379 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis and improvement of password-authenticated key agreement for session initiation protocol using smart cards

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    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is one of the most commonly used protocols for handling sessions for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)-based communications, and the security of SIP is becoming increasingly important. Recently, Zhang et al. proposed a password authenticated key agreement protocol for SIP by using smart cards to protect the VoIP communications between users. Their protocol provided some unique features, such as mutual authentication, no password table needed, and password updating freely. In this study, we performed cryptanalysis of Zhang et al.'s protocol and found that their protocol was vulnerable to the impersonation attack although the protocol could withstand several other attacks. A malicious attacker could compute other users’ privacy keys and then impersonated the users to cheat the SIP server. Furthermore, we proposed an improved password authentication key agreement protocol for SIP, which overcame the weakness of Zhang et al.’s protocol and was more suitable for VoIP communications

    Session Initiation Protocol Attacks and Challenges

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    In recent years, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has become widely used in current internet protocols. It is a text-based protocol much like Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). SIP is a strong enough signaling protocol on the internet for establishing, maintaining, and terminating session. In this paper the areas of security and attacks in SIP are discussed. We consider attacks from diverse related perspectives. The authentication schemes are compared, the representative existing solutions are highlighted, and several remaining research challenges are identified. Finally, the taxonomy of SIP threat will be presented

    Robust and efficient password authenticated key agreement with user anonymity for session initiation protocol-based communications

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    A suitable key agreement protocol plays an essential role in protecting the communications over open channels among users using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). This paper presents a robust and flexible password authenticated key agreement protocol with user anonymity for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) used by VoIP communications. Security analysis demonstrates that our protocol enjoys many unique properties, such as user anonymity, no password table, session key agreement, mutual authentication, password updating freely and conveniently revoking lost smartcards etc. Furthermore, our protocol can resist the replay attack, the impersonation attack, the stolen-verifier attack, the man-in-middle attack, the Denning-Sacco attack, and the offline dictionary attack with or without smartcards. Finally, performance analysis shows that our protocol is more suitable for practical application in comparison with other related protocols

    Efficient and flexible password authenticated key agreement for Voice over Internet Protocol session initiation protocol using smart card

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    Providing a suitable key agreement protocol for session initiation protocol is crucial to protecting the communication among the users over the open channel. This paper presents an efficient and flexible password authenticated key agreement protocol for session initiation protocol associated with Voice over Internet Protocol. The proposed protocol has many unique properties, such as session key agreement, mutual authentication, password updating function and the server not needing to maintain a password or verification table, and so on. In addition, our protocol is secure against the replay attack, the impersonation attack, the stolen-verifier attack, the man-in-the-middle attack, the Denning–Sacco attack, and the offline dictionary attack with or without the smart card

    A lightweight privacy preserving authenticated key agreement protocol for SIP-based VoIP

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    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an essential part of most Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) architecture. Although SIP provides attractive features, it is exposed to various security threats, and so an efficient and secure authentication scheme is sought to enhance the security of SIP. Several attempts have been made to address the tradeoff problem between security and efficiency, but designing a successful authenticated key agreement protocol for SIP is still a challenging task from the viewpoint of both performance and security, because performance and security as two critical factors affecting SIP applications always seem contradictory. In this study, we employ biometrics to design a lightweight privacy preserving authentication protocol for SIP based on symmetric encryption, achieving a delicate balance between performance and security. In addition, the proposed authentication protocol can fully protect the privacy of biometric characteristics and data identity, which has not been considered in previous work. The completeness of the proposed protocol is demonstrated by Gong, Needham, and Yahalom (GNY) logic. Performance analysis shows that our proposed protocol increases efficiency significantly in comparison with other related protocols

    An Efficient Authentication Scheme for Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly affecting human lives in multiple profound ways. “Things” have the ability to communicate, generate, transmit and store data over the network connection. During each communication between “Things”, the data transmitted is potentially vulnerable to malicious attacks, loss, distortions and interruption which impair functionality, system efficiency and user satisfaction. Additionally, inappropriate user controls can cause problems in IoT services, such as granting anonymous users access to personal resources and enable legitimate users to access resources in an illegal manner or preventing legitimate users to access resources in an authorized manner. Therefore, communications between things need to be authenticated, authorized, secured and ensured to have high privacy by applying a strong authentication protocol. The aim of this research is to enhance the authentication protocol, starting by reducing the heavy use of storage in “Things”, and eliminating unnecessary messages during authentication steps, taking into consideration the network security analysis. This research represents a security performance analysis and enhancement authentication for the IoT. The results indicate that the enhanced protocol has a positive effect on minimizing packet length and time performance in authenticating users having once obtained access to the visited location area compared with the other two protocols used for comparative purposes, with 33% increased the proposed protocol performance