13 research outputs found

    Efficient Probabilistic Inference in the Quest for Physics Beyond the Standard Model

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    We present a novel probabilistic programming framework that couples directly to existing large-scale simulators through a cross-platform probabilistic execution protocol, which allows general-purpose inference engines to record and control random number draws within simulators in a language-agnostic way. The execution of existing simulators as probabilistic programs enables highly interpretable posterior inference in the structured model defined by the simulator code base. We demonstrate the technique in particle physics, on a scientifically accurate simulation of the tau lepton decay, which is a key ingredient in establishing the properties of the Higgs boson. Inference efficiency is achieved via inference compilation where a deep recurrent neural network is trained to parameterize proposal distributions and control the stochastic simulator in a sequential importance sampling scheme, at a fraction of the computational cost of a Markov chain Monte Carlo baseline.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Distilling importance sampling

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    The two main approaches to Bayesian inference are sampling and optimisation methods. However many complicated posteriors are difficult to approximate by either. Therefore we propose a novel approach combining features of both. We use a flexible parameterised family of densities, such as a normalising flow. Given a density from this family approximating the posterior, we use importance sampling to produce a weighted sample from a more accurate posterior approximation. This sample is then used in optimisation to update the parameters of the approximate density, which we view as distilling the importance sampling results. We iterate these steps and gradually improve the quality of the posterior approximation. We illustrate our method in two challenging examples: a queueing model and a stochastic differential equation model.Comment: This version adds a second application, and fixes some minor error

    Amortized Rejection Sampling in Universal Probabilistic Programming

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    Existing approaches to amortized inference in probabilistic programs with unbounded loops can produce estimators with infinite variance. An instance of this is importance sampling inference in programs that explicitly include rejection sampling as part of the user-programmed generative procedure. In this paper we develop a new and efficient amortized importance sampling estimator. We prove finite variance of our estimator and empirically demonstrate our method's correctness and efficiency compared to existing alternatives on generative programs containing rejection sampling loops and discuss how to implement our method in a generic probabilistic programming framework

    Divide, Conquer, and Combine: a New Inference Strategy for Probabilistic Programs with Stochastic Support

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    Universal probabilistic programming systems (PPSs) provide a powerful framework for specifying rich probabilistic models. They further attempt to automate the process of drawing inferences from these models, but doing this successfully is severely hampered by the wide range of non--standard models they can express. As a result, although one can specify complex models in a universal PPS, the provided inference engines often fall far short of what is required. In particular, we show that they produce surprisingly unsatisfactory performance for models where the support varies between executions, often doing no better than importance sampling from the prior. To address this, we introduce a new inference framework: Divide, Conquer, and Combine, which remains efficient for such models, and show how it can be implemented as an automated and generic PPS inference engine. We empirically demonstrate substantial performance improvements over existing approaches on three examples.Comment: Published at the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020

    Planning as Inference in Epidemiological Models

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    In this work we demonstrate how existing software tools can be used to automate parts of infectious disease-control policy-making via performing inference in existing epidemiological dynamics models. The kind of inference tasks undertaken include computing, for planning purposes, the posterior distribution over putatively controllable, via direct policy-making choices, simulation model parameters that give rise to acceptable disease progression outcomes. Neither the full capabilities of such inference automation software tools nor their utility for planning is widely disseminated at the current time. Timely gains in understanding about these tools and how they can be used may lead to more fine-grained and less economically damaging policy prescriptions, particularly during the current COVID-19 pandemic.Comment: minor typos correcte