2,476 research outputs found

    Efficient Beam Training and Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Communications Under Mobility

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient beam training technique for millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications. When some mobile users are under high mobility, the beam training should be performed frequently to ensure the accurate acquisition of the channel state information. In order to reduce the resource overhead caused by frequent beam training, we introduce a dedicated beam training strategy which sends the training beams separately to a specific high mobility user (called a target user) without changing the periodicity of the conventional beam training. The dedicated beam training requires small amount of resources since the training beams can be optimized for the target user. In order to satisfy the performance requirement with low training overhead, we propose the optimal training beam selection strategy which finds the best beamforming vectors yielding the lowest channel estimation error based on the target user's probabilistic channel information. Such dedicated beam training is combined with the greedy channel estimation algorithm that accounts for sparse characteristics and temporal dynamics of the target user's channel. Our numerical evaluation demonstrates that the proposed scheme can maintain good channel estimation performance with significantly less training overhead compared to the conventional beam training protocols.Comment: 3p pages, This paper was submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. on Oct. 6, 201

    Deep Learning Coordinated Beamforming for Highly-Mobile Millimeter Wave Systems

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    Supporting high mobility in millimeter wave (mmWave) systems enables a wide range of important applications such as vehicular communications and wireless virtual/augmented reality. Realizing this in practice, though, requires overcoming several challenges. First, the use of narrow beams and the sensitivity of mmWave signals to blockage greatly impact the coverage and reliability of highly-mobile links. Second, highly-mobile users in dense mmWave deployments need to frequently hand-off between base stations (BSs), which is associated with critical control and latency overhead. Further, identifying the optimal beamforming vectors in large antenna array mmWave systems requires considerable training overhead, which significantly affects the efficiency of these mobile systems. In this paper, a novel integrated machine learning and coordinated beamforming solution is developed to overcome these challenges and enable highly-mobile mmWave applications. In the proposed solution, a number of distributed yet coordinating BSs simultaneously serve a mobile user. This user ideally needs to transmit only one uplink training pilot sequence that will be jointly received at the coordinating BSs using omni or quasi-omni beam patterns. These received signals draw a defining signature not only for the user location, but also for its interaction with the surrounding environment. The developed solution then leverages a deep learning model that learns how to use these signatures to predict the beamforming vectors at the BSs. This renders a comprehensive solution that supports highly-mobile mmWave applications with reliable coverage, low latency, and negligible training overhead. Simulation results show that the proposed deep-learning coordinated beamforming strategy approaches the achievable rate of the genie-aided solution that knows the optimal beamforming vectors with no training overhead.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures, accepted in IEEE Acces

    Bandit Inspired Beam Searching Scheme for mmWave High-Speed Train Communications

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    High-speed trains (HSTs) are being widely deployed around the world. To meet the high-rate data transmission requirements on HSTs, millimeter wave (mmWave) HST communications have drawn increasingly attentions. To realize sufficient link margin, mmWave HST systems employ directional beamforming with large antenna arrays, which results in that the channel estimation is rather time-consuming. In HST scenarios, channel conditions vary quickly and channel estimations should be performed frequently. Since the period of each transmission time interval (TTI) is too short to allocate enough time for accurate channel estimation, the key challenge is how to design an efficient beam searching scheme to leave more time for data transmission. Motivated by the successful applications of machine learning, this paper tries to exploit the similarities between current and historical wireless propagation environments. Using the knowledge of reinforcement learning, the beam searching problem of mmWave HST communications is formulated as a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem and a bandit inspired beam searching scheme is proposed to reduce the number of measurements as many as possible. Unlike the popular deep learning methods, the proposed scheme does not need to collect and store a massive amount of training data in advance, which can save a huge amount of resources such as storage space, computing time, and power energy. Moreover, the performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed in terms of regret. The regret analysis indicates that the proposed schemes can approach the theoretical limit very quickly, which is further verified by simulation results

    Channel Tracking and Hybrid Precoding for Wideband Hybrid Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems

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    A major source of difficulty when operating with large arrays at mmWave frequencies is to estimate the wideband channel, since the use of hybrid architectures acts as a compression stage for the received signal. Moreover, the channel has to be tracked and the antenna arrays regularly reconfigured to obtain appropriate beamforming gains when a mobile setting is considered. In this paper, we focus on the problem of channel tracking for frequency-selective mmWave channels, and propose two novel channel tracking algorithms that leverage prior statistical information on the angles-of-arrival and angles-of-departure. Exploiting this prior information, we also propose a precoding and combining design method to increase the received SNR during channel tracking, such that near-optimum data rates can be obtained with low-overhead. In our numerical results, we analyze the performance of our proposed algorithms for different system parameters. Simulation results show that, using channel realizations extracted from the 5G New Radio channel model, our proposed channel tracking framework is able to achieve near-optimum data rates

    Inverse Multipath Fingerprinting for Millimeter Wave V2I Beam Alignment

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    Efficient beam alignment is a crucial component in millimeter wave systems with analog beamforming, especially in fast-changing vehicular settings. This paper proposes a position-aided approach where the vehicle's position (e.g., available via GPS) is used to query the multipath fingerprint database, which provides prior knowledge of potential pointing directions for reliable beam alignment. The approach is the inverse of fingerprinting localization, where the measured multipath signature is compared to the fingerprint database to retrieve the most likely position. The power loss probability is introduced as a metric to quantify misalignment accuracy and is used for optimizing candidate beam selection. Two candidate beam selection methods are developed, where one is a heuristic while the other minimizes the misalignment probability. The proposed beam alignment is evaluated using realistic channels generated from a commercial ray-tracing simulator. Using the generated channels, an extensive investigation is provided, which includes the required measurement sample size to build an effective fingerprint, the impact of measurement noise, the sensitivity to changes in traffic density, and beam alignment overhead comparison with IEEE 802.11ad as the baseline. Using the concept of beam coherence time, which is the duration between two consecutive beam alignments, and parameters of IEEE 802.11ad, the overhead is compared in the mobility context. The results show that while the proposed approach provides increasing rates with larger antenna arrays, IEEE 802.11ad has decreasing rates due to the larger beam training overhead that eats up a large portion of the beam coherence time, which becomes shorter with increasing mobility.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    A Survey of Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Communications for 5G: Opportunities and Challenges

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    With the explosive growth of mobile data demand, the fifth generation (5G) mobile network would exploit the enormous amount of spectrum in the millimeter wave (mmWave) bands to greatly increase communication capacity. There are fundamental differences between mmWave communications and existing other communication systems, in terms of high propagation loss, directivity, and sensitivity to blockage. These characteristics of mmWave communications pose several challenges to fully exploit the potential of mmWave communications, including integrated circuits and system design, interference management, spatial reuse, anti-blockage, and dynamics control. To address these challenges, we carry out a survey of existing solutions and standards, and propose design guidelines in architectures and protocols for mmWave communications. We also discuss the potential applications of mmWave communications in the 5G network, including the small cell access, the cellular access, and the wireless backhaul. Finally, we discuss relevant open research issues including the new physical layer technology, software-defined network architecture, measurements of network state information, efficient control mechanisms, and heterogeneous networking, which should be further investigated to facilitate the deployment of mmWave communication systems in the future 5G networks.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables, Journal pape

    Beam Acquisition and Training in Millimeter Wave Networks with Narrowband Pilots

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    This paper studies initial beam acquisition in a millimeter wave network consisting of multiple access points (APs) and mobile devices. A training protocol for joint estimation of transmit and receive beams is presented with a general frame structure consisting of an initial access sub-frame followed by data transmission sub-frames. During the initial subframe, APs and mobiles sweep through a set of beams and determine the best transmit and receive beams via a handshake. All pilot signals are narrowband (tones), and the mobiles are distinguished by their assigned pilot frequencies. Both non-coherent and coherent beam estimation methods based on, respectively, power detection and maximum likelihood (ML) are presented. To avoid exchanging information about beamforming vectors between APs and mobiles, a local maximum likelihood (LML) algorithm is also presented. An efficient fast Fourier transform implementation is proposed for ML and LML to achieve high-resolution. A system-level optimization is performed in which the frame length, training time, and training bandwidth are selected to maximize a rate objective taking into account blockage and mobility. Simulation results based on a realistic network topology are presented to compare the performance of different estimation methods and training codebooks, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Millimeter Wave communication with out-of-band information

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    Configuring the antenna arrays is the main source of overhead in millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems. In high mobility scenarios, the problem is exacerbated, as achieving the highest rates requires frequent link reconfiguration. One solution is to exploit spatial congruence between signals at different frequency bands and extract mmWave channel parameters from side information obtained in another band. In this paper we propose the concept of out-of-band information aided mmWave communication. We analyze different strategies to leverage information derived from sensors or from other communication systems operating at sub-6 GHz bands to help configure the mmWave communication link. The overhead reductions that can be obtained when exploiting out-of-band information are characterized in a preliminary study. Finally, the challenges associated with using out-of-band signals as a source of side information at mmWave are analyzed in detail.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Efficient Beam Alignment for mmWave Single-Carrier Systems with Hybrid MIMO Transceivers

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    Communication at millimeter wave (mmWave) bands is expected to become a key ingredient of next generation (5G) wireless networks. Effective mmWave communications require fast and reliable methods for beamforming at both the User Equipment (UE) and the Base Station (BS) sides, in order to achieve a sufficiently large Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) after beamforming. We refer to the problem of finding a pair of strongly coupled narrow beams at the transmitter and receiver as the Beam Alignment (BA) problem. In this paper, we propose an efficient BA scheme for single-carrier mmWave communications. In the proposed scheme, the BS periodically probes the channel in the downlink via a pre-specified pseudo-random beamforming codebook and pseudo-random spreading codes, letting each UE estimate the Angle-of-Arrival / Angle-of-Departure (AoA-AoD) pair of the multipath channel for which the energy transfer is maximum. We leverage the sparse nature of mmWave channels in the AoA-AoD domain to formulate the BA problem as the estimation of a sparse non-negative vector. Based on the recently developed Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS) technique, we efficiently find the strongest AoA-AoD pair connecting each UE to the BS. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme under a realistic channel model, where the propagation channel consists of a few multipath scattering components each having different delays, AoAs-AoDs, and Doppler shifts.The channel model parameters are consistent with experimental channel measurements. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method is highly robust to fast channel variations caused by the large Doppler spread between the multipath components. Furthermore, we also show that after achieving BA the beamformed channel is essentially frequency-flat, such that single-carrier communication needs no equalization in the time domain

    Codebook-Based Beam Tracking for Conformal ArrayEnabled UAV MmWave Networks

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications can potentially meet the high data-rate requirements of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) networks. However, as the prerequisite of mmWave communications, the narrow directional beam tracking is very challenging because of the three-dimensional (3D) mobility and attitude variation of UAVs. Aiming to address the beam tracking difficulties, we propose to integrate the conformal array (CA) with the surface of each UAV, which enables the full spatial coverage and the agile beam tracking in highly dynamic UAV mmWave networks. More specifically, the key contributions of our work are three-fold. 1) A new mmWave beam tracking framework is established for the CA-enabled UAV mmWave network. 2) A specialized hierarchical codebook is constructed to drive the directional radiating element (DRE)-covered cylindrical conformal array (CCA), which contains both the angular beam pattern and the subarray pattern to fully utilize the potential of the CA. 3) A codebook-based multiuser beam tracking scheme is proposed, where the Gaussian process machine learning enabled UAV position/attitude predication is developed to improve the beam tracking efficiency in conjunction with the tracking-error aware adaptive beamwidth control. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed codebook-based beam tracking scheme in the CA-enabled UAV mmWave network, and demonstrate the advantages of CA over the conventional planner array in terms of spectrum efficiency and outage probability in the highly dynamic scenarios