2 research outputs found

    Efficient Decomposition of Dense Matrices over GF(2)

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    In this work we describe an efficient implementation of a hierarchy of algorithms for the decomposition of dense matrices over the field with two elements (GF(2)). Matrix decomposition is an essential building block for solving dense systems of linear and non-linear equations and thus much research has been devoted to improve the asymptotic complexity of such algorithms. In this work we discuss an implementation of both well-known and improved algorithms in the M4RI library. The focus of our discussion is on a new variant of the M4RI algorithm - denoted MMPF in this work -- which allows for considerable performance gains in practice when compared to the previously fastest implementation. We provide performance figures on x86_64 CPUs to demonstrate the viability of our approach

    An Improvement over the GVW Algorithm for Inhomogeneous Polynomial Systems

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    The GVW algorithm is a signature-based algorithm for computing Gr\"obner bases. If the input system is not homogeneous, some J-pairs with higher signatures but lower degrees are rejected by GVW's Syzygy Criterion, instead, GVW have to compute some J-pairs with lower signatures but higher degrees. Consequently, degrees of polynomials appearing during the computations may unnecessarily grow up higher and the computation become more expensive. In this paper, a variant of the GVW algorithm, called M-GVW, is proposed and mutant pairs are introduced to overcome inconveniences brought by inhomogeneous input polynomials. Some techniques from linear algebra are used to improve the efficiency. Both GVW and M-GVW have been implemented in C++ and tested by many examples from boolean polynomial rings. The timings show M-GVW usually performs much better than the original GVW algorithm when mutant pairs are found. Besides, M-GVW is also compared with intrinsic Gr\"obner bases functions on Maple, Singular and Magma. Due to the efficient routines from the M4RI library, the experimental results show that M-GVW is very efficient