475 research outputs found

    GraphX: Unifying Data-Parallel and Graph-Parallel Analytics

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    From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven the development of numerous new graph-parallel systems (e.g., Pregel, GraphLab). By restricting the computation that can be expressed and introducing new techniques to partition and distribute the graph, these systems can efficiently execute iterative graph algorithms orders of magnitude faster than more general data-parallel systems. However, the same restrictions that enable the performance gains also make it difficult to express many of the important stages in a typical graph-analytics pipeline: constructing the graph, modifying its structure, or expressing computation that spans multiple graphs. As a consequence, existing graph analytics pipelines compose graph-parallel and data-parallel systems using external storage systems, leading to extensive data movement and complicated programming model. To address these challenges we introduce GraphX, a distributed graph computation framework that unifies graph-parallel and data-parallel computation. GraphX provides a small, core set of graph-parallel operators expressive enough to implement the Pregel and PowerGraph abstractions, yet simple enough to be cast in relational algebra. GraphX uses a collection of query optimization techniques such as automatic join rewrites to efficiently implement these graph-parallel operators. We evaluate GraphX on real-world graphs and workloads and demonstrate that GraphX achieves comparable performance as specialized graph computation systems, while outperforming them in end-to-end graph pipelines. Moreover, GraphX achieves a balance between expressiveness, performance, and ease of use

    Scaling and Load-Balancing Equi-Joins

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    The task of joining two tables is fundamental for querying databases. In this paper, we focus on the equi-join problem, where a pair of records from the two joined tables are part of the join results if equality holds between their values in the join column(s). While this is a tractable problem when the number of records in the joined tables is relatively small, it becomes very challenging as the table sizes increase, especially if hot keys (join column values with a large number of records) exist in both joined tables. This paper, an extended version of [metwally-SIGMOD-2022], proposes Adaptive-Multistage-Join (AM-Join) for scalable and fast equi-joins in distributed shared-nothing architectures. AM-Join utilizes (a) Tree-Join, a proposed novel algorithm that scales well when the joined tables share hot keys, and (b) Broadcast-Join, the known fastest when joining keys that are hot in only one table. Unlike the state-of-the-art algorithms, AM-Join (a) holistically solves the join-skew problem by achieving load balancing throughout the join execution, and (b) supports all outer-join variants without record deduplication or custom table partitioning. For the fastest AM-Join outer-join performance, we propose the Index-Broadcast-Join (IB-Join) family of algorithms for Small-Large joins, where one table fits in memory and the other can be up to orders of magnitude larger. The outer-join variants of IB-Join improves on the state-of-the-art Small-Large outer-join algorithms. The proposed algorithms can be adopted in any shared-nothing architecture. We implemented a MapReduce version using Spark. Our evaluation shows the proposed algorithms execute significantly faster and scale to more skewed and orders-of-magnitude bigger tables when compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Pregelix: Big(ger) Graph Analytics on A Dataflow Engine

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    There is a growing need for distributed graph processing systems that are capable of gracefully scaling to very large graph datasets. Unfortunately, this challenge has not been easily met due to the intense memory pressure imposed by process-centric, message passing designs that many graph processing systems follow. Pregelix is a new open source distributed graph processing system that is based on an iterative dataflow design that is better tuned to handle both in-memory and out-of-core workloads. As such, Pregelix offers improved performance characteristics and scaling properties over current open source systems (e.g., we have seen up to 15x speedup compared to Apache Giraph and up to 35x speedup compared to distributed GraphLab), and makes more effective use of available machine resources to support Big(ger) Graph Analytics
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