1 research outputs found

    Efficient Partitioning of Algorithms for Long Convolutions and their Mapping onto Architectures

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    We present an efficient approach for the partitioning of algorithms implementing long convolutions. The dependence graph (DG) of a convolution algorithm is locally sequential globally parallel (LSGP) partitioned into smaller, less complex convolution algorithms. The LSGP partitioned DG is mapped onto a signal flow graph (SFG), in which each processor element (PE) performs a small convolution algorithm. The key is then to reduce the complexity of the SFG in two steps: 1. local reduction of complexity: the short Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to perform the small convolution within the PE, 2. global reduction of complexity: the short FFTs within the PEs are relocated to the global level, where redundant short FFT operations are eliminated. The remaining operation within the PEs is now a simple element-wise multiply-add. After a graph transform, the structure of the SFG kernel is recognized as a set of parallel small convolutions. If we use the short FFT to perform these short convolutions, we come to our final realization of the long convolution algorithm. The computational complexity of this realization is close to the optimum for convolutions, that is, script O sign (N log N). Our approach is thus achieving this N log N - low without having to implement large-size FFTs. We use, instead, small FFT blocks. The advantage is that small FFT transforms are commercially available, and that they can even be implemented in single-chip VLSI architectures. Our final SFG is three dimensional and can be mapped efficiently onto prototype architectures or dedicated VLSI processors. We demonstrate the procedure in the paper by a design example: the implementation of a prototype convolution architecture that we designed for a real-time radar imaging system