3 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving and Collusion-Resistant Charging Coordination Schemes for Smart Grid

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    Energy storage units (ESUs) including EVs and home batteries enable several attractive features of the modern smart grids such as effective demand response and reduced electric bills. However, uncoordinated charging of ESUs stresses the power system. In this paper, we propose privacy-preserving and collusion-resistant charging coordination centralized and decentralized schemes for the smart grid. The centralized scheme is used in case of robust communication infrastructure that connects the ESUs to the utility, while the decentralized scheme is useful in case of infrastructure not available or costly. In the centralized scheme, each energy storage unit should acquire anonymous tokens from a charging controller (CC) to send multiple charging requests to the CC via the aggregator. CC can use the charging requests to enough data to run the charging coordination scheme, but it cannot link the data to particular ESUs or reveal any private information. Our centralized scheme uses a modified knapsack problem formulation technique to maximize the amount of power delivered to the ESUs before the charging requests expire without exceeding the available maximum charging capacity. In the decentralized scheme, several ESUs run the scheme in a distributed way with no need to aggregator or CC. One ESU is selected as a head node that should decrypt the ciphertext of the aggregated messages of the ESUs' messages and broadcast it to the community while not revealing the ESUs' individual charging demands. Then, ESUs can coordinate charging requests based on the aggregated charging demand while not exceeding the maximum charging capacity. Extensive experiments and simulations are conducted to demonstrate that our schemes are efficient and secure against various attacks, and can preserve ESU owner's privacy

    EPIC: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scheme with E2E Data Integrity and Authenticity for AMI Networks

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    In Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks, smart meters should send fine-grained power consumption readings to electric utilities to perform real-time monitoring and energy management. However, these readings can leak sensitive information about consumers' activities. Various privacy-preserving schemes for collecting fine-grained readings have been proposed for AMI networks. These schemes aggregate individual readings and send an aggregated reading to the utility, but they extensively use asymmetric-key cryptography which involves large computation/communication overhead. Furthermore, they do not address End-to-End (E2E) data integrity, authenticity, and computing electricity bills based on dynamic prices. In this paper, we propose EPIC, an efficient and privacy-preserving data collection scheme with E2E data integrity verification for AMI networks. Using efficient cryptographic operations, each meter should send a masked reading to the utility such that all the masks are canceled after aggregating all meters' masked readings, and thus the utility can only obtain an aggregated reading to preserve consumers' privacy. The utility can verify the aggregated reading integrity without accessing the individual readings to preserve privacy. It can also identify the attackers and compute electricity bills efficiently by using the fine-grained readings without violating privacy. Furthermore, EPIC can resist collusion attacks in which the utility colludes with a relay node to extract the meters' readings. A formal proof, probabilistic analysis are used to evaluate the security of EPIC, and ns-3 is used to implement EPIC and evaluate the network performance. In addition, we compare EPIC to existing data collection schemes in terms of overhead and security/privacy features

    Privacy-Preserving and Efficient Data Collection Scheme for AMI Networks Using Deep Learning

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    In advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), smart meters (SMs), which are installed at the consumer side, send fine-grained power consumption readings periodically to the electricity utility for load monitoring and energy management. Change and transmit (CAT) is an efficient approach to collect these readings, where the readings are not transmitted when there is no enough change in consumption. However, this approach causes a privacy problem that is by analyzing the transmission pattern of an SM, sensitive information on the house dwellers can be inferred. For instance, since the transmission pattern is distinguishable when dwellers are on travel, attackers may analyze the pattern to launch a presence-privacy attack (PPA) to infer whether the dwellers are absent from home. In this paper, we propose a scheme, called "STDL", for efficient collection of power consumption readings in AMI networks while preserving the consumers' privacy by sending spoofing transmissions (redundant real readings) using a deep-learning approach. We first use a clustering technique and real power consumption readings to create a dataset for transmission patterns using the CAT approach. Then, we train an attacker model using deep-learning, and our evaluations indicate that the success rate of the attacker is about 91%. Finally, we train a deep-learning-based defense model to send spoofing transmissions efficiently to thwart the PPA. Extensive evaluations are conducted, and the results indicate that our scheme can reduce the attacker's success rate, to 13.52% in case he knows the defense model and to 3.15% in case he does not know the model, while still achieving high efficiency in terms of the number of readings that should be transmitted. Our measurements indicate that the proposed scheme can reduce the number of readings that should be transmitted by about 41% compared to continuously transmitting readings.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure