3 research outputs found

    International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications c β—‹ World Scientific Publishing Company EFFICIENT NON-INTERSECTION QUERIES ON AGGREGATED GEOMETRIC DATA βˆ—

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    Communicated by Joseph S.B. Mitchell Geometric intersection searching problems are a well-studied class of query-retrieval problems with many applications. The goal here is to preprocess a set of geometric objects so that the ones that are intersected by a query object can be reported efficiently. Often, a more general version of the problem arises, where the data comes aggregated in disjoint groups and of interest are the groups, not the individual objects, that are intersected by the query object. One approach to a generalized problem is to ignore the grouping, solve the corresponding classical problem, and then infer the groups from the reported answer. However, this is not efficient, since the number of objects intersected can be much larger than the number of groups (i.e., the output size). The problem of designing efficient, output-sensitive query algorithms for generalized intersection searching has received much attention in recent years, and such solutions have been developed for several problems. This paper considers a new class of generalized query-retrieval problems. Specifically, given aggregated geometric data the goal is to report the distinct groups such that n