7 research outputs found

    Graph Regularized Nonnegative Latent Factor Analysis Model for Temporal Link Prediction in Cryptocurrency Transaction Networks

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    With the development of blockchain technology, the cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular. This gave birth to a huge cryptocurrency transaction network has received widespread attention. Link prediction learning structure of network is helpful to understand the mechanism of network, so it is also widely studied in cryptocurrency network. However, the dynamics of cryptocurrency transaction networks have been neglected in the past researches. We use graph regularized method to link past transaction records with future transactions. Based on this, we propose a single latent factor-dependent, non-negative, multiplicative and graph regularized-incorporated update (SLF-NMGRU) algorithm and further propose graph regularized nonnegative latent factor analysis (GrNLFA) model. Finally, experiments on a real cryptocurrency transaction network show that the proposed method improves both the accuracy and the computational efficienc

    Adaptive Latent Factor Analysis via Generalized Momentum-Incorporated Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm is an effective learning strategy to build a latent factor analysis (LFA) model on a high-dimensional and incomplete (HDI) matrix. A particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is commonly adopted to make an SGD-based LFA model's hyper-parameters, i.e, learning rate and regularization coefficient, self-adaptation. However, a standard PSO algorithm may suffer from accuracy loss caused by premature convergence. To address this issue, this paper incorporates more historical information into each particle's evolutionary process for avoiding premature convergence following the principle of a generalized-momentum (GM) method, thereby innovatively achieving a novel GM-incorporated PSO (GM-PSO). With it, a GM-PSO-based LFA (GMPL) model is further achieved to implement efficient self-adaptation of hyper-parameters. The experimental results on three HDI matrices demonstrate that the GMPL model achieves a higher prediction accuracy for missing data estimation in industrial applications

    Efficient Extraction of Non-negative Latent Factors from High-Dimensional and Sparse Matrices in Industrial Applications

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    Інтелектуальні системи діагностики теплового стану електродвигуна: монографія.

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    Розглядаються теоретичні і практичні питання теплової діагностики електродвигунів для рухомого складу електротранспорту. У монографії проведено теоретичні дослідження і наведено математичний апарат, що обґрунтовує застосування нових систем діагностики електродвигунів на основі нейронних мереж. Монографія призначена для фахівців проектних, транспортних і комунальних організацій міського господарства, а також буде корисною викладацькому складу, аспірантам і студентам технічних спеціальностей