10,985 research outputs found

    Efficient Energy Minimization for Enforcing Statistics

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    Energy minimization algorithms, such as graph cuts, enable the computation of the MAP solution under certain probabilistic models such as Markov random fields. However, for many computer vision problems, the MAP solution under the model is not the ground truth solution. In many problem scenarios, the system has access to certain statistics of the ground truth. For instance, in image segmentation, the area and boundary length of the object may be known. In these cases, we want to estimate the most probable solution that is consistent with such statistics, i.e., satisfies certain equality or inequality constraints. The above constrained energy minimization problem is NP-hard in general, and is usually solved using Linear Programming formulations, which relax the integrality constraints. This paper proposes a novel method that finds the discrete optimal solution of such problems by maximizing the corresponding Lagrangian dual. This method can be applied to any constrained energy minimization problem whose unconstrained version is polynomial time solvable, and can handle multiple, equality or inequality, and linear or non-linear constraints. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on the foreground/background image segmentation problem, and show that it produces impressive segmentation results with less error, and runs more than 20 times faster than the state-of-the-art LP relaxation based approaches

    Convex Variational Image Restoration with Histogram Priors

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    We present a novel variational approach to image restoration (e.g., denoising, inpainting, labeling) that enables to complement established variational approaches with a histogram-based prior enforcing closeness of the solution to some given empirical measure. By minimizing a single objective function, the approach utilizes simultaneously two quite different sources of information for restoration: spatial context in terms of some smoothness prior and non-spatial statistics in terms of the novel prior utilizing the Wasserstein distance between probability measures. We study the combination of the functional lifting technique with two different relaxations of the histogram prior and derive a jointly convex variational approach. Mathematical equivalence of both relaxations is established and cases where optimality holds are discussed. Additionally, we present an efficient algorithmic scheme for the numerical treatment of the presented model. Experiments using the basic total-variation based denoising approach as a case study demonstrate our novel regularization approach.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Towards analytical model optimization in atmospheric tomography

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    Modern ground-based telescopes rely on a technology called adaptive optics (AO) in order to compensate for the loss of image quality caused by atmospheric turbulence. Next-generation AO systems designed for a wide field of view require a stable and high-resolution reconstruction of the refractive index fluctuations in the atmosphere. By introducing a novel Bayesian method, we address the problem of estimating an atmospheric turbulence strength profile and reconstructing the refractive index fluctuations simultaneously, where we only use wavefront measurements of incoming light from guide stars. Most importantly, we demonstrate how this method can be used for model optimization as well. We propose two different algorithms for solving the maximum a posteriori estimate: the first approach is based on alternating minimization and has the advantage of integrability into existing atmospheric tomography methods. In the second approach, we formulate a convex non-differentiable optimization problem, which is solved by an iterative thresholding method. This approach clearly illustrates the underlying sparsity-enforcing mechanism for the strength profile. By introducing a tuning/regularization parameter, an automated model reduction of the layer structure of the atmosphere is achieved. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the performance of our method in practice

    Exact and Efficient Algorithm to Discover Extreme Stochastic Events in Wind Generation over Transmission Power Grids

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    In this manuscript we continue the thread of [M. Chertkov, F. Pan, M. Stepanov, Predicting Failures in Power Grids: The Case of Static Overloads, IEEE Smart Grid 2011] and suggest a new algorithm discovering most probable extreme stochastic events in static power grids associated with intermittent generation of wind turbines. The algorithm becomes EXACT and EFFICIENT (polynomial) in the case of the proportional (or other low parametric) control of standard generation, and log-concave probability distribution of the renewable generation, assumed known from the wind forecast. We illustrate the algorithm's ability to discover problematic extreme events on the example of the IEEE RTS-96 model of transmission with additions of 10%, 20% and 30% of renewable generation. We observe that the probability of failure may grow but it may also decrease with increase in renewable penetration, if the latter is sufficiently diversified and distributed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, invited session on Smart Grid Integration of Renewable Energy: Failure analysis, Microgrids, and Estimation at CDC/ECC 201

    Hierarchical Piecewise-Constant Super-regions

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    Recent applications in computer vision have come to heavily rely on superpixel over-segmentation as a pre-processing step for higher level vision tasks, such as object recognition, image labelling or image segmentation. Here we present a new superpixel algorithm called Hierarchical Piecewise-Constant Super-regions (HPCS), which not only obtains superpixels comparable to the state-of-the-art, but can also be applied hierarchically to form what we call n-th order super-regions. In essence, a Markov Random Field (MRF)-based anisotropic denoising formulation over the quantized feature space is adopted to form piecewise-constant image regions, which are then combined with a graph-based split & merge post-processing step to form superpixels. The graph and quantized feature based formulation of the problem allows us to generalize it hierarchically to preserve boundary adherence with fewer superpixels. Experimental results show that, despite the simplicity of our framework, it is able to provide high quality superpixels, and to hierarchically apply them to form layers of over-segmentation, each with a decreasing number of superpixels, while maintaining the same desired properties (such as adherence to strong image edges). The algorithm is also memory efficient and has a low computational cost

    Generalized Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization for Ultra-Dense Networks

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    Ultra-dense network (UDN) is a promising technology to further evolve wireless networks and meet the diverse performance requirements of 5G networks. With abundant access points, each with communication, computation and storage resources, UDN brings unprecedented benefits, including significant improvement in network spectral efficiency and energy efficiency, greatly reduced latency to enable novel mobile applications, and the capability of providing massive access for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, such great promises come with formidable research challenges. To design and operate such complex networks with various types of resources, efficient and innovative methodologies will be needed. This motivates the recent introduction of highly structured and generalizable models for network optimization. In this article, we present some recently proposed large-scale sparse and low-rank frameworks for optimizing UDNs, supported by various motivating applications. A special attention is paid on algorithmic approaches to deal with nonconvex objective functions and constraints, as well as computational scalability.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Communication Magazine, Special Issue on Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Network

    Constrained Optimization for Liquid Crystal Equilibria: Extended Results

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    This paper investigates energy-minimization finite-element approaches for the computation of nematic liquid crystal equilibrium configurations. We compare the performance of these methods when the necessary unit-length constraint is enforced by either continuous Lagrange multipliers or a penalty functional. Building on previous work in [1,2], the penalty method is derived and the linearizations within the nonlinear iteration are shown to be well-posed under certain assumptions. In addition, the paper discusses the effects of tailored trust-region methods and nested iteration for both formulations. Such methods are aimed at increasing the efficiency and robustness of each algorithms' nonlinear iterations. Three representative, free-elastic, equilibrium problems are considered to examine each method's performance. The first two configurations have analytical solutions and, therefore, convergence to the true solution is considered. The third problem considers more complicated boundary conditions, relevant in ongoing research, simulating surface nano-patterning. A multigrid approach is introduced and tested for a flexoelectrically coupled model to establish scalability for highly complicated applications. The Lagrange multiplier method is found to outperform the penalty method in a number of measures, trust regions are shown to improve robustness, and nested iteration proves highly effective at reducing computational costs.Comment: 28 Pages, 8 Figures, 15 Tables, 5 Procedures. Added and removed references, as well as some minor figure rearrangemen

    Algorithms for the Markov Entropy Decomposition

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    The Markov entropy decomposition (MED) is a recently-proposed, cluster-based simulation method for finite temperature quantum systems with arbitrary geometry. In this paper, we detail numerical algorithms for performing the required steps of the MED, principally solving a minimization problem with a preconditioned Newton's algorithm, as well as how to extract global susceptibilities and thermal responses. We demonstrate the power of the method with the spin-1/2 XXZ model on the 2D square lattice, including the extraction of critical points and details of each phase. Although the method shares some qualitative similarities with exact-diagonalization, we show the MED is both more accurate and significantly more flexible.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Higher-order Segmentation via Multicuts

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    Multicuts enable to conveniently represent discrete graphical models for unsupervised and supervised image segmentation, in the case of local energy functions that exhibit symmetries. The basic Potts model and natural extensions thereof to higher-order models provide a prominent class of such objectives, that cover a broad range of segmentation problems relevant to image analysis and computer vision. We exhibit a way to systematically take into account such higher-order terms for computational inference. Furthermore, we present results of a comprehensive and competitive numerical evaluation of a variety of dedicated cutting-plane algorithms. Our approach enables the globally optimal evaluation of a significant subset of these models, without compromising runtime. Polynomially solvable relaxations are studied as well, along with advanced rounding schemes for post-processing

    Making Sense of Hidden Layer Information in Deep Networks by Learning Hierarchical Targets

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    This paper proposes an architecture for deep neural networks with hidden layer branches that learn targets of lower hierarchy than final layer targets. The branches provide a channel for enforcing useful information in hidden layer which helps in attaining better accuracy, both for the final layer and hidden layers. The shared layers modify their weights using the gradients of all cost functions higher than the branching layer. This model provides a flexible inference system with many levels of targets which is modular and can be used efficiently in situations requiring different levels of results according to complexity. This paper applies the idea to a text classification task on 20 Newsgroups data set with two level of hierarchical targets and a comparison is made with training without the use of hidden layer branches.Comment: Updated to add a note with commentary on original (v1) submissio
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