379 research outputs found

    Regularized target encoding outperforms traditional methods in supervised machine learning with high cardinality features

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    Since most machine learning (ML) algorithms are designed for numerical inputs, efficiently encoding categorical variables is a crucial aspect in data analysis. A common problem are high cardinality features, i.e. unordered categorical predictor variables with a high number of levels. We study techniques that yield numeric representations of categorical variables which can then be used in subsequent ML applications. We focus on the impact of these techniques on a subsequent algorithm's predictive performance, and-if possible-derive best practices on when to use which technique. We conducted a large-scale benchmark experiment, where we compared different encoding strategies together with five ML algorithms (lasso, random forest, gradient boosting, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine) using datasets from regression, binary- and multiclass-classification settings. In our study, regularized versions of target encoding (i.e. using target predictions based on the feature levels in the training set as a new numerical feature) consistently provided the best results. Traditionally widely used encodings that make unreasonable assumptions to map levels to integers (e.g. integer encoding) or to reduce the number of levels (possibly based on target information, e.g. leaf encoding) before creating binary indicator variables (one-hot or dummy encoding) were not as effective in comparison

    Optimization of Alpha-Beta Log-Det Divergences and their Application in the Spatial Filtering of Two Class Motor Imagery Movements

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    The Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences for positive definite matrices are flexible divergences that are parameterized by two real constants and are able to specialize several relevant classical cases like the squared Riemannian metric, the Steins loss, the S-divergence, etc. A novel classification criterion based on these divergences is optimized to address the problem of classification of the motor imagery movements. This research paper is divided into three main sections in order to address the above mentioned problem: (1) Firstly, it is proven that a suitable scaling of the class conditional covariance matrices can be used to link the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) solution with a predefined number of spatial filters for each class and its representation as a divergence optimization problem by making their different filter selection policies compatible; (2) A closed form formula for the gradient of the Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences is derived that allows to perform optimization as well as easily use it in many practical applications; (3) Finally, in similarity with the work of Samek et al. 2014, which proposed the robust spatial filtering of the motor imagery movements based on the beta-divergence, the optimization of the Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences is applied to this problem. The resulting subspace algorithm provides a unified framework for testing the performance and robustness of the several divergences in different scenarios.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2014-53103-

    The differential geometric structure in supervised learning of classifiers

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    In this thesis, we study the overfitting problem in supervised learning of classifiers from a geometric perspective. As with many inverse problems, learning a classification function from a given set of example-label pairs is an ill-posed problem, i.e., there exist infinitely many classification functions that can correctly predict the class labels for all training examples. Among them, according to Occam's razor, simpler functions are favored since they are less overfitted to training examples and are therefore expected to perform better on unseen examples. The standard technique to enforce Occam's razor is to introduce a regularization scheme, which penalizes some type of complexity of the learned classification function. Some widely used regularization techniques are functional norm-based (Tikhonov) techniques, ensemble-based techniques, early stopping techniques, etc. However, there is important geometric information in the learned classification function that is closely related to overfitting, and has been overlooked by previous methods. In this thesis, we study the complexity of a classification function from a new geometric perspective. In particular, we investigate the differential geometric structure in the submanifold corresponding to the estimator of the class probability P(y|x), based on the observation that overfitting produces rapid local oscillations and hence large mean curvature of this submanifold. We also show that our geometric perspective of supervised learning is naturally related to an elastic model in physics, where our complexity measure is a high dimensional extension of the surface energy in physics. This study leads to a new geometric regularization approach for supervised learning of classifiers. In our approach, the learning process can be viewed as a submanifold fitting problem that is solved by a mean curvature flow method. In particular, our approach finds the submanifold by iteratively fitting the training examples in a curvature or volume decreasing manner. Our technique is unified for both binary and multiclass classification, and can be applied to regularize any classification function that satisfies two requirements: firstly, an estimator of the class probability can be obtained; secondly, first and second derivatives of the class probability estimator can be calculated. For applications, where we apply our regularization technique to standard loss functions for classification, our RBF-based implementation compares favorably to widely used regularization methods for both binary and multiclass classification. We also design a specific algorithm to incorporate our regularization technique into the standard forward-backward training of deep neural networks. For theoretical analysis, we establish Bayes consistency for a specific loss function under some mild initialization assumptions. We also discuss the extension of our approach to situations where the input space is a submanifold, rather than a Euclidean space.2018-11-30T00:00:00