5 research outputs found

    Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning with Feasibility Guarantee using Relative Bernstein Polynomial

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    This paper presents a new efficient algorithm which guarantees a solution for a class of multi-agent trajectory planning problems in obstacle-dense environments. Our algorithm combines the advantages of both grid-based and optimization-based approaches, and generates safe, dynamically feasible trajectories without suffering from an erroneous optimization setup such as imposing infeasible collision constraints. We adopt a sequential optimization method with \textit{dummy agents} to improve the scalability of the algorithm, and utilize the convex hull property of Bernstein and relative Bernstein polynomial to replace non-convex collision avoidance constraints to convex ones. The proposed method can compute the trajectory for 64 agents on average 6.36 seconds with Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.60GHz CPU and 16G RAM, and it reduces more than 50%50\% of the objective cost compared to our previous work. We validate the proposed algorithm through simulation and flight tests.Comment: 7 pages, ICRA2020 under revie

    EGO-Swarm: A Fully Autonomous and Decentralized Quadrotor Swarm System in Cluttered Environments

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    This paper presents a decentralized and asynchronous systematic solution for multi-robot autonomous navigation in unknown obstacle-rich scenes using merely onboard resources. The planning system is formulated under gradient-based local planning framework, where collision avoidance is achieved by formulating the collision risk as a penalty of a nonlinear optimization problem. In order to improve robustness and escape local minima, we incorporate a lightweight topological trajectory generation method. Then agents generate safe, smooth, and dynamically feasible trajectories in only several milliseconds using an unreliable trajectory sharing network. Relative localization drift among agents is corrected by using agent detection in depth images. Our method is demonstrated in both simulation and real-world experiments. The source code is released for the reference of the community.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figures, accepted by ICRA 2021 and reported by Science News (https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/watch-swarm-drones-fly-through-heavy-forest-while-staying-formation

    GPU Accelerated Convex Approximations for Fast Multi-Agent Trajectory Optimization

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    In this paper, we present a computationally efficient trajectory optimizer that can exploit GPUs to jointly compute trajectories of tens of agents in under a second. At the heart of our optimizer is a novel reformulation of the non-convex collision avoidance constraints that reduces the core computation in each iteration to that of solving a large scale, convex, unconstrained Quadratic Program (QP). We also show that the matrix factorization/inverse computation associated with the QP needs to be done only once and can be done offline for a given number of agents. This further simplifies the solution process, effectively reducing it to a problem of evaluating a few matrix-vector products. Moreover, for a large number of agents, this computation can be trivially accelerated on GPUs using existing off-the-shelf libraries. We validate our optimizer's performance on challenging benchmarks and show substantial improvement over state of the art in computation time and trajectory quality.Comment: 8 page

    CL-MAPF: Multi-Agent Path Finding for Car-Like Robots with Kinematic and Spatiotemporal Constraints

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    Multi-Agent Path Finding has been widely studied in the past few years due to its broad application in the field of robotics and AI. However, previous solvers rely on several simplifying assumptions. They limit their applicability in numerous real-world domains that adopt nonholonomic car-like agents rather than holonomic ones. In this paper, we give a mathematical formalization of Multi-Agent Path Finding for Car-Like robots (CL-MAPF) problem. For the first time, we propose a novel hierarchical search-based solver called Car-like Conflict-Based Search to address this problem. It applies a body conflict tree to address collisions considering shapes of the agents. We introduce a new algorithm called Spatiotemporal Hybrid-State A* as the single-agent path planner to generate path satisfying both kinematic and spatiotemporal constraints. We also present a sequential planning version of our method for the sake of efficiency. We compare our method with two baseline algorithms on a dedicated benchmark containing 3000 instances and validate it in real-world scenarios. The experiment results give clear evidence that our algorithm scales well to a large number of agents and is able to produce solutions that can be directly applied to car-like robots in the real world. The benchmark and source code are released in https://github.com/APRIL-ZJU/CL-CBS

    Efficient Trajectory Planning for Multiple Non-holonomic Mobile Robots via Prioritized Trajectory Optimization

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to efficiently generate collision-free optimal trajectories for multiple non-holonomic mobile robots in obstacle-rich environments. Our approach first employs a graph-based multi-agent path planner to find an initial discrete solution, and then refines this solution into smooth trajectories using nonlinear optimization. We divide the robot team into small groups and propose a prioritized trajectory optimization method to improve the scalability of the algorithm. Infeasible sub-problems may arise in some scenarios because of the decoupled optimization framework. To handle this problem, a novel grouping and priority assignment strategy is developed to increase the probability of finding feasible trajectories. Compared to the coupled trajectory optimization, the proposed approach reduces the computation time considerably with a small impact on the optimality of the plans. Simulations and hardware experiments verified the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), source code is available at: https://github.com/LIJUNCHENG001/multi_robot_traj_planne