43,859 research outputs found

    Efficient Influence Maximization Under Network Uncertainty

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    We consider the influence maximization (IM) problem in a partially visible social network. The goal is to design a decision-making framework for an autonomous agent to select a limited set of influential seed nodes to spread a message as widely as possible across the network. We consider the realistic case where only a partial section of the network is visible to the agent, while the rest is one of a finite set of known structures, each with a given realization probability. We show that solving the IM problem in this setting is NP-hard, and we provide analytical guarantees for the performance of a novel computationally-efficient seed-selection approximation algorithm for the agent. In empirical experiments on real-world social networks, we demonstrate the efficiency of our scheme and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches that do not model the uncertainty

    Influence Analysis towards Big Social Data

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    Large scale social data from online social networks, instant messaging applications, and wearable devices have seen an exponential growth in a number of users and activities recently. The rapid proliferation of social data provides rich information and infinite possibilities for us to understand and analyze the complex inherent mechanism which governs the evolution of the new technology age. Influence, as a natural product of information diffusion (or propagation), which represents the change in an individual’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors resulting from interaction with others, is one of the fundamental processes in social worlds. Therefore, influence analysis occupies a very prominent place in social related data analysis, theory, model, and algorithms. In this dissertation, we study the influence analysis under the scenario of big social data. Firstly, we investigate the uncertainty of influence relationship among the social network. A novel sampling scheme is proposed which enables the development of an efficient algorithm to measure uncertainty. Considering the practicality of neighborhood relationship in real social data, a framework is introduced to transform the uncertain networks into deterministic weight networks where the weight on edges can be measured as Jaccard-like index. Secondly, focusing on the dynamic of social data, a practical framework is proposed by only probing partial communities to explore the real changes of a social network data. Our probing framework minimizes the possible difference between the observed topology and the actual network through several representative communities. We also propose an algorithm that takes full advantage of our divide-and-conquer strategy which reduces the computational overhead. Thirdly, if let the number of users who are influenced be the depth of propagation and the area covered by influenced users be the breadth, most of the research results are only focused on the influence depth instead of the influence breadth. Timeliness, acceptance ratio, and breadth are three important factors that significantly affect the result of influence maximization in reality, but they are neglected by researchers in most of time. To fill the gap, a novel algorithm that incorporates time delay for timeliness, opportunistic selection for acceptance ratio, and broad diffusion for influence breadth has been investigated. In our model, the breadth of influence is measured by the number of covered communities, and the tradeoff between depth and breadth of influence could be balanced by a specific parameter. Furthermore, the problem of privacy preserved influence maximization in both physical location network and online social network was addressed. We merge both the sensed location information collected from cyber-physical world and relationship information gathered from online social network into a unified framework with a comprehensive model. Then we propose the resolution for influence maximization problem with an efficient algorithm. At the same time, a privacy-preserving mechanism are proposed to protect the cyber physical location and link information from the application aspect. Last but not least, to address the challenge of large-scale data, we take the lead in designing an efficient influence maximization framework based on two new models which incorporate the dynamism of networks with consideration of time constraint during the influence spreading process in practice. All proposed problems and models of influence analysis have been empirically studied and verified by different, large-scale, real-world social data in this dissertation

    Stability of Influence Maximization

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    The present article serves as an erratum to our paper of the same title, which was presented and published in the KDD 2014 conference. In that article, we claimed falsely that the objective function defined in Section 1.4 is non-monotone submodular. We are deeply indebted to Debmalya Mandal, Jean Pouget-Abadie and Yaron Singer for bringing to our attention a counter-example to that claim. Subsequent to becoming aware of the counter-example, we have shown that the objective function is in fact NP-hard to approximate to within a factor of O(n1−ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. In an attempt to fix the record, the present article combines the problem motivation, models, and experimental results sections from the original incorrect article with the new hardness result. We would like readers to only cite and use this version (which will remain an unpublished note) instead of the incorrect conference version.Comment: Erratum of Paper "Stability of Influence Maximization" which was presented and published in the KDD1

    Markov Chain Monitoring

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    In networking applications, one often wishes to obtain estimates about the number of objects at different parts of the network (e.g., the number of cars at an intersection of a road network or the number of packets expected to reach a node in a computer network) by monitoring the traffic in a small number of network nodes or edges. We formalize this task by defining the 'Markov Chain Monitoring' problem. Given an initial distribution of items over the nodes of a Markov chain, we wish to estimate the distribution of items at subsequent times. We do this by asking a limited number of queries that retrieve, for example, how many items transitioned to a specific node or over a specific edge at a particular time. We consider different types of queries, each defining a different variant of the Markov chain monitoring. For each variant, we design efficient algorithms for choosing the queries that make our estimates as accurate as possible. In our experiments with synthetic and real datasets we demonstrate the efficiency and the efficacy of our algorithms in a variety of settings.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version)

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    Social networks are commonly used for marketing purposes. For example, free samples of a product can be given to a few influential social network users (or "seed nodes"), with the hope that they will convince their friends to buy it. One way to formalize marketers' objective is through influence maximization (or IM), whose goal is to find the best seed nodes to activate under a fixed budget, so that the number of people who get influenced in the end is maximized. Recent solutions to IM rely on the influence probability that a user influences another one. However, this probability information may be unavailable or incomplete. In this paper, we study IM in the absence of complete information on influence probability. We call this problem Online Influence Maximization (OIM) since we learn influence probabilities at the same time we run influence campaigns. To solve OIM, we propose a multiple-trial approach, where (1) some seed nodes are selected based on existing influence information; (2) an influence campaign is started with these seed nodes; and (3) users' feedback is used to update influence information. We adopt the Explore-Exploit strategy, which can select seed nodes using either the current influence probability estimation (exploit), or the confidence bound on the estimation (explore). Any existing IM algorithm can be used in this framework. We also develop an incremental algorithm that can significantly reduce the overhead of handling users' feedback information. Our experiments show that our solution is more effective than traditional IM methods on the partial information.Comment: 13 pages. To appear in KDD 2015. Extended versio
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