4 research outputs found

    Collaborative Based Filtering Approach for Web Service Recommendations using GEO-Locations

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    Service computing is one of Internet-based computing, whereas the shared configurable resources (e.g., infrastructure, platform, and software) are provided to computers and other devices are as services. Strongly promoted by the leading industrial companies like, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, etc, In recent years, service computing are quickly becoming popular. Applications are deployed in real time environment are typically large scale and complex. The rising popularity of service computing, it is how to build high-quality service applications it becomes an urgently required research problem. In Similar, the traditional component-based systems, cloud applications are typically involves multiple cloud components communicating with each other over application programming interfaces, through web services. On-functional performance of cloud services are usually described by the quality-of-service (QoS). QoS is an important research topic in cloud computing. When the creation optimal cloud service selection from a set of functionally corresponding services, QoS values are of cloud services provided the valuable information to assist decision making. The component-based systems, software components are invoked locally in tradition, while in cloud applications, the cloud services are invoked remotely by Internet connections. To evade the slow and expensive real-world service invocation QoS ranking prediction framework is used. This framework requires no extra invocations of cloud services when making QoS ranking prediction can implement novel collaborative filtering approach to recommend the web services with improved performance. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15033

    QoS based Effective and Efficient Selection of Web Service and Retrieval of Search Information

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    Web services are integrated software components for the support of interoperable machine to machine interaction over a network. Web services have been widely employed for building service-oriented applications in both industry and academia in recent years. The number of publicly available Web services is steadily increasing on the Internet. However, this proliferation makes it hard for a user to select a proper Web service among a large amount of service candidates. An inappropriate service selection may cause many problems to the resulting applications. In this paper, a novel collaborative filtering-based Web service recommender system is proposed to help the users and select services with optimal QoS performance. Our recommender system employ an effective and efficient selection of web services and relevant retrieval of information and makes personalized service recommendation to users based on the clustering results. Compared with existing service recommendation methods, the proposed approach achieves considerable improvement on the recommendation accuracy and the QoS performance metrics adopted in this paper shows the better accuracy and relevant web services


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    Web administrations are incorporated programming segments for the backing of interoperable machine-to-machine association over a system. Web administrations have been broadly utilized for building administration situated applications in both industry and the educated community in late years. The quantity of freely accessible Web administrations is consistently expanding on the Internet. Be that as it may, this multiplication makes it hard for a client to choose an appropriate Web administration among a lot of administration competitors. An improper administration determination may bring about numerous issues (e.g., illsuited execution) to the subsequent applications. In this paper, we propose a novel community separating based Web administration recommender framework to help clients select administrations with ideal Quality-of-Service (QoS) execution. Our recommender framework utilizes the area data and QoS qualities to bunch clients and administrations, and makes customized administration proposal for clients in view of the grouping results. Contrasted and existing administration suggestion techniques, our methodology accomplishes impressive change on the proposal precision. Extensive tests are led including more than 1.5 million QoS records of true Web administrations to exhibit the adequacy of our methodology

    Efficient correlation-aware service selection

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