higher-order deltas as views. These views support each other's incremental maintenance, leading to a reduced overall view maintenance cost. The viewlet transform of a query admits efficient evaluation, the elimination of certain expensive query operations, and aggressive parallelization. We develop viewlet transforms into a workable query execution technique, present a heuristic and cost-based optimization framework, and report on experiments with a prototype dynamic data management system that combines viewlet transforms with an optimizing compilation technique. The system supports tens of thousands of complete view refreshes a second for a wide range of queries.Comment: VLDB201
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