27 research outputs found

    Efficient Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Unlabeled Discs in Simple Polygons

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    We consider the following motion-planning problem: we are given mm unit discs in a simple polygon with nn vertices, each at their own start position, and we want to move the discs to a given set of mm target positions. Contrary to the standard (labeled) version of the problem, each disc is allowed to be moved to any target position, as long as in the end every target position is occupied. We show that this unlabeled version of the problem can be solved in O(nlogn+mn+m2)O(n\log n+mn+m^2) time, assuming that the start and target positions are at least some minimal distance from each other. This is in sharp contrast to the standard (labeled) and more general multi-robot motion-planning problem for discs moving in a simple polygon, which is known to be strongly NP-hard

    Efficient multi-robot motion planning for unlabeled discs in simple polygons

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    We consider the following motion-planning problem: we are given mm unit discs in a simple polygon with nn vertices, each at their own start position, and we want to move the discs to a given set of mm target positions. Contrary to the standard (labeled) version of the problem, each disc is allowed to be moved to any target position, as long as in the end every target position is occupied. We show that this unlabeled version of the problem can be solved in O(mn+m2)O(mn+m^2) time, assuming that the start and target positions are at least some minimal distance from each other. This is in sharp contrast to the standard (labeled) and more general multi-robot motion planning problem for discs moving in a simple polygon, which is known to be strongly NP-hard

    On the hardness of unlabeled multi-robot motion planning

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    In unlabeled multi-robot motion planning several interchangeable robots operate in a common workspace. The goal is to move the robots to a set of target positions such that each position will be occupied by some robot. In this paper, we study this problem for the specific case of unit-square robots moving amidst polygonal obstacles and show that it is PSPACE-hard. We also consider three additional variants of this problem and show that they are all PSPACE-hard as well. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first hardness proof for the unlabeled case. Furthermore, our proofs can be used to show that the labeled variant (where each robot is assigned with a specific target position), again, for unit-square robots, is PSPACE-hard as well, which sets another precedence, as previous hardness results require the robots to be of different shapes

    Finding a needle in an exponential haystack: Discrete RRT for exploration of implicit roadmaps in multi-robot motion planning

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    We present a sampling-based framework for multi-robot motion planning which combines an implicit representation of a roadmap with a novel approach for pathfinding in geometrically embedded graphs tailored for our setting. Our pathfinding algorithm, discrete-RRT (dRRT), is an adaptation of the celebrated RRT algorithm for the discrete case of a graph, and it enables a rapid exploration of the high-dimensional configuration space by carefully walking through an implicit representation of a tensor product of roadmaps for the individual robots. We demonstrate our approach experimentally on scenarios of up to 60 degrees of freedom where our algorithm is faster by a factor of at least ten when compared to existing algorithms that we are aware of.Comment: Kiril Solovey and Oren Salzman contributed equally to this pape

    Types of Cooperation Robots in Robotic Complex

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    Приведена классификация сотрудничества роботов-манипуляторов. Описаны подходы к разработке программного обеспечения. Рассмотрены функции для реализации сотрудничества роботов и стратегии планирования траекторий роботов при совместной работе. Эффективность предложенной методики подтверждается результатами моделирования.= The article gives an categorizes the cooperation of robotic manipulators. Approaches to software development are described. The functions for realization of cooperation of robots and strategies for planning robot trajectories in collaboration are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by the results of modeling