984 research outputs found

    Efficient Non-Interactive Verifiable Outsourced Computation for Arbitrary Functions

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    Non-interactive verifiable outsourced computation enables a computationally weak client to outsource the computation of a function ff on input xx to a more powerful but untrusted server, who will return the result of the function evaluation as well as a proof that the computation is performed correctly. A basic requirement of a verifiable outsourced computation scheme is that the client should invest less time in preparing the inputs and verifying the proof than computing the function by himself. One of the best solutions of such non-interactive schemes are based on Yao\u27s garble circuit and full homomorphic encryption, which leads to invest poly(T)poly(T) running time in offline stage and poly(logT)poly(log T) time in online stage of the client, where TT is the time complexity to compute ff. In this paper, we\u27ll present a scheme which does not need to use garble circuit, but to use a very simple technique to confuse the function we are going to compute, and only invests poly(logT)poly(log T) running time in the offline stage

    Private Outsourcing of Polynomial Evaluation and Matrix Multiplication using Multilinear Maps

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    {\em Verifiable computation} (VC) allows a computationally weak client to outsource the evaluation of a function on many inputs to a powerful but untrusted server. The client invests a large amount of off-line computation and gives an encoding of its function to the server. The server returns both an evaluation of the function on the client's input and a proof such that the client can verify the evaluation using substantially less effort than doing the evaluation on its own. We consider how to privately outsource computations using {\em privacy preserving} VC schemes whose executions reveal no information on the client's input or function to the server. We construct VC schemes with {\em input privacy} for univariate polynomial evaluation and matrix multiplication and then extend them such that the {\em function privacy} is also achieved. Our tool is the recently developed {mutilinear maps}. The proposed VC schemes can be used in outsourcing {private information retrieval (PIR)}.Comment: 23 pages, A preliminary version appears in the 12th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2013

    Extended Functionality in Verifiable Searchable Encryption

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    Abstract. When outsourcing the storage of sensitive data to an (un-trusted) remote server, a data owner may choose to encrypt the data beforehand to preserve confidentiality. However, it is then difficult to efficiently retrieve specific portions of the data as the server is unable to identify the relevant information. Searchable encryption has been well studied as a solution to this problem, allowing data owners and other au-thorised users to generate search queries which the server may execute over the encrypted data to identify relevant data portions. However, many current schemes lack two important properties: verifia-bility of search results, and expressive queries. We introduce Extended Verifiable Searchable Encryption (eVSE) that permits a user to verify that search results are correct and complete. We also permit verifiabl

    Smarter Data Availability Checks in the Cloud: Proof of Storage via Blockchain

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    Cloud computing offers clients flexible and cost-effective resources. Nevertheless, past incidents indicate that the cloud may misbehave by exposing or tampering with clients' data. Therefore, it is vital for clients to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their outsourced data. To address these issues, researchers proposed cryptographic protocols called “proof of storage” that let a client efficiently verify the integrity or availability of its data stored in a remote cloud server. However, in these schemes, the client either has to be online to perform the verification itself or has to delegate the verification to a fully trusted auditor. In this chapter, a new scheme is proposed that lets the client distribute its data replicas among multiple cloud servers to achieve high availability without the need for the client to be online for the verification and without a trusted auditor's involvement. The new scheme is mainly based on blockchain smart contracts. It illustrates how a combination of cloud computing and blockchain technology can resolve real-world problems

    Hash First, Argue Later: Adaptive Verifiable Computations on Outsourced Data

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    Proof systems for verifiable computation (VC) have the potential to make cloud outsourcing more trustworthy. Recent schemes enable a verifier with limited resources to delegate large computations and verify their outcome based on succinct arguments: verification complexity is linear in the size of the inputs and outputs (not the size of the computation). However, cloud computing also often involves large amounts of data, which may exceed the local storage and I/O capabilities of the verifier, and thus limit the use of VC. In this paper, we investigate multi-relation hash & prove schemes for verifiable computations that operate on succinct data hashes. Hence, the verifier delegates both storage and computation to an untrusted worker. She uploads data and keeps hashes; exchanges hashes with other parties; verifies arguments that consume and produce hashes; and selectively downloads the actual data she needs to access. Existing instantiations that fit our definition either target restricted classes of computations or employ relatively inefficient techniques. Instead, we propose efficient constructions that lift classes of existing arguments schemes for fixed relations to multi-relation hash & prove schemes. Our schemes (1) rely on hash algorithms that run linearly in the size of the input; (2) enable constant-time verification of arguments on hashed inputs; (3) incur minimal overhead for the prover. Their main benefit is to amortize the linear cost for the verifier across all relations with shared I/O. Concretely, compared to solutions that can be obtained from prior work, our new hash & prove constructions yield a 1,400x speed-up for provers. We also explain how to further reduce the linear verification costs by partially outsourcing the hash computation itself, obtaining a 480x speed-up when applied to existing VC schemes, even on single-relation executions