5 research outputs found

    Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Training with Direct Feedback Alignment

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    There were many algorithms to substitute the back-propagation (BP) in the deep neural network (DNN) training. However, they could not become popular because their training accuracy and the computational efficiency were worse than BP. One of them was direct feedback alignment (DFA), but it showed low training performance especially for the convolutional neural network (CNN). In this paper, we overcome the limitation of the DFA algorithm by combining with the conventional BP during the CNN training. To improve the training stability, we also suggest the feedback weight initialization method by analyzing the patterns of the fixed random matrices in the DFA. Finally, we propose the new training algorithm, binary direct feedback alignment (BDFA) to minimize the computational cost while maintaining the training accuracy compared with the DFA. In our experiments, we use the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 dataset to simulate the CNN learning from the scratch and apply the BDFA to the online learning based object tracking application to examine the training in the small dataset environment. Our proposed algorithms show better performance than conventional BP in both two different training tasks especially when the dataset is small.Comment: The paper was submitted to ICLR 201

    Accelerated CNN Training Through Gradient Approximation

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    Training deep convolutional neural networks such as VGG and ResNet by gradient descent is an expensive exercise requiring specialized hardware such as GPUs. Recent works have examined the possibility of approximating the gradient computation while maintaining the same convergence properties. While promising, the approximations only work on relatively small datasets such as MNIST. They also fail to achieve real wall-clock speedups due to lack of efficient GPU implementations of the proposed approximation methods. In this work, we explore three alternative methods to approximate gradients, with an efficient GPU kernel implementation for one of them. We achieve wall-clock speedup with ResNet-20 and VGG-19 on the CIFAR-10 dataset upwards of 7%, with a minimal loss in validation accuracy.Comment: An abridged version was presented at EMC^2 : Workshop On Energy Efficient Machine Learning And Cognitive Computing For Embedded Applications at ISCA 201

    Extension of Direct Feedback Alignment to Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network for Bio-plausible Deep Learning

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    Throughout this paper, we focus on the improvement of the direct feedback alignment (DFA) algorithm and extend the usage of the DFA to convolutional and recurrent neural networks (CNNs and RNNs). Even though the DFA algorithm is biologically plausible and has a potential of high-speed training, it has not been considered as the substitute for back-propagation (BP) due to the low accuracy in the CNN and RNN training. In this work, we propose a new DFA algorithm for BP-level accurate CNN and RNN training. Firstly, we divide the network into several modules and apply the DFA algorithm within the module. Second, the DFA with the sparse backward weight is applied. It comes with a form of dilated convolution in the CNN case, and in a form of sparse matrix multiplication in the RNN case. Additionally, the error propagation method of CNN becomes simpler through the group convolution. Finally, hybrid DFA increases the accuracy of the CNN and RNN training to the BP-level while taking advantage of the parallelism and hardware efficiency of the DFA algorithm.Comment: Submitted to WACV202

    Low-memory stochastic backpropagation with multi-channel randomized trace estimation

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    Thanks to the combination of state-of-the-art accelerators and highly optimized open software frameworks, there has been tremendous progress in the performance of deep neural networks. While these developments have been responsible for many breakthroughs, progress towards solving large-scale problems, such as video encoding and semantic segmentation in 3D, is hampered because access to on-premise memory is often limited. Instead of relying on (optimal) checkpointing or invertibility of the network layers -- to recover the activations during backpropagation -- we propose to approximate the gradient of convolutional layers in neural networks with a multi-channel randomized trace estimation technique. Compared to other methods, this approach is simple, amenable to analyses, and leads to a greatly reduced memory footprint. Even though the randomized trace estimation introduces stochasticity during training, we argue that this is of little consequence as long as the induced errors are of the same order as errors in the gradient due to the use of stochastic gradient descent. We discuss the performance of networks trained with stochastic backpropagation and how the error can be controlled while maximizing memory usage and minimizing computational overhead

    Design of Artificial Intelligence Agents for Games using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In order perform a large variety of tasks and to achieve human-level performance in complex real-world environments, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agents must be able to learn from their past experiences and gain both knowledge and an accurate representation of their environment from raw sensory inputs. Traditionally, AI agents have suffered from difficulties in using only sensory inputs to obtain a good representation of their environment and then mapping this representation to an efficient control policy. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have provided a solution to this issue. In this study, the performance of different conventional and novel deep reinforcement learning algorithms was analysed. The proposed method utilises two types of algorithms, one trained with a variant of Q-learning (DQN) and another trained with SARSA learning (DSN) to assess the feasibility of using direct feedback alignment, a novel biologically plausible method for back-propagating the error. These novel agents, alongside two similar agents trained with the conventional backpropagation algorithm, were tested by using the OpenAI Gym toolkit on several classic control theory problems and Atari 2600 video games. The results of this investigation open the way into new, biologically-inspired deep reinforcement learning algorithms, and their implementation on neuromorphic hardware.Comment: Dissertation submitted to the University of Sheffield in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering. 98 pages, 21 Tables, 58 Figure