27,353 research outputs found

    Edge-Host Partitioning of Deep Neural Networks with Feature Space Encoding for Resource-Constrained Internet-of-Things Platforms

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    This paper introduces partitioning an inference task of a deep neural network between an edge and a host platform in the IoT environment. We present a DNN as an encoding pipeline, and propose to transmit the output feature space of an intermediate layer to the host. The lossless or lossy encoding of the feature space is proposed to enhance the maximum input rate supported by the edge platform and/or reduce the energy of the edge platform. Simulation results show that partitioning a DNN at the end of convolutional (feature extraction) layers coupled with feature space encoding enables significant improvement in the energy-efficiency and throughput over the baseline configurations that perform the entire inference at the edge or at the host

    Prediction of Aerodynamic Flow Fields Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    An approximation model based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is proposed for flow field predictions. The CNN is used to predict the velocity and pressure field in unseen flow conditions and geometries given the pixelated shape of the object. In particular, we consider Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) flow solutions over airfoil shapes. The CNN can automatically detect essential features with minimal human supervision and shown to effectively estimate the velocity and pressure field orders of magnitude faster than the RANS solver, making it possible to study the impact of the airfoil shape and operating conditions on the aerodynamic forces and the flow field in near-real time. The use of specific convolution operations, parameter sharing, and robustness to noise are shown to enhance the predictive capabilities of CNN. We explore the network architecture and its effectiveness in predicting the flow field for different airfoil shapes, angles of attack, and Reynolds numbers

    Unsupervised Deep Feature Extraction for Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    This paper introduces the use of single layer and deep convolutional networks for remote sensing data analysis. Direct application to multi- and hyper-spectral imagery of supervised (shallow or deep) convolutional networks is very challenging given the high input data dimensionality and the relatively small amount of available labeled data. Therefore, we propose the use of greedy layer-wise unsupervised pre-training coupled with a highly efficient algorithm for unsupervised learning of sparse features. The algorithm is rooted on sparse representations and enforces both population and lifetime sparsity of the extracted features, simultaneously. We successfully illustrate the expressive power of the extracted representations in several scenarios: classification of aerial scenes, as well as land-use classification in very high resolution (VHR), or land-cover classification from multi- and hyper-spectral images. The proposed algorithm clearly outperforms standard Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its kernel counterpart (kPCA), as well as current state-of-the-art algorithms of aerial classification, while being extremely computationally efficient at learning representations of data. Results show that single layer convolutional networks can extract powerful discriminative features only when the receptive field accounts for neighboring pixels, and are preferred when the classification requires high resolution and detailed results. However, deep architectures significantly outperform single layers variants, capturing increasing levels of abstraction and complexity throughout the feature hierarchy

    Deep convolutional encoder-decoder networks for uncertainty quantification of dynamic multiphase flow in heterogeneous media

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    Surrogate strategies are used widely for uncertainty quantification of groundwater models in order to improve computational efficiency. However, their application to dynamic multiphase flow problems is hindered by the curse of dimensionality, the saturation discontinuity due to capillarity effects, and the time-dependence of the multi-output responses. In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional encoder-decoder neural network methodology to tackle these issues. The surrogate modeling task is transformed to an image-to-image regression strategy. This approach extracts high-level coarse features from the high-dimensional input permeability images using an encoder, and then refines the coarse features to provide the output pressure/saturation images through a decoder. A training strategy combining a regression loss and a segmentation loss is proposed in order to better approximate the discontinuous saturation field. To characterize the high-dimensional time-dependent outputs of the dynamic system, time is treated as an additional input to the network that is trained using pairs of input realizations and of the corresponding system outputs at a limited number of time instances. The proposed method is evaluated using a geological carbon storage process-based multiphase flow model with a 2500-dimensional stochastic permeability field. With a relatively small number of training data, the surrogate model is capable of accurately characterizing the spatio-temporal evolution of the pressure and discontinuous CO2 saturation fields and can be used efficiently to compute the statistics of the system responses.Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Water Resources Researc

    Whetstone: A Method for Training Deep Artificial Neural Networks for Binary Communication

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    This paper presents a new technique for training networks for low-precision communication. Targeting minimal communication between nodes not only enables the use of emerging spiking neuromorphic platforms, but may additionally streamline processing conventionally. Low-power and embedded neuromorphic processors potentially offer dramatic performance-per-Watt improvements over traditional von Neumann processors, however programming these brain-inspired platforms generally requires platform-specific expertise which limits their applicability. To date, the majority of artificial neural networks have not operated using discrete spike-like communication. We present a method for training deep spiking neural networks using an iterative modification of the backpropagation optimization algorithm. This method, which we call Whetstone, effectively and reliably configures a network for a spiking hardware target with little, if any, loss in performance. Whetstone networks use single time step binary communication and do not require a rate code or other spike-based coding scheme, thus producing networks comparable in timing and size to conventional ANNs, albeit with binarized communication. We demonstrate Whetstone on a number of image classification networks, describing how the sharpening process interacts with different training optimizers and changes the distribution of activity within the network. We further note that Whetstone is compatible with several non-classification neural network applications, such as autoencoders and semantic segmentation. Whetstone is widely extendable and currently implemented using custom activation functions within the Keras wrapper to the popular TensorFlow machine learning framework

    Deep and Wide Multiscale Recursive Networks for Robust Image Labeling

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    Feedforward multilayer networks trained by supervised learning have recently demonstrated state of the art performance on image labeling problems such as boundary prediction and scene parsing. As even very low error rates can limit practical usage of such systems, methods that perform closer to human accuracy remain desirable. In this work, we propose a new type of network with the following properties that address what we hypothesize to be limiting aspects of existing methods: (1) a `wide' structure with thousands of features, (2) a large field of view, (3) recursive iterations that exploit statistical dependencies in label space, and (4) a parallelizable architecture that can be trained in a fraction of the time compared to benchmark multilayer convolutional networks. For the specific image labeling problem of boundary prediction, we also introduce a novel example weighting algorithm that improves segmentation accuracy. Experiments in the challenging domain of connectomic reconstruction of neural circuity from 3d electron microscopy data show that these "Deep And Wide Multiscale Recursive" (DAWMR) networks lead to new levels of image labeling performance. The highest performing architecture has twelve layers, interwoven supervised and unsupervised stages, and uses an input field of view of 157,464 voxels (54354^3) to make a prediction at each image location. We present an associated open source software package that enables the simple and flexible creation of DAWMR networks

    CodeX: Bit-Flexible Encoding for Streaming-based FPGA Acceleration of DNNs

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    This paper proposes CodeX, an end-to-end framework that facilitates encoding, bitwidth customization, fine-tuning, and implementation of neural networks on FPGA platforms. CodeX incorporates nonlinear encoding to the computation flow of neural networks to save memory. The encoded features demand significantly lower storage compared to the raw full-precision activation values; therefore, the execution flow of CodeX hardware engine is completely performed within the FPGA using on-chip streaming buffers with no access to the off-chip DRAM. We further propose a fully-automated algorithm inspired by reinforcement learning which determines the customized encoding bitwidth across network layers. CodeX full-stack framework comprises of a compiler which takes a high-level Python description of an arbitrary neural network architecture. The compiler then instantiates the corresponding elements from CodeX Hardware library for FPGA implementation. Proof-of-concept evaluations on MNIST, SVHN, and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrate an average of 4.65x throughput improvement compared to stand-alone weight encoding. We further compare CodeX with six existing full-precision DNN accelerators on ImageNet, showing an average of 3.6x and 2.54x improvement in throughput and performance-per-watt, respectively

    Automatic Model Selection for Neural Networks

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    Neural networks and deep learning are changing the way that artificial intelligence is being done. Efficiently choosing a suitable network architecture and fine-tune its hyper-parameters for a specific dataset is a time-consuming task given the staggering number of possible alternatives. In this paper, we address the problem of model selection by means of a fully automated framework for efficiently selecting a neural network model for a given task: classification or regression. The algorithm, named Automatic Model Selection, is a modified micro-genetic algorithm that automatically and efficiently finds the most suitable neural network model for a given dataset. The main contributions of this method are a simple list based encoding for neural networks as genotypes in an evolutionary algorithm, new crossover, and mutation operators, the introduction of a fitness function that considers both, the accuracy of the model and its complexity and a method to measure the similarity between two neural networks. AMS is evaluated on two different datasets. By comparing some models obtained with AMS to state-of-the-art models for each dataset we show that AMS can automatically find efficient neural network models. Furthermore, AMS is computationally efficient and can make use of distributed computing paradigms to further boost its performance.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Preprint Submitted to Elsevier Neural Network

    NeuNetS: An Automated Synthesis Engine for Neural Network Design

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    Application of neural networks to a vast variety of practical applications is transforming the way AI is applied in practice. Pre-trained neural network models available through APIs or capability to custom train pre-built neural network architectures with customer data has made the consumption of AI by developers much simpler and resulted in broad adoption of these complex AI models. While prebuilt network models exist for certain scenarios, to try and meet the constraints that are unique to each application, AI teams need to think about developing custom neural network architectures that can meet the tradeoff between accuracy and memory footprint to achieve the tight constraints of their unique use-cases. However, only a small proportion of data science teams have the skills and experience needed to create a neural network from scratch, and the demand far exceeds the supply. In this paper, we present NeuNetS : An automated Neural Network Synthesis engine for custom neural network design that is available as part of IBM's AI OpenScale's product. NeuNetS is available for both Text and Image domains and can build neural networks for specific tasks in a fraction of the time it takes today with human effort, and with accuracy similar to that of human-designed AI models.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.0025

    Graph Convolution: A High-Order and Adaptive Approach

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    In this paper, we presented a novel convolutional neural network framework for graph modeling, with the introduction of two new modules specially designed for graph-structured data: the kk-th order convolution operator and the adaptive filtering module. Importantly, our framework of High-order and Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network (HA-GCN) is a general-purposed architecture that fits various applications on both node and graph centrics, as well as graph generative models. We conducted extensive experiments on demonstrating the advantages of our framework. Particularly, our HA-GCN outperforms the state-of-the-art models on node classification and molecule property prediction tasks. It also generates 32% more real molecules on the molecule generation task, both of which will significantly benefit real-world applications such as material design and drug screening