29,531 research outputs found

    Nonparametric likelihood based estimation of linear filters for point processes

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    We consider models for multivariate point processes where the intensity is given nonparametrically in terms of functions in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The likelihood function involves a time integral and is consequently not given in terms of a finite number of kernel evaluations. The main result is a representation of the gradient of the log-likelihood, which we use to derive computable approximations of the log-likelihood and the gradient by time discretization. These approximations are then used to minimize the approximate penalized log-likelihood. For time and memory efficiency the implementation relies crucially on the use of sparse matrices. As an illustration we consider neuron network modeling, and we use this example to investigate how the computational costs of the approximations depend on the resolution of the time discretization. The implementation is available in the R package ppstat.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A Fast Poisson Solver of Second-Order Accuracy for Isolated Systems in Three-Dimensional Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates

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    We present an accurate and efficient method to calculate the gravitational potential of an isolated system in three-dimensional Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates subject to vacuum (open) boundary conditions. Our method consists of two parts: an interior solver and a boundary solver. The interior solver adopts an eigenfunction expansion method together with a tridiagonal matrix solver to solve the Poisson equation subject to the zero boundary condition. The boundary solver employs James's method to calculate the boundary potential due to the screening charges required to keep the zero boundary condition for the interior solver. A full computation of gravitational potential requires running the interior solver twice and the boundary solver once. We develop a method to compute the discrete Green's function in cylindrical coordinates, which is an integral part of the James algorithm to maintain second-order accuracy. We implement our method in the {\tt Athena++} magnetohydrodynamics code, and perform various tests to check that our solver is second-order accurate and exhibits good parallel performance.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Balanced Quantization: An Effective and Efficient Approach to Quantized Neural Networks

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    Quantized Neural Networks (QNNs), which use low bitwidth numbers for representing parameters and performing computations, have been proposed to reduce the computation complexity, storage size and memory usage. In QNNs, parameters and activations are uniformly quantized, such that the multiplications and additions can be accelerated by bitwise operations. However, distributions of parameters in Neural Networks are often imbalanced, such that the uniform quantization determined from extremal values may under utilize available bitwidth. In this paper, we propose a novel quantization method that can ensure the balance of distributions of quantized values. Our method first recursively partitions the parameters by percentiles into balanced bins, and then applies uniform quantization. We also introduce computationally cheaper approximations of percentiles to reduce the computation overhead introduced. Overall, our method improves the prediction accuracies of QNNs without introducing extra computation during inference, has negligible impact on training speed, and is applicable to both Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks. Experiments on standard datasets including ImageNet and Penn Treebank confirm the effectiveness of our method. On ImageNet, the top-5 error rate of our 4-bit quantized GoogLeNet model is 12.7\%, which is superior to the state-of-the-arts of QNNs