2 research outputs found

    Efficient (nonrandom) construction and decoding for non-adaptive group testing

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    The task of non-adaptive group testing is to identify up to dd defective items from NN items, where a test is positive if it contains at least one defective item, and negative otherwise. If there are tt tests, they can be represented as a tΓ—Nt \times N measurement matrix. We have answered the question of whether there exists a scheme such that a larger measurement matrix, built from a given tΓ—Nt\times N measurement matrix, can be used to identify up to dd defective items in time O(tlog⁑2N)O(t \log_2{N}). In the meantime, a tΓ—Nt \times N nonrandom measurement matrix with t=O(d2log⁑22N(log⁑2(dlog⁑2N)βˆ’log⁑2log⁑2(dlog⁑2N))2)t = O \left(\frac{d^2 \log_2^2{N}}{(\log_2(d\log_2{N}) - \log_2{\log_2(d\log_2{N})})^2} \right) can be obtained to identify up to dd defective items in time poly(t)\mathrm{poly}(t). This is much better than the best well-known bound, t=O(d2log⁑22N)t = O \left( d^2 \log_2^2{N} \right). For the special case d=2d = 2, there exists an efficient nonrandom construction in which at most two defective items can be identified in time 4log⁑22N4\log_2^2{N} using t=4log⁑22Nt = 4\log_2^2{N} tests. Numerical results show that our proposed scheme is more practical than existing ones, and experimental results confirm our theoretical analysis. In particular, up to 27=1282^{7} = 128 defective items can be identified in less than 1616s even for N=2100N = 2^{100}